Xiaomi 12 Pro
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Fotocamera Secondaria: 32 MPix (f/2.45, 26 mm, 0.7 µm)
Price comparison
Media dei 92 punteggi (dalle 151 recensioni)
recensioni per Xiaomi 12 Pro
Lo Xiaomi 12 Pro non solo ha un nuovo design, ma anche una configurazione della fotocamera completamente rinnovata con tre sensori da 50 MP altamente capaci. Inoltre, ci sono un sacco di caratteristiche moderne di fascia alta. In questa recensione esploreremo perché c'è ancora spazio per miglioramenti.
Sorgente: HDblog.it

Xiaomi 12 Pro è sicuramente lo smartphone migliore del portafoglio del produttore anche dopo la presentazione dei modelli T. Concreto, robusto, costruito bene e completo di tutto a parte certificazione IP non dichiarata e uscita video dalla Type-C. Il prezzo è adesso concorrenziale, allineato anche a smartphone recentemente usciti come il Moto Edge 30 Ultra e al riposizionamento di S22+, due dei concorrenti più diretti al momento. Se vi piace Xiaomi e avete circa 750€ a disposizione, 12 Pro è da prendere in considerazione seriamente e lato aggiornamenti sono garantiti 3 anni di update e 4 di patch di sicurezza come per le versioni T.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 10/08/2022
Valutazione: caratteristiche: 91%
Sorgente: HDblog.it

Difficile davvero chiedere di più, Xiaomi ha davvero messo tutto o quasi all'interno di questo 12 Pro e, soprattutto, lo ha fatto senza lanciarsi in un territorio inesplorato dove campeggiano cifre folli. Non è certo economico, intendiamoci, ma la versione base può essere considerata in linea con la sua esclusività visti i suoi 1.099 euro. Prezzo barrato, esatto, perché la casa cinese ha il brutto vizio di stabilire un listino che disattende dal primo istante con promo di lancio che abbassano nei primi giorni la soglia. In questo caso lo ha fatto di 150 euro per i primi due giorni, portando la variante da 8/128GB a 949 euro, e la domanda sorge così spontanea: qual è il vero prezzo? A mio avviso quest'ultimo e basterà probabilmente poco affinché si ritrovi su questa soglia. Rapido, concreto e sempre più funzionale grazie alla MIUI 13, personalizzazione che ormai si può ritenere una delle più mature e interessanti dell'intero panorama Android.
Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/04/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% caratteristiche: 75%
Sorgente: Everyeye.it

Xiaomi 12 Pro è uno smartphone con tanti punti di forza e poche pecche. Tra queste, sicuramente il peso e le dimensioni non tra i più contenuti, la mancanza della certificazione IP e l'impossibilità di espandere la memoria interna. Aspetti trascurabili per molti utenti e soprattutto rispetto ai suoi pregi, come le ottime prestazioni offerte dallo Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, l'ottimo display AMOLED con refresh rate fino a 120 Hz e risoluzione WQHD+, il buon comparto fotografico, un eccellente sonoro Harman Kardon e una connettività completa con Wi-Fi 6E e 5G. L'autonomia non è esattamente al top, ma la tecnologia HyperCharge a 120W è una scheggia e non manca neanche la ricarica wireless a 50W. Il suo principale scoglio potrebbe essere il prezzo, in quanto 1.199,90 euro per il modello da 12/256GB sono tanti, troppi. Certo, siamo di fronte a un dispositivo Premium e di fascia alta, ma sono comunque cifre importanti, collocate in una via di mezzo tra Samsung Galaxy S22+ e Galaxy S22 Ultra.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 04/01/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83%
Sorgente: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade

Tirando le somme, Xiaomi 12 Pro è sicuramente un ottimo prodotto in tutti i comparti. Un vero smartphone premium in termini di design e prestazioni. Per quanto riguarda la fotocamera siamo a livelli alti ma manca ancora qualcosa per arrivare a competere appieno con Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra oppure iPhone 13 Pro, due device venduti ad un prezzo molto simile. In conclusione, il prezzo di Xiaomi 12 Pro è sicuramente troppo elevato, ma guardando le specifiche di questo smartphone la cifra è parzialmente giustificabile. È chiaro che Xiaomi sta puntando anno dopo anno a conquistare la fascia alta di mercato, e quest'anno, è stato l'anno della consacrazione con tre smartphone che hanno soddisfatto le aspettative.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/29/2022
Sorgente: Tutto Android

Sono sempre più lontani i tempi in cui Xiaomi cercava di farsi conoscere proponendo smartphone di buona qualità a prezzi super competitivi. Strategia che obbligava necessariamente a calcare sui numeri tecnici e soprassedere sul dettaglio. Negli ultimi anni l’azienda si è concentrata ad affinare i suoi prodotti e con questo Xiaomi 12 Pro dimostra in tutto e per tutto la crescita qualitativa fatta finora. E se su qualche aspetto è ancora lacunosa, come la certificazione contro acqua e polvere e il sensore di prossimità ancora una volta virtuale, su altri stacca la concorrenza e sa farsi valere, come ad esempio sulla velocità di ricarica. Uno smartphone complessivamente promosso ma che obbliga a ponderarne l’acquisto, sia per queste mancanze sia per il prezzo che ancora una volta subisce un ulteriore rincaro rispetto all’anno precedente. Xiaomi 12 Pro è disponibile in due versioni: 8GB+256GB, 12GB+256GB, rispettivamente al prezzo di 1099,9 euro e 1199,9 euro. Sia su Amazon.it che sul sito ufficiale mi.com.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 03/21/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 79% prestazioni: 90% mobilità: 75% qualità di lavorazione: 84%
Sorgente: Multiplayer IT

Nella nuova linea di top di gamma Xiaomi 12 appena presentata, la variante Pro rappresenta la punta di diamante, quella tecnologicamente più avanzata e di conseguenza la più interessante da analizzare per capire quale sia lo spessore dell'offerta del colosso cinese. È anche l'unica versione che supera i 1000€ di listino, barriera psicologica che impone una grande attenzione a pregi e difetti: è ovvio come il produttore stia cercando, anno dopo anno, di trasformare la percezione del brand, slegandosi dall'essere quasi un sinonimo di smartphone economici per diventare una realtà a tutto tondo, capace anche di offrire prodotti dal costo molto più importante.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/20/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 82%
Sorgente: Techprincess IT

Xiaomi 12 Pro è senza dubbio alcuno un top di gamma. Lo schermo, il processore, la ricarica rapida sono eccellenti. E anche se ci sono smartphone che fanno scatti migliori, che hanno più autonomia o un software Android più pulito, lo smartphone si difende bene su tutta la linea. Lo smartphone arriva nelle due varianti da 8GB+256GB, 12GB+256GB, rispettivamente al prezzo di 1099,90 € e 1199,90 €. Che non sono pochi. Ma se prendete il modello da 12GB (quello che abbiamo testato noi) entro il 30 aprile avrete in omaggio uno smartwatch Xiaomi Watch S1, mentre chi prende il modello da 8GB avrà uno Xiaomi Watch S1 Active. In questa fascia di prezzo c’è l’imbarazzo della scelta. Ma se cercate pura potenza, ricarica al massimo, fotocamere di qualità e uno schermo da urlo, la risposta che cercate è Xiaomi 12 Pro. Se invece potete rinunciare alle fotocamere eccellenti, vale la pensa considerare la versione standard di Xiaomi 12.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 03/18/2022
Sorgente: DDay IT

Nel complesso Xiaomi 12 Pro resta a nostro avviso un ottimo prodotto: scalda leggermente, ma scaldano tutti gli smartphone top di gamma Android che condividono lo stesso processore Qualcomm, non è IP68 e non ha un tele da 5x vero ma per il resto non ha grossi punti deboli. La fotocamera, se si entra un po’ nell’ottica Xiaomi e si imparano le funzioni di base, permette di ottenere scatti molto soddisfacenti in ogni condizioni, e grazie alle modalità presenti si riescono a scattare senza troppa difficoltà fotografie che in altri casi, ad esempio come iOS, richiederebbero un’app in più. Il prezzo è alto, ma come abbiamo detto prima vediamo lo Xiaomi 12 Pro come un telefono destinato ad una persona che ama Xiaomi e conosce già bene il marchio, e non si infastidisce più di tanto per un piccolo bug della MIUI o per l’editor che non funziona se ci si trova in un sotterraneo, senza copertura di rete.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/16/2022
Sorgente: AndroidWorld.it

Xiaomi 12 Pro è uno smartphone concreto e che mostra il suo lato da top di gamma sotto praticamente tutti gli aspetti. Partendo dalle fotocamere, passando dal display e arrivando fino alla velocità di ricarica. Gli manca qualche dettaglio da premium, ma tutto giustificabile. Il prezzo di lancio però è davvero alto. Speriamo in qualche secondo nei prossimi mesi.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 60% caratteristiche: 80% schermo: 95% mobilità: 75% qualità di lavorazione: 80% ergonomia: 80%
Sorgente: Andrea Galeazzi

I prezzi sono di 1.099 euro per l'8-256GB e 1.199 euro per il 12-256GB, allineati quindi agli altri top di gamma. Lui è un top con qualche "ma" che vi ho raccontato ma è sicuramente il miglior Xiaomi mai provato. Devo dire però che mi intriga molto anche il 12 liscio a 799 euro, compatto ma sempre con Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 e il 12X che in promo scende a 599 euro.. arriverà il confronto!
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 81% prezzo: 70% schermo: 89% mobilità: 75% qualità di lavorazione: 85%
recensioni esterne
Sorgente: OI Spice Tech News

The Xiaomi 12 Pro Dimensity edition smartphone might be the weakest compared to the whole Xiaomi 12 series phones. But, the smartphone maker ensures that users don’t get an underwhelming feel while purchasing this phone because you will obtain an impressive display experience, powerful performance, good gaming session, long-lasting battery, and a few other perks. However, you will discover the Vivo iQOO 9T is in the same price range that provides better processing and camera features. With that, it can be considered a decent alternative option. Yet, it’s a fact that the Xiaomi 12 Pro Dimensity phone got moderate camera results, and performance limitations do fall shortly behind the competition. Still, the phone doesn’t lose its worth even after that shortcoming and proves as a great choice.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 11/23/2022
Sorgente: Root Nation

Xiaomi 12 Pro is a top smartphone with a gorgeous quality screen and maximum resolution. It shoots perfectly day and night, and also features super-fast 120W charging. The processor is the flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. Materials, build and design, sound are almost all on top. What is upsetting is that there is no water protection, a weak battery (but this is compensated by recharging in a few minutes), no macro mode. The smartphone is successful, but there are many strong competitors in its price range.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 11/21/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 100% mobilità: 60% qualità di lavorazione: 100% ergonomia: 90%
Sorgente: GSM Arena

Thankfully its price seems to have come down significantly since launch, around 25%, at least in Europe, which means that it's a much more interesting value proposition nowadays than it initially was. And that may just be its redeeming unique sales proposition, in lieu of others - it's a very good package for the money. But by no means perfect, and if you are thinking of getting one, make sure you pay attention to all of the things that aren't great about it, which we've described in detail in this review. For, as with any other phone, if you can live with the downsides while appreciating the upsides, you'll be very happy with it.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 10/01/2022
Sorgente: Igeekphone

In general, the Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro Dimensity Edition makes the debut of the Dimensity 9000+ very amazing. The performance and energy efficiency are tightly controlled by MediaTek. You don’t have to worry about hot hands in summer. The screen display effect, but the imaging ability does not seem to have released all the power of the wild, there is still a lot of room for improvement in night scenes, macros, etc., and I look forward to the follow-up firmware update and improvement.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/20/2022
Sorgente: GSM Choice

And the worst thing, in my opinion, is the price - high in my opinion. Therefore, I recommend that you look in the operator offers - if you manage to get this phone cheaper than the manufacturer demands for it, then it won't be a bad purchase. If you buy in free sale, you will probably wait a little longer for the price to drop - more than a month has passed since the premiere, and the price is as it was.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/13/2022
Sorgente: Cashify

The Xiaomi 12 Pro 5G is indeed a premium flagship smartphone that excels in all areas and is a true all-rounder. It is good in the areas that are important to someone who buys a premium phone, such as having a fantastic display, a lovely design, a stylish build, and seamless performance. You also get a great speaker system and lightning-fast charging. With compatibility for up to 14 different 5G bands, this device is among the most future-proof smartphones on the market. There is still some room for improvement in the rear camera system, but I’m hopeful that they can be fine-tuned in future software updates. Users won’t be disappointed by the phone’s performance, as it can handle routine tasks without lag. Overall, the Xiaomi 12 Pro is among the very best Android smartphones, and it is unquestionably among the very best Xiaomi smartphones.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/13/2022
Sorgente: Tech Nave

Xiaomi 12 Pro Dimensity Edition was announced in July 2022 and this 5G smartphone is expected to release at the end of this month. The phone features a 6.73 inches LTPO2 AMOLED display panel with a high 120Hz refresh rate and 1500 nits peak brightness to comfortably use the device outdoors. Besides this, you get Corning Gorilla glass Victus protection on the phone. For performance, the Xiaomi 12 Pro Dimensity edition offers the flagship 4nm MediaTek Dimensity 9000+ chipset integrated with Mali-G710 MC10 GPU. In terms of software, you get the latest Android 12 OS with MIUI 13 user-interface customization. For internals, the device is available in 8GB / 12GB RAM and 128GB / 256GB internal storage options, while you don’t get SD card support. Furthermore, the phone equips a triple-rear camera with a 50MP main, 13MP ultrawide, and a 5MP telephoto macro lens. On the front, you get a decent 32MP selfie lens that can record 1080p videos at 60fps, whereas the triple-rear setup can record 4K videos at 60fps with gyro-EIS stabilization support.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/07/2022
Sorgente: Android Authority

Xiaomi had all the right pieces in place to build a competitive flagship. The 12 Pro came very close to putting those pieces together in just the right way, but it managed to misplace a few things along the path toward flagship perfection. The most concerning shortcoming of the phone, battery life, is somewhat balanced out by ridiculous charging speeds. I’d feel better about the Xiaomi 12 Pro if it had more left in the tank at the end of the day, though it is absolutely awesome that the phone can fully recharge in about 20 minutes. Xiaomi also opted to leave an IP rating off the feature list and that was a critical mistake. Nearly all the top flagships are certified against water immersion and the 12 Pro is not. Further, most competing devices up the wow factor a bit with designs that stand out and materials that carry a more premium feel. Toss in the average camera with its inconsistent zoom setup and you have a phone that doesn’t quite measure up, particularly considering the price of the competition. It’s not all bad, of course.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/04/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70% prezzo: 60% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 80% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 70%
Sorgente: Know Your Mobile

The Xiaomi 12 Pro is the most polished, best designed, and most well-appointed phone that the Chinese brand has released to date. It picks up where the Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra left off, improving both the design, build materials, and internal components. The focus here is on usability, imaging, and outright performance. And in these areas, the Xiaomi 12 Pro does very well indeed – its camera is fantastic, it has masses of performance, the display is stunning, and its battery life is off the charts. Overall, the Xiaomi 12 Pro scores highly and is a phone that we would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone that wants a high-end, high-performance Android phone that packs in an outstanding camera module, insane fast charging, and enough power under the hood to match pretty much anything else on the market right now.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/01/2022
Sorgente: Tech PP

You get a magnificent display and quad speakers to watch shows and videos, enough processing power and a very good array of cameras to create your own shows right on the phone itself, and a battery that charges in around twenty minutes. Sure, it looks good, but it is more than a pretty face and pretty good cameras, you know. It is actually more of a maker of shows than a stopper of them. It reminds us so much of the Nokia N95, which simply did everything well. We do hope this is what smartphones at this price will become. At its starting price of Rs 62,999, the Xiaomi 12 Pro goes up against the likes of the OnePlus 10 Pro, the iQOO 9 pro and the Samsung Galaxy S22. Does it do enough to hold its own against them? Here's our review.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 05/26/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 80% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: India Today

There are some obvious issues with the Xiaomi 12 Pro. The lack of IP rating is a huge miss for me. The front camera isn't that good, it only supports 1080p video recording and there is no SD card support on this phone either. But, there is no perfect Android phone in 2022. Most of the other flagships also have these problems. For example, the OnePlus 10 Pro also lacks the IP rating, the S22+ only comes with a Full HD+ display and the Vivo X80 Pro is just too expensive. In this cluttered market, the Xiaomi 12 Pro emerges as the value flagship that tries to cover all bases. It has a premium design, good in-hand feel and a really improved camera system. On top of it, the phone doesn't cost a fortune like other competing devices.Live TV
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 05/23/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85%
Sorgente: The Times of India

I used to own the Xiaomi Mi 5 back in 2016 and I loved the phone, despite all its flaws. It was good where it mattered for a flagship, and did everything else just fine. The Xiaomi 12 Pro in 2022 reminds me of that phone. It is good where it matters to a luxury phone buyer — splendid display, a sexy design, a luxurious build, effortless performance, superb set of speakers, and super fast charging. You also get the charger, case and headphones dongle in the box! — credit where deserved. For everything else, it is almost as good as the competition, but certainly not better — the camera output in still photos is a teeny bit below the iPhone 13 and the Galaxy S22. The performance optimisation has room for improvement, and the battery life is sub-par at the moment; it requires charging twice in a day. Plus, you miss out on IP rating for water and dust protection. When you are spending Rs. 63,000 or more on a smartphone, nitpicking is your right. The Samsung Galaxy S22 and S22 Plus are phones where this nitpicking is at its least.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 05/14/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Mobygyaan

The Xiaomi 12 Pro is really a great pick if you are looking for a premium flagship smartphone, from its design, display, and performance, to its fast-charging, everything about the phone is just great. The 2K+ LTPO display, modern SoC, long battery life, and impressive triple cameras give the smartphone an overall value for money. With its curved screen design and a solid metallic body, the Xiaomi 12 Pro 5G seems convincing in terms of design and looks. The 120 Hz 2K+ display with quad speakers offers a seamless multimedia experience. And with its incredible power, gamers and power users won’t have to compromise on its performance. In terms of charging, the 120W HyperCharge charger takes about 18 to 20 minutes to fully charge the battery which is one of the fastest charging smartphones available on the market. The Xiaomi 12 Pro 5G is a solid flagship contender that offers a sleek and powerful package in the flagship department.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 05/12/2022
Sorgente: DxOMark

The Xiaomi 12 Pro’s battery experience is one of extremes. It stands among the best devices in our database when it comes to charging, with excellent results — especially in wireless. But the device took a hit when it came to autonomy and efficiency. The Xiaomi 12 Pro struggled a lot with autonomy in all our test cases, such as video and music streaming, calibrated tests, and social apps on the go. Even with moderate usage, autonomy was very low, when compared with other phones in the database. Efficiency was very poor, too, because of very high discharge currents. But what the device lacks in autonomy and efficiency, it makes up for in charging. The device took 21 minutes to reach 80% of capacity in default settings, which we use for the protocol. But Xiaomi has a hidden “Charging Boost” option that allows charging at higher power, and we were eager to test it. The results showed that by activating this option, the device took only 14 minutes, 50 seconds, to reach 80% of capacity, 6 minutes, 33 seconds faster than the default mode,
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 05/12/2022
Sorgente: DxOMark

The Xiaomi 12 Pro provides users with smooth interactions and good indoor color rendering, but its overall performance is marred by too-low brightness at its default settings, and this is particularly true when it comes to watching HDR10 videos. It is reasonably comfortable to use as a gaming device, but visible aliasing and some problems with touch selection along the bottom and edges keep it from being ideal. It is readable outdoors, but its high brightness mode reduces color nuances. The Xiaomi 12 Pro’s DXOMARK Display overall score is derived from its scores across the six attributes of readability, color, video, motion, touch, and artifacts. In this section, we take a closer look at these display quality sub-scores and explain what they mean for the user, and we compare the Xiaomi 12 Pro with the Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra and with two of its rivals, the OnePlus 9 Pro and the Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 05/12/2022
Sorgente: Business Standard

The Xiaomi 12 Pro 5G is an all-round premium flagship smartphone. The phone cuts corners on a few things such as ingress protection, macro camera sensor, wired audio jack, etc. but compensates generously on other fronts to balance out the equation. That said, the Xiaomi 12 Pro 5G is not exactly an undersell but a modestly priced premium smartphone better than many of its peers.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 05/11/2022
Sorgente: NDTV Gadgets

After the whole Mi 11 Ultra (Review) availability fiasco, it's nice to see the 12 Pro on open sale right after its launch. Xiaomi's focus on performance and quality instead of numbers with the 12 Pro has really paid off. This phone still falls a bit short when it comes to consistency with the rear cameras, but I'm hoping these minor issues can be ironed out with software updates. Regardless, the overall image and video quality that you get with these cameras is quite good which makes the Xiaomi 12 Pro a solid contender in the premium smartphone space. It also happens to offer great value with a starting price of Rs. 62,999. The only feature that's missing is an official IP rating. Those who don't like a heavily skinned Android OS can always look at Motorola's Moto Edge 30 Pro (Review), which is priced lower (at Rs. 49,999). The iQoo 9 Pro (Review) is a good alternative as it has a unique design and a very good gimbal camera system for video recording plus a noteworthy macro mode.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 05/10/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% prezzo: 90% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 90% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Irish Mirror

Xiaomi 12 Pro gives the flagship devices from Oppo, Apple, Samsung and Google a run for their money. This is one of the best phones of 2022, with a stunning display, fantastic main camera, powerful processor and game-changing charging.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 05/10/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: The Indian Express

There’s no doubt that the Xiaomi 12 Pro is a very capable device. It has all the specs and features to be considered ‘premium’. But Xiaomi knows that isn’t enough. It is competing against serious players. The biggest target is the OnePlus 10 Pro, which packs a very unique camera setup (link to our review) with Hasselblad branding. Samsung’s Galaxy S22 Plus and the iPhone 13 all also sport very capable cameras, and are potential rivals, given the price bracket. Even the Realme GT Pro has quite the specs and camera. So has Xiaomi done enough to take on them? In some sense, yes. The design, camera, and performance are what a premium user expects. The battery seems to be the weak point, but the 120W fast charging helps replenish this quickly. It also has the advantage of a slightly lower price of Rs 62,999 compared to say, the OnePlus 10 Pro and the Galaxy S22 Plus, which it will be hoping gives it an edge.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 05/05/2022
Sorgente: 91mobiles

The Xiaomi 12 Pro retails for Rs 62,999 and for the price, brings a lot of unique features to the mix. For starters, the device offers an exceptional media consumption experience, which can be accredited to the smartphone’s stunning display and its fantastic quad-speaker setup. Furthermore, the Xiaomi 12 Pro is stupendously fast too, and the device employs a capable main camera that clicks outstanding photos. Be that as it may, the smartphone isn’t perfect and I would’ve liked to see a more capable set of auxiliary cameras with the phone. Furthermore, the handset runs hot, which could be construed as a deal-breaker by hardcore gamers. And, while MIUI 13 has a lot going for it, I wish the company would’ve offered better customisation features with the device. All said and done, the Xiaomi 12 Pro is a good phone that, with some software updates, can match (and even surpass) a user’s expectations.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 04/29/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 80% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Tech Advisor

The Xiaomi 12 Pro has an awful lot going for it, but that’s coupled with a pair of major flaws. I love the sleek, understated design. I love the beautiful display and the impressive performance. And I (mostly) love the camera, which is a solid performer, if not quite best-in-class. Unfortunately, the battery life is a clear failing, and the software suffers too – both from accidental bugs and intentional design choices. Some of these failings could well be fixed with updates, but for the moment they frustrate. That’s not enough to stop me from recommending the Xiaomi 12 Pro, but it is enough to make me encourage you to take a close look at the phone's rivals before you commit.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/27/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: NDTV Gadgets

As a premium smartphone priced starting at Rs. 62,999 in India, the Xiaomi 12 Pro sure looks the part of a proper flagship. It seems premium and classy, but it's missing one important feature, which is an official IP rating for dust and water resistance. It's a little odd considering some of Xiaomi's budget phones do have IP ratings. This alone could be a deal-breaker for some buyers. I'm also interested to see how Xiaomi's Android 12 implementation compares to Samsung and OnePlus' flagships. If you are interested in this premium smartphone from Xiaomi, stay tuned for my full review, which will be out soon on Gadgets 360.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 04/27/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% prezzo: 90% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 90% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Gadgetbyte Nepal

Okay, so what do I make of the Xiaomi 12 Pro? I think Xiaomi is definitely off to a good start with this phone. It provides a really good display experience, the design is well built, and the cameras are reliable and consistent enough—although not entirely flagship-level—while the company has also improved on the software side of things a lot compared to last year. And more importantly, this phone is somewhat cheaper than your typical flagship phone, so you are getting a premium experience at a lesser price as well. On the other hand, there are some things that I’m not happy about the Xiaomi 12 Pro like the missing IP68 rating. And I also wish the phone had a better cooling mechanism to keep the thermals in check. But overall, the Xiaomi 12 Pro surprisingly is an easy recommendation.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 04/18/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 91% prezzo: 90% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 90% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: The Guardian

The 12 Pro is Xiaomi’s latest attempt to take on the best of Samsung and Apple at the top of the premium market, which delivers in some areas while falling short in others. It certainly looks the part, feels great, performs well and has the fastest charging currently available. The camera is pretty good too but lacks extended optical zoom, limited only to 2x magnification where others offer 3x or 4x for the same price. Xiaomi’s Miui software is improving but still feels geared towards enthusiasts. The biggest problems for the 12 Pro are relatively weak battery life and high cost. The buyer is simply getting less with the Xiaomi than with similar phones from OnePlus, Google, Samsung or Apple.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 04/18/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60%
Sorgente: T3

A well rounded and powerful smartphone, the Xiaomi 12 is one of the best Android devices out there right now. It directly competes with big-name smartphone makers like Apple and OnePlus, as well as the best Samsung phones on the market. You should buy this phone if you care more about the screen and performance than you do the camera and battery life. In fact, its performance actually outshone some of its biggest rivals, and that’ll be one of the most convincing factors here. There are some areas where it's not quite up to the same level as other smartphones, but not everyone needs to take professional-grade photographs or have their phone last for two days at a time, especially given the super-fast charging capabilities you get. I wouldn’t let those things put you off if they’re not be-all-and-end-all features for you because outside of those complaints this is without a shadow of a doubt, a truly fantastic smartphone.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 04/07/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Tech Advisor

The Xiaomi 12 Pro has an awful lot going for it, but that’s coupled with a pair of major flaws. I love the sleek, understated design. I love the beautiful display and the impressive performance. And I (mostly) love the camera, which is a solid performer, if not quite best-in-class. Unfortunately, the battery life is a clear failing, and the software suffers too – both from accidental bugs and intentional design choices. Some of these failings could well be fixed with updates, but for the moment they frustrate. That’s not enough to stop me from recommending the Xiaomi 12 Pro, but it is enough to make me encourage you to take a close look at the phone's rivals before you commit.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/04/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Expert Reviews

The Xiaomi 12 Pro is arguably the company’s best phone yet, but it doesn’t quite strike the impeccable price-to-performance balance of last year’s Xiaomi Mi 11. Its stealthy design, speedy performance and vibrant display put it right up there with the Oppo Find X5 Pro and the Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus. Meanwhile, the 12 Pro’s triple 50MP camera system is impressively balanced, and the main sensor in particular is capable of producing top-notch results in all conditions. There are a couple of areas where the Xiaomi 12 Pro doesn’t quite justify its new premium pricing, however. The provision of a mere 2x telephoto lens is forgivable, given that its inclusion represents a big advance on both the Xiaomi Mi 11 and the Xiaomi 12. But the lack of any kind of IP rating is a curious omission for a phone with genuine title aspirations. Elsewhere, we have some concerns about the phone’s battery life, at least when it comes to media playback performance. The Xiaomi 12 Pro is a fine flagship phone, then, with a few flaws that are cast in a rather unforgiving light by some newly premium pricing.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/30/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: DxOMark

Powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset, the Xiaomi 12 Pro is another high-performance smartphone from the Chinese manufacturer. All three rear-camera modules — primary, ultra-wide and tele — use sensors with a 50MP resolution. The variant in the primary module is one of the largest we have seen in a smartphone camera, at 1/1.28″. While the ultra-wide camera allows you to squeeze a lot of scene into the frame, the tele is a little more limited in terms of focal length when compared to the direct competition.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/29/2022
Sorgente: Android Authority

Xiaomi had all the right pieces in place to build a competitive flagship. The 12 Pro came very close to putting those pieces together in just the right way, but it managed to misplace a few things along the path toward flagship perfection. The most concerning shortcoming of the phone, battery life, is somewhat balanced out by ridiculous charging speeds. I’d feel better about the Xiaomi 12 Pro if it had more left in the tank at the end of the day, though it is absolutely awesome that the phone can fully recharge in about 20 minutes. Xiaomi also opted to leave an IP rating off the feature list and that was a critical mistake. Nearly all the top flagships are certified against water immersion and the 12 Pro is not. Further, most competing devices up the wow factor a bit with designs that stand out and materials that carry a more premium feel. Toss in the average camera with its inconsistent zoom setup and you have a phone that doesn’t quite measure up, particularly considering the price of the competition. It’s not all bad, of course.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/25/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70% prezzo: 60% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 80% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 70%
Sorgente: Unbox

The Xiaomi 12 Pro impressed us in our review for the Philippines, thanks to that amazing-looking screen, solid build quality as well as ultra-fast charging time. Unfortunately, Xiaomi’s latest top-tier flagship has increased considerably in price, and the Xiaomi 12 Pro’s Php 48,999 sticker price is a little hard to swallow considering it doesn’t have a formal IP rating, as well as short reach on its supposedly zoom optics. That being said, it’s not a bad phone, and it demonstrates just how well the brand has caught up to its rivals in terms of offering a flagship contender.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/23/2022
Sorgente: Pokde

For RM3899, should you get the Xiaomi 12 Pro? If what you want is a beautiful big display and a great camera setup, the Xiaomi 12 Pro comes strongly recommended by me. But if what you want is a true flagship that covers all the bases… I am not quite sure that the Xiaomi 12 Pro is there yet. At this price point, I feel like Xiaomi is still a little shaky, and the Xiaomi 12 Pro is not quite ready to go up against the sub-RM4000 flagships in the market as an overall package. There’s no IP rating, unlike most of the top dogs at this price range out there. Performance is also at times worse than last-gen devices, with heating being a real issue here, although Xiaomi might not be entirely to blame here. Battery life is just par for the course, despite the LTPO AMOLED display intended to help lower power consumption. The upside is that charging is just ridiculously fast, with a full charge easily attainable in less than 30 minutes. Not quite as fast as the 18 minutes that Xiaomi claimed, but it is still super quick. In fact, Xiaomi also took another step backwards.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/23/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83% prezzo: 75% prestazioni: 85% mobilità: 84% qualità di lavorazione: 87%
Sorgente: Tech Advisor

The Xiaomi 12 Pro has an awful lot going for it, but that’s coupled with a pair of major flaws. I love the sleek, understated design. I love the beautiful display and the impressive performance. And I (mostly) love the camera, which is a solid performer, if not quite best-in-class. Unfortunately, the battery life is a clear failing, and the software suffers too – both from accidental bugs and intentional design choices. Some of these failings could well be fixed with updates, but for the moment they frustrate. That’s not enough to stop me from recommending the Xiaomi 12 Pro, but it is enough to make me encourage you to take a close look at the phone's rivals before you commit.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/23/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Zdnet.com

The Xiaomi 12 Pro is a frustrating handset. Nicely made and featuring a superb AMOLED screen, a top-end chipset and a triple 50MP rear camera array with a usable zoom mode, it also offers very fast charging and a useful IR blaster. However, the speakers are nothing special, there's no IP rating, and battery life is disappointing.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 03/22/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 82%
Sorgente: NLT

So, we’re at the end of this comparison review and I really think we need to look at the price. Here in Malaysia, the prices are as below: I personally think that the Xiaomi 12 – the tiny one – is a good choice. At the price of RM2,999 (don’t buy the 128GB version please), I think it’s expensive, yes – but it’s a good compact phone. I should say – it’s also a phone that I’ll consider carrying in my pocket too. As for the Xiaomi 12 Pro, at RM3,899, I think it’s just way too expensive for what it has to offer. Despite having 50MP for all the camera sensors, other parts of the phone fell apart for me. The battery life, the reality of the charging speed, USB 2.0, that price tag – yeah I’ll rather get the Samsung Galaxy S22 or S22 Plus at that price point.
Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/21/2022
Sorgente: Lowyat.net

Admittedly, this was my first time using a high-end Android phone as my daily driver in recent years, and I’m happy to say that the Xiaomi 12 Pro did not disappoint. It’s an absolute beast with an amazing camera and breezes through any task or app I throw at it, despite the fact that it can quickly and noticeably heat up in a variety of situations. It can go toe-to-toe with the likes of Samsung while outpricing it and the lightning-speed charging is a huge convenience, to say the least. The 12 Pro is a great choice for those looking for a flagship smartphone, though you could save yourself some money and go for the regular Xiaomi 12 model if you want a smaller version that’s easier to handle with one hand.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/21/2022
Sorgente: XDA Developers

While the nearly $400 price gap between the Xiaomi 12 Pro and the OPPO Find X5 Pro (price converted from EUR) is large enough that should convince many to pick Xiaomi over OPPO, I’m not sure the $200 price difference between Xiaomi 12 Pro and Galaxy S22 Ultra is large enough, as Samsung just brings a more polished and versatile package all around. I suppose the Xiaomi 12 Pro should be compared to the Galaxy S22 Plus (not the Ultra), in which case I think Xiaomi 12 Pro holds up very well. But like I said, I think there will be a Xiaomi 12 Ultra coming, one that will be more equipped to tackle Samsung’s best of the best. But knowing this also puts the Xiaomi 12 Pro in a sort of lame duck spot — if you want to save money, you’re better off getting the Xiaomi 12, if you want Xiaomi’s best slab offering, everyone knows this isn’t quite it. So despite the Xiaomi 12 Pro being a good flagship, there are propositions above and below it that take the spotlight away from it.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/19/2022
Sorgente: Android Headlines

Xiaomi provided AndroidHeadlines with a review unit of the Xiaomi 12 Pro. As usual, they didn’t have a say in our opinion, nor did they see an advance copy of the review before you. The review device was used for approximately 14 days before composing this review. The phone is running MIUI 13 on top of Android 12 with the February 2022 security patch.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/18/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Techradar

The Xiaomi 12 Pro is one of the most balanced phones around, and the fact that it costs just shy of $1,000 means it undercuts the best from Apple, Oppo, and Samsung. It misses out on a good camera zoom, but that's the only real drawback to an otherwise great package - one that combines a refined design that keeps fingerprints at bay with class-leading fast-charging, a zingy screen, and stacks of power.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/16/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: TechTablets

Xiaomi 12 Pro Review. International version review, did Xiaomi fix those overheating issues the first Chinese release suffers from? Full review, including battery life, charge times, benchmarks, thermals Vs Chinese version, camera samples and review all after using this flagship for 3 weeks to get the full picture.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/15/2022
Sorgente: Tech Advisor

The Xiaomi 12 Pro has an awful lot going for it, but that’s coupled with a pair of major flaws. I love the sleek, understated design. I love the beautiful display and the impressive performance. And I (mostly) love the camera, which is a solid performer, if not quite best-in-class. Unfortunately, the battery life is a clear failing, and the software suffers too – both from accidental bugs and intentional design choices. Some of these failings could well be fixed with updates, but for the moment they frustrate. That’s not enough to stop me from recommending the Xiaomi 12 Pro, but it is enough to make me encourage you to take a close look at the phone's rivals before you commit.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Pocket Lint

Overall the Xiaomi 12 Pro is a masterclass in high-spec screen performance and subtle design. Its unassuming visuals hide a powerful performance within, while its cameras are gimmick-free and great across the board (if only it was a 3x zoom rather than 2x though). Why not a higher score then? The battery life is knocking on the door of unacceptable, really, which is the one big question mark over this product (sure, super-fast charging goes some way into negating this, but doesn't offset our anxiety completely). And there are still some quirks with software notifications and Android Auto functionality that grate (although MIUI 13 here acts far better than its predecessor). So we're still on that Xiaomi rollercoaster: the 12 Pro's high peaks are met with some troughs that might prevent you from riding again. There are moments of pure class, though, that's for sure.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Trusted Reviews

From what we’ve seen so far, the Xiaomi 12 Pro looks like a very tempting device. Not only is its starting price lower than key rivals such as the Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus, but it seems to perform well across all the key metrics that we’ve briefly tried out, from the triple camera sensor to the lush screen, to the processing power. Stay tuned for our full review to see whether this phone could be the go-to Android smartphone of 2022.
Pratico, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 03/15/2022
Sorgente: Mashable

Xiaomi 12 Pro starts at $999 for the 8GB variant with 256GB of storage, which is in line with similarly equipped flagships. If you want the sexiest phone around, it probably won't fit the bill — the design is bland and Xiaomi still doesn't have the brand power to match Samsung and Apple. The camera, while very powerful on paper, is a bit uneven; the main sensor can often match any flagship out there, but zoom and ultra-wide performance aren't the best. The phone also lacks certain features that it should not lack at this price point, such as (official) water and dust resistance. On the other hand, the Xiaomi 12 Pro has loads of power, with the fastest Snapdragon chip and up to 12GB of RAM, as well as a gorgeous display. If those features are important to you, the Xiaomi 12 Pro is a good deal.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 03/15/2022
Sorgente: Tom's Guide

The Xiaomi 12 Pro is a very direct successor to the Mi 11, inheriting basically all of that older phone’s strengths and weaknesses. However, because it's now much more expensive, the Xiaomi 12 Pro lost the value that made it such a good buy despite those issues. I've not had much time testing the standard Xiaomi 12 yet, so we'll see if it offers the superb bang-for-buck that is missing here. That said, the Xiaomi 12 Pro still offers superior value in some ways to the iPhone 13 Pro and Galaxy S22 Plus it's priced against. It charges way faster than either phone, and offers a big display that inherits the best features of both. (Just ignore how the speakers sound.) It's just a pity that this is another phone you won't be able to get in the U.S., despite Xiaomi giving the MSRP in dollars. I picture the ideal user of this phone as someone who loves watching video and playing games until their battery is completely drained, rather than a photography geek or someone chasing the ultimate performance per dollar.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Laptop Mag

The Xiaomi 12 Pro, starting at $999, is taking on the other flagship Android manufacturers on even ground and while that may be a slight misstep on the retail pricing front, the fact that it should typically be available for less means consumers will ultimately see it as the value brand. To be fair, the hardware matches up well with anyone else on the market — from its beautiful LTPO 120hz display to its trio of 50MP cameras capable of up to 8K or 4K HDR 10+ video recording and powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor. That’s before we get to its mind-bending 120W charging with the bundled charger and outstanding battery life. Xiaomi has even addressed software support with its three years of major OS updates and four years of security updates commitment. However, we still need to see how fast it manages to deliver those updates. MIUI is a more significant overlay than most, but it’s good to see that level of support.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Laptop Mag

The Xiaomi 12 Pro, starting at $999, is taking on the other flagship Android manufacturers on even ground and while that may be a slight misstep on the retail pricing front, the fact that it should typically be available for less means consumers will ultimately see it as the value brand. To be fair, the hardware matches up well with anyone else on the market — from its beautiful LTPO 120hz display to its trio of 50MP cameras capable of up to 8K or 4K HDR 10+ video recording and powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor. That’s before we get to its mind-bending 120W charging with the bundled charger and outstanding battery life. Xiaomi has even addressed software support with its three years of major OS updates and four years of security updates commitment. However, we still need to see how fast it manages to deliver those updates. MIUI is a more significant overlay than most, but it’s good to see that level of support.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: GSM Arena

The Xiaomi 12 Pro is not without its flaws. Perhaps most significant among those is the battery life, where key competitors have it beat. The lack of dust and water protection also raises eyebrows on a phone at this level. Top-tier chipsets tend to suffer under peak load, and so does the Snapdragon in the Xiaomi 12 Pro, but this one throttles especially aggressively. And for all its camera goodness, the missing autofocus on the ultrawide module and the relatively short reach of the tele limit its potential as a cameraphone. We understand that paying a little extra will get you more elsewhere, and we might argue that a more complete package at a price just a fraction higher would be the right way to go. However, paying as much as Xiaomi charges for this one comes with trade-offs that may or may not be justified depending on whom you ask. So while we wouldn't straight up recommend the 12 Pro, we'd say it's well worth considering - even more so if a discount of any sort comes its way at some point.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84%
Sorgente: Android Central

The Xiaomi 12 Pro delivers a bold design with top-notch internal hardware, a stunning 120Hz AMOLED screen with quad speakers, and 120W wired / 50W wireless charging. The trio of 50MP cameras on the back take fabulous photos in any scenario, and while there's no IP68 rating here, the Xiaomi 12 Pro wins in a lot of key areas.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Android Police

The phone retails for $999 USD, but this price will vary by region. That puts it in the same category as the Galaxy S22+, and between the two, I would rather have the Xiaomi 12 Pro. It has a top-tier camera, super-fast 120W charging, a crisp display, fantastic speakers, and decent software (really, you'll get used to it). The build quality is fantastic and it's hard to think of anything that's necessarily wrong with the phone. At the end of the day, it all comes down to if you like Xiaomi's software. MIUI stands out compared to the competition. It's smooth, fast, efficient, and looks good, but lacks some of the third-party support that skins like Pixel UI and One UI have. Whether this phone is for you really comes down to how much you value a more generic Android experience and how much you use social media apps that demand good selfies.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Android Police

The phone retails for $999 USD, but this price will vary by region. That puts it in the same category as the Galaxy S22+, and between the two, I would rather have the Xiaomi 12 Pro. It has a top-tier camera, super-fast 120W charging, a crisp display, fantastic speakers, and decent software (really, you'll get used to it). The build quality is fantastic and it's hard to think of anything that's necessarily wrong with the phone. At the end of the day, it all comes down to if you like Xiaomi's software. MIUI stands out compared to the competition. It's smooth, fast, efficient, and looks good, but lacks some of the third-party support that skins like Pixel UI and One UI have. Whether this phone is for you really comes down to how much you value a more generic Android experience and how much you use social media apps that demand good selfies.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Stuff TV

With a sharp design, premium build and absolutely gorgeous display, the 12 Pro is a true flagship phone – but one that makes a few missteps with its uncompromising approach to hardware. High internal temperatures hamper performance when gaming, and although its photos are on par with other top-end handsets, the choice of secondary lenses mean it isn’t quite as flexible as its periscope-packing rivals. Xiaomi has avoided prioritising specs above all else, and the 12 Pro is a better handset as a result, but it means that unless you’re seriously jazzed about the prospect of unmatched charging speeds, it does little to stand out against similarly-priced alternatives.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Phone Arena

With its starting price of $999 for the 8GB/256GB version of the phone and considering its decidedly flagship features, the Xiaomi 12 Pro is up there with the very best flagships. It certainly has what it takes to challenge any of the top contenders in its category, and despite the high price tag, it surely feels like the phone is a good value for money. It's got everything a modern Android flagship should have: super-fast charging, great camera, and a feature-rich interface. Still, I'd have loved a slightly better battery life, more consistent image quality when using the different cameras, and finally - better cooling. The Google Pixel 6 Pro starts at $899 and is a nice, albeit slightly less feature-rich alternative that still offers excellent image quality and comparable battery life. If you want to go all out, you can certainly go for the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, which is a couple of hundred bucks more expensive, but you could also opt for the Galaxy S22 Plus, which is comparable in terms of pricing.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 82%
Sorgente: Slashgear

The Xiaomi 12 Pro is undoubtedly a champion when it comes to features and performance. With a great display, great speakers, and great cameras, there are only a few flaws in Xiaomi's formula. Performance throttling could probably be fine-tuned with a firmware update, and the smaller battery is easily balanced by the market's fastest charging technology. You will, however, have a hard time picking the Xiaomi 12 Pro out of a lineup unless you explicitly ask for this model. And unlike past phones, Xiaomi no longer has qualms in raising its flagships to flagship prices, as well. The Xiaomi 12 Pro starts at $999 with 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage, though there is an even higher configuration with 12GB of RAM. The Xiaomi 12, on the other hand, starts at $749 with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, while the "standard" Xiaomi 12X retails for $649 with the same memory configuration.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Igeekphone

The mobile should also point out here that it is NOT warming up! Because I also heard this from the ready-made images given by the companies, if you do not have a product, DO NOT say you want it! It is not right to misinform the world. In fact, if I compare it to the Mi 10, the 12 Pro is cooler. I’m waiting for you to make a video where I will unlock the mobile bootloader to pass the ROM through Xiaomi.eu, but this will happen in the next few days as soon as I find some time. In the meantime, watch a video I prepared for you for the Xiaomi 12 Pro. Yes, I’m not talking, but I’m telling you why. I immediately hope you subscribe to my YouTube channel, click Like on the two videos and share them, so that the truth is learned everywhere! If you want to get the Xiaomi 12 Pro, definitely at a lower price than the one that will be released in Europe, when it is released, you can get it from GizTop as I did, of course WITHOUT a customs problem!
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/23/2022
Sorgente: TechTablets

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/24/2022
Sorgente: TechTablets

Pratico, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/18/2022
Sorgente: OI Spice Tech News

Xiaomi 12 Pro is the second smartphone to come with a 4nm chipset released in 2021 with an expected price of $700 (Rs 52,000 in India) approx. The phone comes with LTPO AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. Dolby Vision supports a decent screen display, while the 1500 nit brightness helps you in direct sunlight. The 4nm Qualcomm SM8450 Snapdragon 8 Gen1 delivers the next level of gaming performance and multitasking. There is a 50MP triple camera setting for the best camera performance in all conditions. The 32 MP selfie camera also produces decent image quality. In the battery section, you will get Li-Po 4600 mAh battery, 120W fast charging, 50W fast charging and 10W wireless reverse charging support. Finally, the phone is available in Black, Green, Blue and Pink color options.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 01/03/2022
Sorgente: OI Spice Tech News

There’s no denying that it’s one of the most anticipated smartphones called the Xiaomi 12 Pro. Undoubtedly, it offers several exciting flagship-level features, but still, the availability is not confirmed on the global stage. From the track record of Xiaomi, this phone has the potential to be the best flagship of 2021 and 2022. But, everything depends on the new technology entry. If you are thinking of buying the Xiaomi 12 Pro definitely go for it. But if you’re looking for an alternative option and something great with the same specs, definitely check out the Motorola X30 smartphone.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/03/2022
Sorgente: Smartphone Magazin - 3/23

Singola recensione, , Cortissimo, Data: 06/01/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 92% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 100% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: Computerbild

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 12/05/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 94%
Sorgente: Computerbild

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 10/11/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 94%
Sorgente: Computerbild

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/06/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 94%
Sorgente: Netzwelt

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/18/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85% caratteristiche: 90% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 70%
Sorgente: Stadt-bremerhaven

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/05/2022
Sorgente: RP-Online

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/03/2022
Sorgente: ChinaMobileMag

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/03/2022
Sorgente: A1 Blog

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 05/27/2022
Sorgente: Tech Stage

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 05/25/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Allround-PC.com

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/27/2022
Sorgente: Nextpit Germany

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/03/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Futurezone.at

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/31/2022
Sorgente: Nextpit Germany

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/18/2022
Sorgente: Computerbild

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/16/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 94%
Sorgente: Chip.de

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 96% prestazioni: 100% caratteristiche: 93% schermo: 100% mobilità: 86%
Sorgente: Go2 Mobile

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 02/13/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85% prezzo: 91% prestazioni: 95% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 89%
Sorgente: Chinahandys.net

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 02/04/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 81% prestazioni: 70% schermo: 100% mobilità: 75% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Netzwelt

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/02/2022
Sorgente: Hipertextual

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 04/05/2022
Sorgente: Tuexperto

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/28/2022
Sorgente: Xataka

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/23/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 88% prestazioni: 85% schermo: 95% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 95%
Sorgente: Computerhoy

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/18/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 89% caratteristiche: 100% schermo: 100% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: Xataka

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/15/2022
Sorgente: PC Guia

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 05/28/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 86%
Sorgente: Tudo Celular

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/08/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 60%
Sorgente: Android Geek

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/21/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 75% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 80% mobilità: 60% qualità di lavorazione: 70%
Sorgente: Android Geek

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 03/15/2022
Sorgente: Computer Totaal

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 05/26/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60%
Sorgente: AndroidWorld.nl

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 05/08/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 82%
Sorgente: Portablegear

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Cortissimo, Data: 04/19/2022
Sorgente: Presse Citron

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/12/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 91% prezzo: 90% prestazioni: 95% schermo: 95% mobilità: 90%
Sorgente: Journal du Geek

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/02/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Presse Citron

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/27/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 91% prezzo: 90% prestazioni: 95% schermo: 95% mobilità: 90%
Sorgente: L' Eclaireur FNAC

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 05/18/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 100% mobilità: 70%
Sorgente: Presse Citron

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/28/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 91% prezzo: 90% prestazioni: 95% schermo: 95% mobilità: 90%
Sorgente: CNet France

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/23/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Presse Citron

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 04/19/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 91% prezzo: 90% prestazioni: 95% schermo: 95% mobilità: 90%
Sorgente: MA Reduc

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Journal du Geek

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 04/07/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Nextpit France

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/30/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Frandroid

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/17/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 90% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Journal du Geek

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/17/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: L' Eclaireur FNAC

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 03/17/2022
Sorgente: Clubic

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/17/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 80% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Les Numeriques

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/17/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 100% mobilità: 60% qualità di lavorazione: 80% ergonomia: 80%
Sorgente: Phonandroid

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/17/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Presse Citron

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/17/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 91% prezzo: 90% prestazioni: 95% schermo: 95% mobilità: 90%
Sorgente: Nextpit France

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/16/2022
Sorgente: Video testy

Confronto, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 10/07/2022
Sorgente: PC Lab.pl

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 05/25/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 70% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 100% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Android.com.pl

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 04/26/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 100% mobilità: 70%
Sorgente: Tabletowo

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 04/07/2022
Sorgente: Komputerswiat

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/31/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 93% schermo: 94% qualità di lavorazione: 71%
Sorgente: Chip Online TR

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/21/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: ITC UA

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 12/27/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: DGL.ru

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 05/13/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: MobilArena HU

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/18/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60% schermo: 100% mobilità: 60% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Smartmania.cz

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 04/17/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 89% prestazioni: 96% caratteristiche: 93% mobilità: 75% qualità di lavorazione: 91%
Sorgente: Svet Androida

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 04/03/2022
Sorgente: The Gioididong

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 10/22/2022
Sorgente: Viettelstore

Pratico, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/01/2022
Sorgente: Viettelstore

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 04/06/2022
Sorgente: Viettelstore

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 04/01/2022
Sorgente: The Gioididong

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/30/2022
Sorgente: FPT shop

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 03/24/2022
Sorgente: FPT shop

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 03/21/2022
Sorgente: Cell Phones

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 03/19/2022
Sorgente: The Gioididong

Pratico, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/18/2022
Sorgente: Genk

Pratico, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/12/2022
Sorgente: Nghenhin Vietnam

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 01/07/2022
Sorgente: Tek.no

Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/18/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85%
Sorgente: Lyd og Billede

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 05/02/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83%
Sorgente: Alt om Data

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 04/26/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83% prezzo: 67% prestazioni: 100%
Sorgente: Mere Mobil.dk

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 04/20/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: Mobil.se

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/13/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84%
Sorgente: M3 PC för alla

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/07/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Unlimited Tech

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 04/24/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Arena IT

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/13/2022
Sorgente: Computerblog.ro

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/06/2022
Sorgente: Puhelinvertailu

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/30/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Qualcomm Adreno 730:
Chip grafico per smartphone e tablet integrato nel SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. Qualcomm sostiene che è il 30% più veloce dell'Adreno 660 nel SoC Snapdragon 888. Per Android dovrebbe essere una delle schede grafiche più veloci alla fine del 2021.
Ridurre la distanza delle Schede Grafiche per gli utenti che vogliono utilizzare il videogiochi. I nuovi giochi dovrebbero funzionare su queste schede, ma con riduzione dei dettagli e risoluzione mediocre.
>> Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nel nostroConfronto delle schede grafiche e nella nostra Lista dei Benchmark.
SD 8 Gen 1:
SoC di fascia alta per smartphone introdotto alla fine del 2021 e prodotto a 4 nm da Samsung. Integra un "Prime Core" basato su un'architettura ARM Cortex-X2 con clock fino a 3 GHz. Altri tre core più performanti sono basati sull'A710 ma con clock fino a 2,5 GHz. Inoltre, sono integrati quattro core di risparmio energetico che sono basati sull'architettura ARM Cortex-A510 e clock fino a 1,8 GHz. Oltre ai core del processore, il SoC integra un modem WiFi 6e, un DSP Hexagon (per l'accelerazione AI) e un ISP Spectra. Il controller di memoria integrato supporta la memoria veloce LPDDR5 fino a 3.200 MHz. Il 5G è ora incluso nel chip con il modem Snapdragon X65.
>>Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nel nostroConfronto dei processori per portatili.
Solo pochi smartphones hanno schermi più grandi.
I display con dimensioni maggiori consentono risoluzioni più elevate. Quindi, i dettagli come le lettere sono più grandi. D'altro canto, il consumo energetico è inferiore negli schermi con diagonali piccole e su dispositivi più piccoli, più leggeri ed economici.
>> Per scoprire come è la risoluzione del vostro schermo, andate a vedere la nostraLista DPI.
83.69%: Il punteggio deve essere considerato medio, in quanto il numero di portatili che hanno ottenuto un punteggio migliore è uguale a quello dei portatili che hanno avuto un punteggio peggiore.
>> Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nella nostra Guida all'acquisto di un portatile.