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Recensione del mini PC Maxtang MTN-ALN50: PC da ufficio molto economico con buone prestazioni grazie all'Intel Core i3-N305 e 8 cores

Intel Core i3 - non è in secondo piano. Con il suo Intel Core i3-N305, Maxtang MTN-ALN50 è in grado di stupire con buone prestazioni quotidiane. Grazie all'unità di raffreddamento attiva, il processore nativo a 8 core non ha bisogno di essere rallentato artificialmente. In questa recensione, abbiamo analizzato come il Maxtang MTN-ALN50 si è comportato rispetto alla concorrenza e se il rapporto prezzo-prestazioni è giusto.
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 con Intel Core i3-N305
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 con Intel Core i3-N305
Configurazioni Maxtang MTN-ALN50 (Fonte: Maxtang)
Configurazioni Maxtang MTN-ALN50 (Fonte: Maxtang)

In qualità di produttore di sistemi cinese, Maxtang si concentra principalmente su soluzioni industriali speciali, anche se alcuni mini PC dell'attuale portafoglio hanno anche il potenziale di servire come compagni d'ufficio quotidiani. Con il recente test Maxtang MTN-FP750il produttore non è stato in grado di soddisfare le aspettative che si avevano dopo aver esaminato i dati tecnici. Con il Maxtang MTN-ALN50, le aspettative sono comunque un po' più basse a causa dell'hardware integrato. Tuttavia, Maxtang MTN-ALN50 ha un Intel Core i3-N305 con 8 core fisici, che dovrebbe promettere prestazioni eccellenti. Il Intel Core i3-N305 dovrebbe superare facilmente le prestazioni di Intel N95 e Intel N100 SoC, che sono spesso utilizzati in questi dispositivi. Per inciso, Maxtang offre anche l'MTN-ALN50 con l'Intel N100. Come sistema barebone, i prezzi partono da 115 dollari USA, mentre il modello Core i3 costerebbe almeno 276 dollari USA. Il nostro campione di prova con 16 GB di RAM e un SSD da 512 GB costa 348 dollari USA. Può sembrare un po' troppo, ma rispetto al sistema Zotac Zbox Pico PI430AJ è un affare. Possiamo anche trascurare il fatto che nessun sistema operativo è incluso nella fornitura.

Può trovare i rivali del Maxtang MTN-ALN50 nella seguente tabella.

Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305 8 x 1.8 - 3.8 GHz, 35 W PL2 / Short Burst, 15 W PL1 / Sustained, Alder Lake-N
Scheda grafica
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Core: 1250 MHz, Memoria: 1600 MHz, DCH
16 GB 
, DDR4-3200, Single-Channel
Scheda madre
Intel Alder Lake-N PCH
Foresee 512GB, 512 GB 
, M.2 2280, SATA-SSD, 512 GB libera
Scheda audio
Intel Alder Lake-N PCH - cAVS
Porte di connessione
1 USB 2.0, 4 USB 3.0 / 3.1, 2 HDMI, 1 DisplayPort, 1 Kensington Lock, Connessioni Audio: 3,5mm Klinke, 2nd RTL8125 2.5G LAN
Realtek RTL8125 2.5GBe Family Ethernet Controller (10/100/1000/2500MBit/s)
altezza x larghezza x profondità (in mm): 52.5 x 127 x 129
Altre caratteristiche
60-Watt-Power-Adapter, VESA-Mount, 12 Mesi Garanzia
685 gr, Alimentazione: 263 gr
348 USD
Nota: il produttore potrebbe usare componenti di fornitori diversi pannelli dei diplay, drive o banchi di memoria con specifiche simili.


Potenziali concorrenti a confrontos

73 %
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
685 gr348 USD
74.1 %
Acemagic S1
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
440 gr239 EUR
73.5 %
Blackview MP80
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
214 gr250 EUR
73.2 %
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
828 gr299 EUR
71.1 %
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
392 gr179 EUR
70.1 %
Trigkey G4
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
272 gr189 EUR
69.9 %
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
318 gr560 EUR
68.2 %
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
381 gr399 EUR

Maxtang MTN-ALN50 in dettaglio

Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 - RAM DDR4
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 con alimentatore (12 V; 5 A)
Alimentatore (12 V; 5 A) Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Cavo di collegamento per supporti dati da 2,5 pollici

Cassa - Molti elementi in metallo e plastica con finitura lucida

Molte parti del Maxtang MTN-ALN50, compresa la piastra di base, sono realizzate in metallo, il che conferisce al dispositivo un'ottima stabilità. Solo la parte superiore dell'alloggiamento è coperta da un rivestimento in plastica nera con finitura lucida. Questo attira letteralmente le impronte digitali e i micrograffi sono inevitabili. Grazie alla sua costruzione solida, il Maxtang MTN-ALN50 pesa 685 grammi, il che lo rende il secondo dispositivo più pesante nel confronto. Solo l'Asus ExpertCenter PN42 è leggermente più pesante, con 828 grammi. Il nostro campione di prova non si distingue negativamente in termini di spazio richiesto sulla scrivania, con circa 13 x 13 centimetri. Tuttavia, i concorrenti sono un po' più economici. Nonostante il suo peso, Maxtang MTN-ALN50 può essere fissato a un monitor utilizzando un supporto VESA.

In termini di qualità costruttiva, avremmo voluto vedere un po' più di attenzione ai dettagli. I bordi sono un po' spigolosi. I bordi smussati o smussati dovrebbero essere lo standard in questo caso e migliorerebbero un po' la situazione. Inoltre, il nostro campione di prova è stato consegnato senza piedini. Non si tratta di uno svantaggio tecnico, poiché non ci sono fessure di ventilazione sul lato inferiore per aspirare aria fresca. Dopo aver consultato il produttore, ci è stato assicurato che questa circostanza non è la regola. In linea di principio, tutti i Maxtang MTN-ALN50 dovrebbero essere forniti con i piedini.

Confronto delle dimensioni

132 mm 127.5 mm 57.6 mm 828 g127 mm 129 mm 52.5 mm 685 g132 mm 132 mm 47 mm 381 g128 mm 124 mm 42 mm 440 g126 mm 112 mm 40.8 mm 392 g114.8 mm 76 mm 23.8 mm 318 g87.7 mm 87.7 mm 37 mm 214 g210 mm 148 mm 1 mm 2.9 g

Apparecchiatura - Standard semplice senza WLAN

In termini di connettività, Maxtang MTN-ALN50 offre tutto ciò che serve a prima vista. Cinque porte USB sono più che sufficienti in questa classe. Inoltre, la porta USB Type-C sulla parte anteriore può essere utilizzata anche per l'uscita delle immagini, il che, insieme alle due uscite HDMI sulla parte posteriore, significa che è possibile utilizzare tre schermi contemporaneamente. Sul retro sono presenti anche due prese LAN, ciascuna delle quali offre una velocità di rete fino a 2,5 GBit/s. Questo è tutto ciò che abbiamo da dire sulla rete e sul Maxtang MTN-ALN50: sì, un modulo WLAN non è installato nel nostro campione di prova. Anche un aggiornamento rapido non è possibile senza l'installazione preliminare di antenne WLAN. Tuttavia, c'è uno slot libero per un modulo WLAN. Chi acquista il mini PC dovrebbe esserne consapevole. La soluzione più semplice e veloce è sicuramente quella di utilizzare una chiavetta WLAN USB, se la connessione wireless è assolutamente necessaria. Tuttavia, per rendere le cose un po' più facili da usare, avremmo preferito vedere delle antenne WLAN preinstallate.

Parte anteriore: jack da 3,5 mm (line-out+mic-in), 1x USB-C (3.2 + DisplayPort 1.4), 2x USB 3.2, accensione
Parte anteriore: jack da 3,5 mm (line-out+mic-in), 1x USB-C (3.2 + DisplayPort 1.4), 2x USB 3.2, accensione
Posteriore: 2x 2.5G LAN, 1x USB 3.2, 1x USB 2.0, 2x HDMI 2.0 collegamento alla rete (12 V; 5 A)
Posteriore: 2x 2.5G LAN, 1x USB 3.2, 1x USB 2.0, 2x HDMI 2.0 collegamento alla rete (12 V; 5 A)


La fornitura di Maxtang MTN-ALN50 comprende tutto il necessario per il funzionamento. Oltre al dispositivo stesso, la confezione contiene anche l'alimentatore da 60 watt (12 V; 5 A) e una piastra di montaggio per il montaggio VESA. Insieme al dispositivo sono inclusi anche un cavo HDMI e una guida rapida.

Ambito di fornitura di Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Ambito di fornitura di Maxtang MTN-ALN50


L'apertura di Maxtang MTN-ALN50 è molto poco spettacolare. Ci sono quattro viti sul lato inferiore che fissano la piastra di base allo chassis. La piastra di base funge anche da vassoio di montaggio per un ulteriore supporto dati da 2,5 pollici. Anche la RAM preinstallata e l'SSD M.2 sono accessibili senza difficoltà. Nel complesso, Maxtang MTN-ALN50 ha un design molto semplice e può essere smontato ulteriormente senza problemi.

Maxtang MTN-ALN50 aperto
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 senza piastra base
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 senza custodia
Alloggiamento vuoto di Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Vista dell'unità di raffreddamento di Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Vista dell'unità di raffreddamento di Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Scheda senza RAM e SSD
Slot WLAN gratuito

Prestazioni - Intel Core i3-N305 a 8 core

Il mini PC è dotato del Intel Core i3-N305 - un SoC economico che offre otto core di calcolo fisico. I limiti di potenza del processore sono definiti a un livello compreso tra 15 e 35 watt. Il SoC è supportato da 16 GB di RAM DDR4, installata come modulo SO-DIMM. In totale, Maxtang MTN-ALN50 può essere equipaggiato con un massimo di 32 GB di RAM. Tuttavia, è possibile installare un solo modulo RAM. L'Intel Core i3-N305 non supporta comunque la modalità dual-channel. L'SSD è un modello con 512 GB di spazio di archiviazione, che funziona a velocità SATA, adatto per un semplice utilizzo in ufficio.


Condizioni del test

Abbiamo eseguito tutti i test sulle prestazioni con il profilo energetico di massima prestazione. Altri piani di risparmio energetico sono stati utilizzati solo per le misurazioni del consumo energetico e del rumore. Ulteriori dettagli sui nostri criteri di test sono disponibili qui.


Il Intel Core i3-N305 fornisce la velocità di lavoro necessaria nel Maxtang MTN-ALN50. Con i suoi 8 core, il SoC supera chiaramente i suoi concorrenti. Anche rispetto al Zotac Zbox pico PI430AJche è equipaggiato con l'Intel Core i3-N300, il nostro campione di prova ha gioco facile grazie ai limiti TDP più elevati. Sotto carico continuo, l'Intel Core i3-N305 nel Maxtang MTN-ALN50 ha a disposizione fino a 15 watt, anche se nel breve periodo è possibile raggiungere i 35 watt. Possiamo notare questi limiti più volte durante i nostri test, il che significa che il raffreddamento integrato è ben dimensionato.
Può trovare altri benchmark per i processori qui.

Cinebench R15
Cinebench R15
Cinebench R20
Cinebench R20
Cinebench R23
Cinebench R23
Cinebench 2024
Cinebench 2024
Performance Rating - Percent
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
39.7 pt
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
32 pt
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
27.9 pt
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
27.3 pt
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
27.3 pt
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
27.1 pt
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
24.4 pt
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
22.9 pt
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
21.3 pt
Cinebench R23
Single Core
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
1581 Points +58%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
1001 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
942 Points -6%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
935 Points -7%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
933 Points -7%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
914 Points -9%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
700 Points -30%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
690 Points -31%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
513 Points -49%
Multi Core
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
5802 Points +16%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
5017 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
2983 Points -41%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2785 Points -44%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2769 Points -45%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2686 Points -46%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
2546 Points -49%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2528 Points -50%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
1406 Points -72%
Cinebench R20
CPU (Single Core)
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
606 Points +62%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
375 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
358 Points -5%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
357 Points -5%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
357 Points -5%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
350 Points -7%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
265 Points -29%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
241 Points -36%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
195 Points -48%
CPU (Multi Core)
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
2198 Points +11%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
1976 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
1138 Points -42%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
1067 Points -46%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
1050 Points -47%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
1029 Points -48%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
976 Points -51%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
968 Points -51%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
542 Points -73%
Cinebench R15
CPU Single 64Bit
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
227 Points +36%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
167 Points
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
155 Points -7%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
155 Points -7%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
154 Points -8%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
151 Points -10%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
123 Points -26%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
113 Points -32%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
85 Points -49%
CPU Multi 64Bit
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
832 (719.93min - 831.53max) Points 0%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
828 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
477 Points -42%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
452 Points -45%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
446 Points -46%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
434 Points -48%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
416 Points -50%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
408 Points -51%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
219 Points -74%
Cinebench R11.5
CPU Single 64Bit
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
2.79 Points +37%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
2.04 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
1.87 Points -8%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
1.86 Points -9%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
1.85 Points -9%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
1.83 Points -10%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
1.49 Points -27%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
1.36 Points -33%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
1.02 Points -50%
CPU Multi 64Bit
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
10.99 Points +4%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
10.6 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
5.99 Points -43%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
5.62 Points -47%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
5.55 Points -48%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
5.41 Points -49%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
5.32 Points -50%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
5.18 Points -51%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
2.73 Points -74%
Cinebench R10
Rendering Single CPUs 64Bit
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
12816 Points +46%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
8768 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
8227 Points -6%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
8177 Points -7%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
8080 Points -8%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
7574 Points -14%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
6562 Points -25%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
5971 Points -32%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
4497 Points -49%
Rendering Multiple CPUs 64Bit
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
40308 Points +3%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
39133 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
24225 Points -38%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
22275 Points -43%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
22261 Points -43%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
20565 Points -47%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
20429 Points -48%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
18450 Points -53%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
11030 Points -72%
wPrime 2.10
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
25.99 s * -219%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
18.213 s * -124%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
17.521 s * -115%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
17.491 s * -115%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
16.565 s * -103%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
16.449 s * -102%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
15.795 s * -94%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
8.142 s *
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
3.405 s * +58%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
874.559 s * -255%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
568.939 s * -131%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
538.757 s * -119%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
535.88 s * -118%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
531.113 s * -116%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
519.662 s * -111%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
481.652 s * -96%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
246.308 s *
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
98.307 s * +60%
X264 HD Benchmark 4.0
Pass 1
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
203.5 (203min - 212max) fps
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
199.3 (185.2min - 248max) fps -2%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
172.55 (171.6min - 175.2max) fps -15%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
163.3 (162.1min - 163.7max) fps -20%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
162.4 (161.9min - 162.4max) fps -20%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
161.9 (158.9min - 162.5max) fps -20%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
145.25 (144.9min - 145.6max) fps -29%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
106.6 (106min - 107.2max) fps -48%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
79.95 (79min - 109.2max) fps -61%
Pass 2
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
55.6 (55.4min - 64max) fps
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
50.05 (48.1min - 56.3max) fps -10%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
33.85 (33.7min - 35max) fps -39%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
32.45 (32.4min - 32.5max) fps -42%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
32.4 (32.4min - 32.4max) fps -42%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
32.4 (32.4min - 32.5max) fps -42%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
29.65 (29.5min - 29.7max) fps -47%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
28.85 (28.2min - 29.1max) fps -48%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
16.3 (16.2min - 16.4max) fps -71%
WinRAR - Result
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
7944 KB/s +141%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
3300 KB/s
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
2431 KB/s -26%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2391 KB/s -28%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2362 KB/s -28%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2277 KB/s -31%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2181 KB/s -34%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
2115 KB/s -36%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
1915 KB/s -42%
AES Mean 100MB
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
11.6 GB/s +97%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
5.9 GB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
3.2 GB/s -46%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
2.9 GB/s -51%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2.8 GB/s -53%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2.7 GB/s -54%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2.7 GB/s -54%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
2.6 GB/s -56%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2.4 GB/s -59%
Twofish Mean 100MB
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
1.7 GB/s +55%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
1.1 GB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
0.583 GB/s -47%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
0.538 GB/s -51%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
0.501 GB/s -54%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
0.498 GB/s -55%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
0.497 GB/s -55%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
0.492 GB/s -55%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
0.484 GB/s -56%
Serpent Mean 100MB
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
1.1 GB/s +104%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
0.539 GB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
0.287 GB/s -47%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
0.262 GB/s -51%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
0.244 GB/s -55%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
0.243 GB/s -55%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
0.239 GB/s -56%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
0.237 GB/s -56%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
0.236 GB/s -56%
Geekbench 5.5
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
6015 Points +30%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
4644 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
2796 Points -40%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2793 Points -40%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
2674 Points -42%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2616 Points -44%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2566 Points -45%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2391 Points -49%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
1540 Points -67%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
1572 Points +45%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
1083 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
1014 Points -6%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
1013 Points -6%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
1007 Points -7%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
999 Points -8%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
928 Points -14%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
804 Points -26%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
626 Points -42%
Geekbench 5.0
5.0 Multi-Core
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
6005 Points +34%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
4497 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
2753 Points -39%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2737 Points -39%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
2642 Points -41%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2585 Points -43%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2531 Points -44%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
2382 Points -47%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
1518 Points -66%
5.0 Single-Core
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
1501 Points +40%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
1072 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
1008 Points -6%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
1005 Points -6%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
1000 Points -7%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
993 Points -7%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
891 Points -17%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
804 Points -25%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
616 Points -43%
Geekbench 4.4
64 Bit Single-Core Score
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
6801 Points +42%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
4796 Points
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
4553 Points -5%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
4552 Points -5%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
4518 Points -6%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
4495 Points -6%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
4450 Points -7%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
3591 Points -25%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
2913 Points -39%
64 Bit Multi-Core Score
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
23138 Points +31%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
17690 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
10938 Points -38%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
10798 Points -39%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
10299 Points -42%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
10228 Points -42%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
9989 Points -44%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
9894 Points -44%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
9662 Points -45%
3DMark 11 - 1280x720 Performance Physics
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
12041 Points +35%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
8926 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
6129 Points -31%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
5806 Points -35%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
5767 Points -35%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
5661 Points -37%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
5084 Points -43%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
4983 Points -44%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
2765 Points -69%
7-Zip 18.03
7z b 4
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
24893 MIPS +17%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
21239 MIPS
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
13255 MIPS -38%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
12224 MIPS -42%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
12190 MIPS -43%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
12177 MIPS -43%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
11976 MIPS -44%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
11654 MIPS -45%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
7146 MIPS -66%
7z b 4 -mmt1
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
4934 MIPS +20%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
4105 MIPS
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
3908 MIPS -5%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
3866 MIPS -6%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
3843 MIPS -6%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
3803 MIPS -7%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
3230 MIPS -21%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
3121 MIPS -24%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
2403 MIPS -41%
HWBOT x265 Benchmark v2.2 - 4k Preset
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
5.62 fps
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
5.33 fps -5%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
3.49 fps -38%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
3.29 fps -41%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
3.25 fps -42%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
3.22 fps -43%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
3.17 fps -44%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
3.03 fps -46%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
1.52 fps -73%
R Benchmark 2.5 - Overall mean
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
1.333 sec * -74%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
1.149 sec * -50%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
1.032 sec * -35%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
0.837 sec * -9%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
0.834 sec * -9%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
0.83 sec * -8%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
0.824 sec * -8%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
0.766 sec *
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
0.547 sec * +29%
LibreOffice - 20 Documents To PDF
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
134 s * -72%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
120 s * -54%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
89.3 s * -15%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
80.4 s * -3%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
77.9 s *
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
74.6 s * +4%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
68.3 s * +12%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
67 s * +14%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
53.7 s * +31%
WebXPRT 3 - Overall
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
256 Points +34%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
190.4 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
187.4 Points -2%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
183.4 Points -4%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
179.4 Points -6%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
178.3 Points -6%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
171.3 Points -10%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
155.3 Points -18%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
104.3 Points -45%
3DMark - 1920x1080 Fire Strike Physics
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, 900 MHz
14530 Points +28%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, 1800 MHz
11357 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, 1000 MHz
6522 Points -43%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
6062 Points -47%
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
5952 Points -48%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
5903 Points -48%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95,  MHz
5701 Points -50%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300,  MHz
5528 Points -51%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 1000 MHz
4135 Points -64%

* ... Meglio usare valori piccoli

Performance Rating
Media della classe Mini PC
97.9 pt
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
50.6 pt
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
41.5 pt
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
23.9 pt
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
16.6 pt
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
9.6 pt
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
9.4 pt
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
9.1 pt
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
9 pt
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8.6 pt
AIDA64 / FP32 Ray-Trace
Media della classe Mini PC
  (561 - 51004, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
11625 KRay/s +168%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
5201 KRay/s +20%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
4334 KRay/s
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
2051 KRay/s -53%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
1384 KRay/s -68%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
837 KRay/s -81%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
770 KRay/s -82%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
769 KRay/s -82%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
764 KRay/s -82%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
744 KRay/s -83%
AIDA64 / FPU Julia
Media della classe Mini PC
  (3604 - 214250, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
59574 Points +187%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
26713 Points +29%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
20768 Points
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
10963 Points -47%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
7292 Points -65%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
4397 Points -79%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
4144 Points -80%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
4141 Points -80%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
4140 Points -80%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
3970 Points -81%
Media della classe Mini PC
  (225 - 9399, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
2623 MB/s +90%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
1381 MB/s
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
1224 MB/s -11%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
767 MB/s -44%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
466 MB/s -66%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
308 MB/s -78%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
290 MB/s -79%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
290 MB/s -79%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
290 MB/s -79%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
270 MB/s -80%
AIDA64 / CPU Queen
Media della classe Mini PC
  (8172 - 184747, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
75988 Points +87%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
45281 Points +12%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
40581 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
23345 Points -42%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
19025 Points -53%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8663 Points -79%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8208 Points -80%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8186 Points -80%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8178 Points -80%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8172 Points -80%
AIDA64 / FPU SinJulia
Media della classe Mini PC
  (408 - 29064, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
8123 Points +248%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
3399 Points +46%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
2333 Points
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
1078 Points -54%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
985 Points -58%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
432 Points -81%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
408 Points -83%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
408 Points -83%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
408 Points -83%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
408 Points -83%
AIDA64 / FPU Mandel
Media della classe Mini PC
  (1958 - 113499, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
31182 Points +200%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
12241 Points +18%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
10378 Points
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
5532 Points -47%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
3648 Points -65%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
2220 Points -79%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
2092 Points -80%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
2089 Points -80%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
2088 Points -80%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1987 Points -81%
Media della classe Mini PC
  (3691 - 325960, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
83460 MB/s +240%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
25624 MB/s +4%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
24535 MB/s
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
20979 MB/s -14%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
8752 MB/s -64%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8421 MB/s -66%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
7961 MB/s -68%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
7954 MB/s -68%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
7951 MB/s -68%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
7948 MB/s -68%
Media della classe Mini PC
  (74.8 - 2039, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
675 MB/s +51%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
448 MB/s
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
358 MB/s -20%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
209 MB/s -53%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
133.4 MB/s -70%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
81.9 MB/s -82%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
77.7 MB/s -83%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
77.4 MB/s -83%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
76.7 MB/s -83%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
74.9 MB/s -83%
AIDA64 / FP64 Ray-Trace
Media della classe Mini PC
  (308 - 26952, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
6217 KRay/s +197%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
2801 KRay/s +34%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
2096 KRay/s
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
1138 KRay/s -46%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
705 KRay/s -66%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
465 KRay/s -78%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
433 KRay/s -79%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
432 KRay/s -79%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
432 KRay/s -79%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
412 KRay/s -80%
AIDA64 / CPU PhotoWorxx
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
34108 MPixel/s +123%
Media della classe Mini PC
  (4408 - 50500, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
26857 MPixel/s +75%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
15326 MPixel/s
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
14830 MPixel/s -3%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
9467 MPixel/s -38%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
6599 MPixel/s -57%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
5384 MPixel/s -65%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
5333 MPixel/s -65%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
5296 MPixel/s -65%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
4408 MPixel/s -71%

Maxtang MTN-ALN50 vs. Cinebench R15 multi-loop

Il ciclo continuo di Cinebench R15 ci mostra a questo punto come si comporta il sistema di raffreddamento integrato sotto carico continuo. Durante il primo ciclo, l'Intel Core i3-N305 può beneficiare un po' di più del suo clock Turbo. In seguito, vediamo solo un picco molto breve prima che il SoC continui a funzionare a 15 watt. Con alcune eccezioni, che non sono significative, il nostro campione di prova è stato in grado di completare il test con un risultato eccellente e ha raggiunto una media di 796 punti.

Metriche della CPU durante il ciclo di Cinebench R15
Metriche della CPU durante il ciclo di Cinebench R15
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 Intel Core i3-N305, Intel Core i3-N305: Ø796 (767.84-856.33)
Acemagic S1 Intel Processor N95, Intel Processor N95: Ø440 (431.21-442.98)
Blackview MP80 Intel Processor N95, Intel Processor N95: Ø425 (410.8-428.48)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV Intel Processor N200, Intel Processor N200: Ø210 (198.23-215.98)
BOSGAME N95 Intel Processor N95, Intel Processor N95: Ø421 (417.99-423.28)
Trigkey G4 Intel Processor N100, Intel Processor N100: Ø465 (453-467.97)
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ Intel Core i3-N300, Intel Core i3-N300: Ø386 (357.51-413.92)
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95 Intel Processor N95, Intel Processor N95: Ø404 (398.46-406.91)
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE Intel Core i3-1215U, Intel Core i3-1215U: Ø752 (719.93-831.53)

Prestazioni del sistema

Le buone prestazioni della CPU assicurano anche risultati eccellenti nei benchmark delle prestazioni del sistema. Solo nei test sulla RAM, il nostro campione di prova deve ammettere la sconfitta nei confronti di Zotac Zbox pico PI430AJ. Se Maxtang avesse utilizzato anche qui la RAM DDR5, probabilmente avrebbe migliorato ulteriormente le prestazioni complessive dell'Intel Core i3-N305. Tuttavia, il Maxtang MTN-ALN50 ha affrontato bene l'uso quotidiano.

Performance Rating - Percent
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE, Intel Core i3-1215U
Intel Core i3-1215U, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kioxia BG5 KBG50ZNT256G
100 pt
Maxtang MTN-ALN50, Intel Core i3-N305
Intel Core i3-N305, Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Foresee 512GB
68.6 pt
Trigkey G4, Intel Processor N100
Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N),
67.6 pt
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
67.4 pt
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
66.7 pt
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
65.7 pt
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
62.2 pt
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ, Intel Core i3-N300
Intel Core i3-N300, Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake),
45.7 pt
PCMark 10
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE, Intel Core i3-1215U
Intel Core i3-1215U, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kioxia BG5 KBG50ZNT256G
5053 Points +40%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50, Intel Core i3-N305
Intel Core i3-N305, Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Foresee 512GB
3614 Points
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
3220 Points -11%
Trigkey G4, Intel Processor N100
Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N),
3207 Points -11%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
3192 Points -12%
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
3153 Points -13%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
2983 Points -17%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ, Intel Core i3-N300
Intel Core i3-N300, Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake),
2363 Points -35%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE, Intel Core i3-1215U
Intel Core i3-1215U, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kioxia BG5 KBG50ZNT256G
10681 Points +54%
Trigkey G4, Intel Processor N100
Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N),
7123 Points +3%
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
7079 Points +2%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
7021 Points +1%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50, Intel Core i3-N305
Intel Core i3-N305, Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Foresee 512GB
6947 Points
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
6731 Points -3%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
6650 Points -4%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ, Intel Core i3-N300
Intel Core i3-N300, Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake),
5435 Points -22%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE, Intel Core i3-1215U
Intel Core i3-1215U, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kioxia BG5 KBG50ZNT256G
6919 Points +45%
Trigkey G4, Intel Processor N100
Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N),
5033 Points +5%
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
4993 Points +4%
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
4950 Points +3%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
4923 Points +3%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50, Intel Core i3-N305
Intel Core i3-N305, Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Foresee 512GB
4784 Points
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel Processor N95, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
4524 Points -5%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ, Intel Core i3-N300
Intel Core i3-N300, Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake),
2733 Points -43%
CrossMark / Overall
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE, Intel Core i3-1215U
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kioxia BG5 KBG50ZNT256G
1333 Points +51%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50, Intel Core i3-N305
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Foresee 512GB
881 Points
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
820 Points -7%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
773 Points -12%
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
764 Points -13%
Trigkey G4, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N),
735 Points -17%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
666 Points -24%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV, Intel Processor N200
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
614 Points -30%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ, Intel Core i3-N300
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake),
529 Points -40%
CrossMark / Responsiveness
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE, Intel Core i3-1215U
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kioxia BG5 KBG50ZNT256G
1178 Points +54%
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
895 Points +17%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50, Intel Core i3-N305
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Foresee 512GB
764 Points
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
755 Points -1%
Trigkey G4, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N),
710 Points -7%
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
709 Points -7%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
661 Points -13%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ, Intel Core i3-N300
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake),
584 Points -24%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV, Intel Processor N200
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
577 Points -24%
CrossMark / Creativity
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE, Intel Core i3-1215U
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kioxia BG5 KBG50ZNT256G
1401 Points +58%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50, Intel Core i3-N305
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Foresee 512GB
887 Points
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
739 Points -17%
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
721 Points -19%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
714 Points -20%
Trigkey G4, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N),
676 Points -24%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
616 Points -31%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV, Intel Processor N200
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
560 Points -37%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ, Intel Core i3-N300
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake),
513 Points -42%
CrossMark / Productivity
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE, Intel Core i3-1215U
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kioxia BG5 KBG50ZNT256G
1320 Points +44%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50, Intel Core i3-N305
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Foresee 512GB
919 Points
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
907 Points -1%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
843 Points -8%
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
810 Points -12%
Trigkey G4, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N),
808 Points -12%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
721 Points -22%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV, Intel Processor N200
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
688 Points -25%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ, Intel Core i3-N300
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake),
529 Points -42%
AIDA64 / Memory Copy
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
54953 MB/s +140%
Media della classe Mini PC
  (6481 - 76462, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
46036 MB/s +101%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
29076 MB/s +27%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
22938 MB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
18937 MB/s -17%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
12715 MB/s -45%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8472 MB/s -63%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8458 MB/s -63%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8377 MB/s -63%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
6481 MB/s -72%
AIDA64 / Memory Read
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
48927 MB/s +110%
Media della classe Mini PC
  (6914 - 83287, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
46450 MB/s +99%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
23286 MB/s
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
22746 MB/s -2%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
18451 MB/s -21%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
11247 MB/s -52%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
9130 MB/s -61%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
9027 MB/s -61%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8974 MB/s -61%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
6914 MB/s -70%
AIDA64 / Memory Write
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
65473 MB/s +187%
Media della classe Mini PC
  (6862 - 89318, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
50227 MB/s +120%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
31007 MB/s +36%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
22849 MB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
21626 MB/s -5%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
14266 MB/s -38%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
9047 MB/s -60%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8959 MB/s -61%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8762 MB/s -62%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
6862 MB/s -70%
AIDA64 / Memory Latency
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
146 ns * -225%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
125.8 ns * -180%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
124.9 ns * -178%
Trigkey G4
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
120.6 ns * -169%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
119.8 ns * -167%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel Core i3-1215U, UHD Graphics 64EUs
102.2 ns * -128%
Media della classe Mini PC
  (44.9 - 184.8, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
90.3 ns * -101%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel Core i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
76.1 ns * -69%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
52.9 ns * -18%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel Core i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
44.9 ns *

* ... Meglio usare valori piccoli

Latenze DPC

Abbiamo raggiunto il valore DPC qui documentato durante la navigazione in Internet (aprendo diversi siti web nel browser Edge). Questo valore non è cambiato durante la riproduzione del nostro video di prova 4K o lo stress test con Prime95. In linea di principio, Maxtang MTN-ALN50 può quindi essere utilizzato per lo streaming, ma bisogna accontentarsi di risoluzioni un po' più basse. Purtroppo, la riproduzione 4K non poteva essere completata senza cadute di fotogrammi. L'iGPU è stata utilizzata al 31% circa.

Latenza massima quando si aprono più schede del browser e si riproducono video 4K
Latenza massima quando si aprono più schede del browser e si riproducono video 4K
Latenza massima dopo dieci secondi di Prime95
Latenza massima dopo dieci secondi di Prime95
Driver classificati in base al tempo di esecuzione più lungo
Driver classificati in base al tempo di esecuzione più lungo
DPC Latencies / LatencyMon - interrupt to process latency (max), Web, Youtube, Prime95
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV, Intel Processor N200
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
5491 μs * -151%
Minipc Union Ace Magician T8Pro, Intel Celeron N5095
Intel UHD Graphics (Jasper Lake 16 EU), FPT310M4SSD256G
4075 μs * -86%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
3463 μs * -58%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50, Intel Core i3-N305
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Foresee 512GB
2186.9 μs *
Zotac ZBOX PI336 pico, Intel Celeron N6211
Intel UHD Graphics (Elkhart Lake 16 EU), SanDisk DF4128
1476.3 μs * +32%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
1165.5 μs * +47%
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
817.1 μs * +63%
Trigkey G4, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N),
561.2 μs * +74%
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
367.2 μs * +83%

* ... Meglio usare valori piccoli

Memoria di massa

512 GB SSD
512 GB SSD

Nell'esemplare di prova del Maxtang MTN-ALN50 è installato un semplice SSD da 512 GB di Foresee. Tuttavia, il modello installato funziona solo a velocità SATA, il che si riflette chiaramente anche nei benchmark. Tuttavia, le velocità di trasferimento sono ancora sufficienti per l'uso quotidiano. Non abbiamo notato alcun problema di temperatura durante lo stress test. Maxtang MTN-ALN50 può anche essere dotato di un secondo dispositivo di archiviazione di massa. L'adattatore di connessione e la presa necessari sono inclusi nella fornitura.

Per ulteriori confronti e benchmark, la invitiamo a consultare la nostra Tabella di confronto.

Foresee 512GB
Sequential Read: 502.8 MB/s
Sequential Write: 462.7 MB/s
512K Read: 358.5 MB/s
512K Write: 443.4 MB/s
4K Read: 33.63 MB/s
4K Write: 75.37 MB/s
4K QD32 Read: 201.8 MB/s
4K QD32 Write: 197.6 MB/s
Drive Performance Rating - Percent
Media della classe Mini PC
95 pt
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
67.1 pt
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
64.1 pt
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
49.2 pt
Trigkey G4
41.4 pt
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
41 pt
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
30 pt
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
29.3 pt
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
20.8 pt
seq read
Media della classe Mini PC
  (233 - 4357, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
2214 MB/s +390%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
1948 (1560.49min - 1947.92max) MB/s +331%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
1423 (1403.41min - 1423.13max) MB/s +215%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
1354 (1350.96min - 1354.32max) MB/s +200%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
762 (757.28min - 762.31max) MB/s +69%
Trigkey G4
729 (705.12min - 729.18max) MB/s +61%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
542 (541.31min - 542.36max) MB/s +20%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
459 (458.57min - 459.41max) MB/s +2%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
452 (363.13min - 452.08max) MB/s
seq write
Media della classe Mini PC
  (222 - 5595, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
2341 MB/s +412%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
1819 (1798.9min - 1818.93max) MB/s +298%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
1553 (1542.6min - 1552.69max) MB/s +240%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
1535 (1194.25min - 1534.56max) MB/s +236%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
649 (644.49min - 649.49max) MB/s +42%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
494 (488.92min - 494.36max) MB/s +8%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
476 (138.2min - 475.75max) MB/s +4%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
457 (452.57min - 457.39max) MB/s
Trigkey G4
339 (329.88min - 338.64max) MB/s -26%
seq q8 t1 read
Media della classe Mini PC
  (236 - 8430, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
3562 MB/s +636%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
2247 (1802.96min - 2246.68max) MB/s +364%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
2058 (1971.74min - 2057.94max) MB/s +325%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
1776 (1520.44min - 1776.28max) MB/s +267%
Trigkey G4
864 (619.52min - 864.45max) MB/s +79%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
820 (687.12min - 820.02max) MB/s +69%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
556 (424.25min - 556.44max) MB/s +15%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
504 (458.23min - 504.4max) MB/s +4%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
484 (360.5min - 483.68max) MB/s
seq q8 t1 write
Media della classe Mini PC
  (228 - 6669, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
2627 MB/s +450%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
2086 (1404.04min - 2086.06max) MB/s +336%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
1912 (1899.6min - 1912.44max) MB/s +300%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
1658 (1643.05min - 1658.18max) MB/s +247%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
684 (677.48min - 683.67max) MB/s +43%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
519 (472.8min - 519.47max) MB/s +9%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
489 (220.62min - 488.78max) MB/s +2%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
478 (470.6min - 478.45max) MB/s
Trigkey G4
346 (322.53min - 346.45max) MB/s -28%
4k q1 t1 read
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
59.4 (58.56min - 59.37max) MB/s +126%
Media della classe Mini PC
  (5.67 - 86.6, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
53.9 MB/s +105%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
52.9 (39.99min - 52.89max) MB/s +101%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
45.9 (45.49min - 45.92max) MB/s +75%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
39.6 (39.16min - 39.59max) MB/s +51%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
32.5 (32.38min - 32.5max) MB/s +24%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
26.3 (25.91min - 26.27max) MB/s
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
25.9 (25.82min - 25.85max) MB/s -2%
Trigkey G4
8.85 (2.72min - 8.85max) MB/s -66%
4k q1 t1 write
Media della classe Mini PC
  (22 - 435, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
190.4 MB/s +159%
Trigkey G4
128.4 (124.08min - 128.36max) MB/s +75%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
128.1 (126.86min - 128.09max) MB/s +75%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
104.4 (102.55min - 104.35max) MB/s +42%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
96.7 (95.09min - 96.72max) MB/s +32%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
96 (93.72min - 96.04max) MB/s +31%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
88.1 (66.88min - 88.14max) MB/s +20%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
74 (57.85min - 73.96max) MB/s +1%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
73.4 (71.63min - 73.43max) MB/s
4k q32 t16 read
Media della classe Mini PC
  (26.1 - 4158, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
1269 MB/s +1140%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
1175 (1165.24min - 1174.82max) MB/s +1049%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
730 (680.59min - 729.75max) MB/s +614%
Trigkey G4
581 (553.76min - 581.49max) MB/s +468%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
440 (438.98min - 440.28max) MB/s +330%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
324 (210.77min - 323.72max) MB/s +217%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
260 (259.46min - 259.7max) MB/s +154%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
179.4 (173.35min - 179.35max) MB/s +75%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
102.3 (101.76min - 102.32max) MB/s
4k q32 t16 write
Media della classe Mini PC
  (30.2 - 4288, n=120, ultimi 2 anni)
1221 MB/s +484%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
762 (759.1min - 762.44max) MB/s +265%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
727 (723.65min - 727.02max) MB/s +248%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
411 (406.46min - 410.69max) MB/s +97%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
276 (99.25min - 275.55max) MB/s +32%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
259 (224.2min - 258.97max) MB/s +24%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
209 (205.92min - 208.55max) MB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
142.2 (93.56min - 142.15max) MB/s -32%
Trigkey G4
70.3 (60.61min - 70.32max) MB/s -66%
Score Total
Media della classe Mini PC
  (151.3 - 10021, n=118, ultimi 2 anni)
3928 Points +443%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
2428 Points +235%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
2427 Points +235%
Trigkey G4
1857 Points +156%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
1423 Points +97%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
1396 Points +93%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
796 Points +10%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
736 Points +2%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
724 Points
Score Read
Media della classe Mini PC
  (61 - 3741, n=118, ultimi 2 anni)
1471 Points +459%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
1024 Points +289%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
1000 Points +280%
Trigkey G4
934 Points +255%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
522 Points +98%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
504 Points +92%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
265 Points +1%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
263 Points
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
232 Points -12%
Score Write
Media della classe Mini PC
  (88 - 4371, n=118, ultimi 2 anni)
1756 Points +456%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
903 Points +186%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
892 Points +182%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
631 Points +100%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
626 Points +98%
Trigkey G4
458 Points +45%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
387 Points +22%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
373 Points +18%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
316 Points
Seq Read
Media della classe Mini PC
  (291 - 6620, n=118, ultimi 2 anni)
3067 MB/s +507%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
2094 MB/s +315%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
1582 MB/s +213%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
1233 MB/s +144%
Trigkey G4
794 MB/s +57%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
700 MB/s +39%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
526 MB/s +4%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
505 MB/s
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
470 MB/s -7%
Seq Write
Media della classe Mini PC
  (240 - 5783, n=118, ultimi 2 anni)
2130 MB/s +361%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
1662 MB/s +260%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
1526 MB/s +230%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
1125 MB/s +144%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
595 MB/s +29%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
484 MB/s +5%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
466 MB/s +1%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
462 MB/s
Trigkey G4
326 MB/s -29%
4K Read
Media della classe Mini PC
  (6.08 - 104.3, n=118, ultimi 2 anni)
57.5 MB/s +84%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
54.7 MB/s +75%
Trigkey G4
44.4 MB/s +42%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
42.7 MB/s +36%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
38.7 MB/s +24%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
31.3 MB/s
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
30.2 MB/s -4%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
28.1 MB/s -10%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
27.5 MB/s -12%
4K Write
Media della classe Mini PC
  (30.9 - 366, n=118, ultimi 2 anni)
172.2 MB/s +167%
Trigkey G4
113.5 MB/s +76%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
108.9 MB/s +69%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
100.9 MB/s +56%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
85.6 MB/s +33%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
84.3 MB/s +30%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
82.5 MB/s +28%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
64.6 MB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
40.8 MB/s -37%
4K-64 Read
Media della classe Mini PC
  (23.4 - 3220, n=118, ultimi 2 anni)
1106 MB/s +510%
Trigkey G4
810 MB/s +347%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
787 MB/s +334%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
772 MB/s +326%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
413 MB/s +128%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
353 MB/s +95%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
181.8 MB/s 0%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
181.2 MB/s
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
157.7 MB/s -13%
4K-64 Write
Media della classe Mini PC
  (32.8 - 3731, n=118, ultimi 2 anni)
1371 MB/s +569%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
643 MB/s +214%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
641 MB/s +213%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
478 MB/s +133%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
466 MB/s +127%
Trigkey G4
312 MB/s +52%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
256 MB/s +25%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
239 MB/s +17%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
205 MB/s
Access Time Read
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
0.228 ms *
Media della classe Mini PC
  (0.022 - 0.489, n=118, ultimi 2 anni)
0.1014 ms * +56%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
0.101 ms * +56%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
0.095 ms * +58%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
0.077 ms * +66%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
0.076 ms * +67%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
0.076 ms * +67%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
0.073 ms * +68%
Trigkey G4
0.064 ms * +72%
Access Time Write
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Foresee 512GB
0.281 ms *
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
0.136 ms * +52%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB
0.127 ms * +55%
Media della classe Mini PC
  (0.016 - 0.765, n=118, ultimi 2 anni)
0.116 ms * +59%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
0.109 ms * +61%
Acemagic S1
BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB
0.098 ms * +65%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
0.074 ms * +74%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
0.068 ms * +76%
Trigkey G4
0.061 ms * +78%

* ... Meglio usare valori piccoli

Continuous reading: DiskSpd Read Loop, Queue Depth 8

Maxtang MTN-ALN50 Foresee 512GB; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø511 (387.91-516.33)
Acemagic S1 BiWin CE480Y2D100-1TB: Ø1772 (1604.38-1776.91)
Blackview MP80 Netac NS512GSSD330: Ø551 (425.51-553.5)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø1990 (1877.37-2058.56)
BOSGAME N95 Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0: Ø817 (676.33-820.44)
Trigkey G4  : Ø839 (658.14-865.55)
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ  ; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø2259 (1922.88-2268.28)
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95 Kimtigo KTB900SM28/512GB: Ø498 (453.55-500.22)

Scheda grafica

L'output di immagini di Maxtang MTN-ALN50 è gestito da Intel UHD Graphics con 32 EU. Tuttavia, il buon sviluppo delle prestazioni del processore, che abbiamo già visto, non influisce sulle prestazioni 3D dell'iGPU. Rispetto al Zotac Zbox pico PI430AJ con un SoC simile, il nostro campione di prova non si distingue molto. In alcuni casi, vediamo anche risultati leggermente peggiori, ma questi possono anche essere interpretati come una tolleranza di misurazione.
Può trovare altri benchmark per l'Intel UHD Graphics qui.

3DMark Performance Rating - Percent
Media AMD Radeon 780M
100 pt
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE -7!
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i3-1215U
40.9 pt
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
20.8 pt
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
18.9 pt
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
14.8 pt
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
13.9 pt
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
13.7 pt
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
13.3 pt
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
13 pt
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
12.4 pt
3DMark 11 - 1280x720 Performance GPU
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (7868 - 14249, n=49)
12437 Points +367%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i3-1215U
4215 Points +58%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
2662 Points
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
2194 Points -18%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1494 Points -44%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1492 Points -44%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1490 Points -44%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1485 Points -44%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1467 Points -45%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
1349 Points -49%
1280x720 Cloud Gate Standard Graphics
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (27771 - 53972, n=25)
46300 Points +269%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i3-1215U
20374 Points +62%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
12558 Points
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
10945 Points -13%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
8548 Points -32%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
8304 Points -34%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
8233 Points -34%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
8035 Points -36%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
7604 Points -39%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
7218 Points -43%
1920x1080 Fire Strike Graphics
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (4550 - 8816, n=50)
7711 Points +295%
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i3-1215U
3447 Points +76%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
1954 Points
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
1736 Points -11%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1184 Points -39%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1172 Points -40%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
1144 Points -41%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1124 Points -42%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1106 Points -43%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1080 Points -45%
ComputeMark v2.1
1024x600 Normal, Score
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (7230 - 10495, n=11)
9278 Points +703%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
1155 Points
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
1042 Points -10%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
700 Points -39%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
670 Points -42%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
650 Points -44%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
638 Points -45%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
638 Points -45%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
628 Points -46%
1024x600 Normal, Fluid 3DTex
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (371 - 492, n=11)
465 Points +235%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
162 Points +17%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
139 Points
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
133 Points -4%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
122 Points -12%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
116 Points -17%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
116 Points -17%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
103 Points -26%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
87 Points -37%
1024x600 Normal, Fluid 2DTexArr
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (384 - 502, n=11)
468 Points +274%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
137 Points +10%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
125 Points
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
109 Points -13%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
106 Points -15%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
97 Points -22%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
95 Points -24%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
90 Points -28%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
83 Points -34%
1024x600 Normal, Mandel Vector
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (1871 - 2984, n=11)
2481 Points +1054%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
215 Points
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
184 Points -14%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
143 Points -33%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
126 Points -41%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
126 Points -41%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
125 Points -42%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
122 Points -43%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
120 Points -44%
1024x600 Normal, Mandel Scalar
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (1878 - 2808, n=11)
2481 Points +764%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
287 Points
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
224 Points -22%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
144 Points -50%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
112 Points -61%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
110 Points -62%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
110 Points -62%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
109 Points -62%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
101 Points -65%
1024x600 Normal, QJuliaRayTrace
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (2521 - 3849, n=11)
3383 Points +770%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
389 Points
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
335 Points -14%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
243 Points -38%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
203 Points -48%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
197 Points -49%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
196 Points -50%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
194 Points -50%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
186 Points -52%
3DMark 06 - 1280x1024 Standard Score AA:0x AF:0x
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (37928 - 45612, n=11)
42584 Points +203%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
14041 Points
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
12203 Points -13%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
10165 Points -28%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
10088 Points -28%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
10026 Points -29%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
9971 Points -29%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
9774 Points -30%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
8090 Points -42%
3DMark Performance Rating - Percent
Media AMD Radeon 780M
100 pt
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
26.6 pt
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
26.4 pt
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
22.8 pt
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
20.6 pt
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
20.1 pt
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
19.9 pt
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
18.6 pt
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
15.9 pt
Unigine Valley 1.0
1920x1080 Extreme HD DirectX AA:x8
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (17.7 - 25, n=10)
22.5 fps +269%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
6.1 fps
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
5.7 fps -7%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
5.3 fps -13%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
4.6 fps -25%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
4.6 fps -25%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
4.6 fps -25%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
4.1 fps -33%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
3.5 fps -43%
1920x1080 Extreme HD Preset OpenGL AA:x8
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (12.2 - 21.7, n=10)
18.9 fps +145%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
7.7 fps
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
6.5 fps -16%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
6 fps -22%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
5.4 fps -30%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
5.3 fps -31%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
5.1 fps -34%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
4.8 fps -38%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
3.5 fps -55%
Unigine Heaven 4.0
Extreme Preset DX11
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (31.1 - 36.8, n=10)
34.4 fps +310%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
9 fps +7%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
8.4 fps
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
7.5 fps -11%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
7.2 fps -14%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
6.8 fps -19%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
6.7 fps -20%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
6.4 fps -24%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
5.8 fps -31%
Extreme Preset OpenGL
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (26 - 34.6, n=10)
31.5 fps +280%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
9.1 fps +10%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
8.3 fps
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
7.2 fps -13%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
6.9 fps -17%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
6.7 fps -19%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
6.7 fps -19%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
6.3 fps -24%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
5.4 fps -35%
Unigine Superposition
1280x720 720p Low
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (9725 - 12232, n=10)
11458 Points +456%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
2799 Points +36%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
2505 Points +22%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
2141 Points +4%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
2061 Points
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1937 Points -6%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1924 Points -7%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1871 Points -9%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
1607 Points -22%
1920x1080 1080p High
Media AMD Radeon 780M
  (3127 - 3698, n=10)
3462 Points +356%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
759 Points
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
707 Points -7%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
512 Points -33%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
500 Points -34%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
469 Points -38%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
468 Points -38%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
466 Points -39%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
454 Points -40%
3DMark 06 Standard Score
14041 punti
3DMark Vantage P Result
9948 punti
3DMark 11 Performance
2979 punti
3DMark Ice Storm Standard Score
54112 punti
3DMark Cloud Gate Standard Score
11257 punti
3DMark Fire Strike Score
1791 punti
3DMark Fire Strike Extreme Score
869 punti
3DMark Time Spy Score
613 punti

Prestazioni di gioco

Le prestazioni 3D limitate dell'iGPU del Intel Core i3-N305 è adatta solo per giochi poco impegnativi. L'Intel UHD Graphics dovrebbe essere in grado di gestire anche giochi casual o browser. Le prestazioni sono nettamente superiori con la AMD Radeon 780Mche si può trovare, ad esempio, nel modello Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX.

Dota 2 Reborn / min (0/3) fastest
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i3-1215U
100.7 (79.2min) fps +61%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
76.6 (56.5min) fps +23%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
74.2 (56min) fps +19%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
69.7 (57.1min) fps +12%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
69.3 (50.1min) fps +11%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
68.7 (48min) fps +10%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
62.5 (47.4min) fps
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
44.2 (31.4min) fps -29%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
35.1 (22.9min) fps -44%
Dota 2 Reborn / med (1/3)
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i3-1215U
74.6 (57.5min) fps +70%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
48.3 (34.8min) fps +10%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
47.9 (41.8min) fps +9%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
47.8 (40.4min) fps +9%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
47.1 (39.2min) fps +8%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
44.9 (33.7min) fps +3%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
43.8 (34.9min) fps
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
31.5 (23.9min) fps -28%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
20.6 (14.9min) fps -53%
Final Fantasy XV Benchmark / Lite Quality
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i3-1215U
30.6 fps +64%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
18.7 fps
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
14.2 fps -24%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
12.9 fps -31%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
12.8 fps -32%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
12.4 fps -34%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
12.3 fps -34%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
12 fps -36%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
5.91 fps -68%
Final Fantasy XV Benchmark / Standard Quality
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i3-1215U
16.5 fps +70%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
9.73 fps
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
7.98 fps -18%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
6.33 fps -35%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
6.16 fps -37%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
5.88 fps -40%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
5.87 fps -40%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
5.63 fps -42%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
3.48 fps -64%
X-Plane 11.11 / low (fps_test=1)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
32.4 fps
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i3-1215U
29.1 fps -10%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
24.7 fps -24%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
24.3 fps -25%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
22.5 fps -31%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
20.6 fps -36%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
17.3 fps -47%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
11.3 fps -65%
X-Plane 11.11 / med (fps_test=2)
Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 14IAU7-82R7007TGE
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i3-1215U
24.9 fps +15%
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N305
21.6 fps
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
15 fps -31%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
15 fps -31%
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
14.7 fps -32%
Trigkey G4
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
13.2 fps -39%
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake), Intel Core i3-N300
12.7 fps -41%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
8.45 fps -61%
basso medio alto ultra
GTA V (2015) 55.6 46.4
The Witcher 3 (2015) 38.1 12.3 5.5
Dota 2 Reborn (2015) 62.5 43.8 25.1 23.1
Final Fantasy XV Benchmark (2018) 18.7 9.73 6.92
X-Plane 11.11 (2018) 32.4 21.6 20.1
Far Cry 5 (2018) 20 9 9 8
Strange Brigade (2018) 41.3 13.5 13.5 14.5
Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018) 16.5 9.2 8.6
Far Cry New Dawn (2019) 21 11 10 9
F1 2020 (2020) 35.4 18.8 14 8.7
F1 2021 (2021) 46 18.3 16.5 10.5
GRID Legends (2022) 27.3 21.1 15.9
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown (2024) 37 26.7 24

Emissioni - Non eccezionali, ma buone

Emissioni di rumore

Il Core i3-N305 di Intel è raffreddato con un'unità di raffreddamento attiva compatta. Come dimostrano le nostre misurazioni, Maxtang MTN-ALN50 può funzionare in modo silenzioso in modalità idle, anche se si raggiungono solo poco più di 33,4 dB(A) sotto carico medio. Al suo picco, tuttavia, abbiamo registrato un livello di pressione sonora di 43 dB(A), rendendo il Mini-PC chiaramente udibile. Detto questo, il livello di rumore massimo non viene raggiunto in modo continuo. Rispetto ai concorrenti di questa recensione, il nostro campione di prova si comporta leggermente peggio. Tuttavia, il livello di pressione sonora rientra in un range accettabile nell'uso quotidiano, considerando le prestazioni mostrate.


25.1 / 25.1 / 25.1 dB(A)
Sotto carico
34.5 / 43 dB(A)
  red to green bar
30 dB
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
min: dark, med: mid, max: light   Earthworks M23R (15 cm di distanza)   Rumorosità ambientale: 25 dB(A)
dB(A) 0102030405060708090Deep BassMiddle BassHigh BassLower RangeMidsHigher MidsLower HighsMid HighsUpper HighsSuper Highs2043.638.240.84640.737.843.62540.139.739.240.540.642.140.13141.440.140.63938.238.341.44030.626.930.527.228.828.130.65033.7293330.631.53333.7633229.828.928.629.628.1328021.820.120.124.325.822.421.810019.416.416.721.924.517.419.412519.218.416.216.217.613.819.216020.314.611.21011.61220.320021.317.112.412.616.511.321.325023.41810.311.211.910.423.431524.418.310.411.111.910.924.440025.620.11110.710.210.425.650028.52210.611.411.312.128.563030.723.911.112.312.110.630.78003427.612.212.912.310.434100034.327.911.411.911.510.734.3125031.325.310.71110.610.931.3160034.823.911.2111111.234.8200034.42411.711.911.812.134.4250030.819.612.412.412.112.430.8315029.717.713.1131313.129.7400028.517.313.813.713.71428.5500023.614.914.113.814.11423.6630023.215.314.514.514.314.423.2800019.214.714.814.614.614.619.21000016.315.41514.714.714.916.31250016.416.11514.614.715.216.41600016.315.114.614.514.715.416.3SPL4334.525.125.125.12543N3. 24.4median 18median 12.4median 12.6median 12.3median 12.1median 24.4Delta5. rangehide median Fan NoiseMaxtang MTN-ALN50
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
Acemagic S1
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Blackview MP80
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Trigkey G4
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Minipc Union Ace Magician T8Pro
Celeron N5095, UHD Graphics (Jasper Lake 16 EU)
off /ambiente *
Idle Minimum *
Idle Average *
Idle Maximum *
Load Average *
Load Maximum *

* ... Meglio usare valori piccoli


L'involucro del Maxtang MTN-ALN50 si riscalda solo leggermente. Durante lo stress test, vediamo un massimo di 90 °C sul processore stesso, che viene raggiunto solo subito dopo l'inizio dello stress test. Con il progredire del test, la temperatura della CPU si stabilizza a poco meno di 80 °C. Tuttavia, vediamo anche che il valore PL2 (35 watt) non può essere raggiunto. La temperatura sale troppo rapidamente e l'Intel Core i3-N305 raggiunge solo 24 watt al suo picco, prima di ridurre la potenza a 15 watt. Tuttavia, questo significa che il SoC funziona all'interno delle specifiche stabilite da Intel per il Core i3-N305.

Stress test Prime95 + FurMark
Stress test Prime95 + FurMark
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 - Inattivo (lato superiore)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 - Inattivo (lato superiore)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 - Inattivo (lato inferiore)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 - Inattivo (lato inferiore)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 - Test da sforzo (lato superiore)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 - Test da sforzo (lato superiore)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 - Test di stress (lato inferiore)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 - Test di stress (lato inferiore)
Carico massimo
 32 °C33.5 °C33.7 °C 
 31.5 °C33 °C31.8 °C 
 32.4 °C33.1 °C33.2 °C 
Massima: 33.7 °C
Media: 32.7 °C
32.6 °C32.7 °C32.7 °C
33 °C33.2 °C33 °C
33.2 °C33.1 °C33.1 °C
Massima: 33.2 °C
Media: 33 °C
Alimentazione (max)  34.3 °C | Temperatura della stanza 21.8 °C | Fluke t3000FC (calibrated)
(±) La temperatura media del lato superiore sotto carico massimo e' di 32.7 °C / 91 F, rispetto alla media di 32 °C / 90 F per i dispositivi di questa classe Mini PC.
(+) La temperatura massima sul lato superiore è di 33.7 °C / 93 F, rispetto alla media di 35.7 °C / 96 F, che varia da 24 a 69.5 °C per questa classe Mini PC.
(+) Il lato inferiore si riscalda fino ad un massimo di 33.2 °C / 92 F, rispetto alla media di 36.3 °C / 97 F
(+) In idle, la temperatura media del lato superiore è di 29.1 °C / 84 F, rispetto alla media deld ispositivo di 32 °C / 90 F.

Consumo di energia

Il consumo energetico sembra leggermente peggiore rispetto ai concorrenti, il che è dovuto alle migliori prestazioni dell'Intel Core i3-N305. Tuttavia, vediamo valori piuttosto bassi nel test. L'alimentatore deve fornire solo da 3,9 a 7,2 watt in modalità idle. Al picco, abbiamo registrato poco meno di 49 watt, anche se sul display vengono visualizzati solo circa 30 watt sotto carico continuo. Con una potenza di uscita massima di 60 watt, l'alimentatore è sufficientemente dimensionato. Il produttore non utilizza un collegamento proprietario, il che significa che è possibile utilizzare anche alimentatori alternativi. Tuttavia, è necessario garantire la tensione corretta, in quanto il Maxtang MTN-ALN50 è alimentato solo a 12 volt.

Maxtang MTN-ALN50 e l'alimentatore da 60 watt (12 V; 5 A)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50 e l'alimentatore da 60 watt (12 V; 5 A)
alimentatore da 60 watt (12 V; 5 A)
alimentatore da 60 watt (12 V; 5 A)
Consumo di corrente
Off / Standbydarklight 0.05 / 0.67 Watt
Idledarkmidlight 3.9 / 7 / 7.2 Watt
Sotto carico midlight 30.1 / 48.7 Watt
 color bar
Leggenda: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Metrahit Energy
Attualmente utilizziamo il Metrahit Energy, un multimetro digitale professionale per la misurazione della qualità della potenza e dell'energia monofase, per le nostre misurazioni.
Maxtang MTN-ALN50
i3-N305, UHD Graphics 32EUs
Acemagic S1
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Blackview MP80
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Trigkey G4
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Zotac ZBOX PI430AJ
i3-N300, UHD Graphics 32EUs
Minipc Union NiPoGi GK3PLUS - N95
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Media Intel UHD Graphics 32EUs (Alder Lake)
Media della classe Mini PC
Power Consumption
Idle Minimum *
5.88 ?(3.5 - 11.3, n=4)
Idle Average *
Idle Maximum *
9.35 ?(7 - 15.2, n=4)
Load Average *
Load Maximum *

* ... Meglio usare valori piccoli

Power consumption with external monitor

Maxtang MTN-ALN50; Prime95 V2810 Stress (external Monitor): Ø34.5 (31-47.3)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50; Cinebench R15 Multi (external Monitor): Ø36.9 (30.3-42.2)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50; 1280x720 FurMark 1.19 GPU Stress Test (external Monitor): Ø26.1 (23.5-39.1)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50; Idle 1min (external Monitor): Ø7.16 (7.03-7.64)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50; 3DMark06 Return To Proxycon: Ø30.1 (26.3-33.2)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50; Cinebench R23 Single (external Monitor): Ø21.6 (20.6-28.9)
Maxtang MTN-ALN50; Cinebench R23 Multi (external Monitor): Ø32.9 (29.1-40)


+ alloggiamento molto robusto
+ facile da aprire
+ Intel Core i3-N305 con 8 core
+ prestazioni quotidiane utilizzabili
+ basse temperature del case
+ doppia LAN 2.5G
+ tre display possono essere utilizzati contemporaneamente


- alte latenze DPC
- nessuna WLAN
- alloggiamento con spigoli vivi

Verdetto - Buon dispositivo per tutti i giorni con l'economico Intel Core i3-N305

Test del Maxtang MTN-ALN50: fornito da Maxtang
Test del Maxtang MTN-ALN50: fornito da Maxtang

Maxtang MTN-ALN50 è un mini PC semplice, senza alcuna caratteristica visiva. La scelta dei materiali da parte del produttore include principalmente il metallo, che conferisce al dispositivo un'eccellente stabilità, ma ha anche l'effetto collaterale di un peso relativamente elevato. In termini di qualità costruttiva, tuttavia, abbiamo già visto dispositivi migliori nel test. Inoltre, il MTN-FP750 dimostra che Maxtang può fare di meglio. I bordi smussati dell'alloggiamento sono la parola chiave in questo caso. Per quanto riguarda le prestazioni, non c'è quasi nessuna critica da parte nostra. Il Intel Core i3-N305 non è uno dei processori più veloci, ma con un consumo energetico di soli 15 watt, il SoC offre 8 core di calcolo. Insieme all'unità di raffreddamento attiva, è in grado di fornire prestazioni adeguate anche sotto carico. Purtroppo, Maxtang installa solo RAM DDR4, anche se il SoC può gestire anche RAM DDR5.

Il Maxtang MTN-ALN50 è interessante grazie all'Intel Core i3-N305. Il SoC offre prestazioni eccellenti - c'è un po' da recuperare in termini di qualità costruttiva.

In termini di connettività, siamo un po' divisi. Da un lato, il Maxtang MTN-ALN50 ottiene risultati con due connessioni LAN 2.5G. D'altra parte, non dispone di un modulo WLAN, che deve essere installato a posteriori dall'utente. Tuttavia, il dispositivo offre uno slot per questo. Le altre connessioni sono piuttosto standard e non offrono un valore aggiunto significativo rispetto alla concorrenza. Il punto di forza principale del Maxtang MTN-ALN50 è e rimane il processore economico con buone prestazioni. Mini PC comparabili con un SoC simile, come Zotac Zbox pico PI430AJ, sono attualmente molto rari e costano anche molto di più.

Prezzi e disponibilità

Il Maxtang MTN-ALN50 è disponibile nella nostra configurazione di prova al prezzo di 348 dollari USA direttamente dal produttore.

Maxtang MTN-ALN50 - 02/08/2024 v7 (old)
Sebastian Bade

74 / 98 → 76%
41 / 81 → 51%
Prestazioni di gioco
Prestazioni Applicazioni
Mini PC - Media ponderata


The present review sample was given to the author by the manufacturer free of charge for the purposes of review. There was no third-party influence on this review, nor did the manufacturer receive a copy of this review before publication. There was no obligation to publish this review.

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> Recensioni e prove di notebook, tablets e smartphones > Recensioni e prove > Recensioni e prove > Recensione del mini PC Maxtang MTN-ALN50: PC da ufficio molto economico con buone prestazioni grazie all'Intel Core i3-N305 e 8 cores
Sebastian Bade, 2024-02-24 (Update: 2024-02-24)