Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 5G
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Media dei 105 punteggi (dalle 209 recensioni)
recensioni per Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 5G
Ancora una volta, il Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 vede alcuni piccoli miglioramenti quest'anno: Un nuovo SoC, fotocamere ottimizzate, certificazione IP, un display più luminoso e altro ancora. In particolare, Samsung ha fatto passi avanti decisivi per quanto riguarda gli aggiornamenti. La nostra recensione approfondita contiene tutto ciò che deve sapere.
Sorgente: Batista70Phone
Il nuovo Flip 6 risulta una notevole evoluzione del predecessore, Flip 5, che invece fu una vera e propria rivoluzione, proponendo un display esterno ampio e utilizzabile, oltre a un nuovo design. Flip 6 affina tutto quello che andava migliorato, aggiornando il processore, aumentando la ram e l’autonomia, offrendo un’esperienza più completa e prestazionale. Enorme invece è la sensazione di qualità che si ha maneggiando Flip 6 rispetto al “vecchio” Flip 5, con materiali nettamente più premium, una cerniera più solida e sottile, un display con una piega quasi impercettibile, finiture più eleganti e soprattutto una protezione IP48 che sicuramente porta un valore aggiunto ragguardevole.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/13/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85% caratteristiche: 90% schermo: 80% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 95% ergonomia: 95%
Sorgente: Igizmo
La Galaxy AI trova nuova linfa nel foldable flip che rende compatto e personale l'uso delle funzioni di intelligenza artificiale integrate perfettamente nella One UI 6.1.1. Il Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 va scelto più per la rinnovata esperienza di utilizzo che per gli aggiornamenti hardware (obbligati)
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/06/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Smart World
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 è indubbiamente uno degli smartphone più iconici e "fighi" in circolazione. Proprio come per il pieghevole a libretto, anche qui l'azienda non si è presa troppi rischi e ha rivisto ancora una volta il suo pieghevole più di successo. Ottimi display, buone fotocamere, utilizzabili anche per i selfie e una cerniera che non troverete su nessun altro pieghevole. Certo si poteva avere una ricarica ancora più rapida e una piega un po' meno visibile, ma rimane comunque uno dei cellulari più desiderabili del panorama.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/02/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 81% prezzo: 60% caratteristiche: 85% schermo: 80% mobilità: 75% qualità di lavorazione: 95% ergonomia: 95%
Sorgente: Smart World
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 è indubbiamente uno degli smartphone più iconici e "fighi" in circolazione. Proprio come per il pieghevole a libretto, anche qui l'azienda non si è presa troppi rischi e ha rivisto ancora una volta il suo pieghevole più di successo. Ottimi display, buone fotocamere, utilizzabili anche per i selfie e una cerniera che non troverete su nessun altro pieghevole. Certo si poteva avere una ricarica ancora più rapida e una piega un po' meno visibile, ma rimane comunque uno dei cellulari più desiderabili del panorama.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/02/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 81% prezzo: 60% caratteristiche: 85% schermo: 80% mobilità: 75% qualità di lavorazione: 95% ergonomia: 95%
Sorgente: Wired IT
Il Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 è un telefono bello, affidabile, con un software e prestazioni sempre all’altezza della situazione, reso ancor più interessante da una integrazione delle funzioni di intelligenza artificiale tra le migliori del mercato. Il modello di quest’anno è però privo di audacia, si appoggia sugli allori dei modelli precedenti e pecca forse un po’ di presunzione. La concorrenza ha infatti dimostrato di sapere fare meglio e cedere spazio agli avversari si porta dietro qualche rischio, a maggior ragione considerando che il prezzo di questo pieghevole rimane elevato: si parte da 1279 euro.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/02/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70%
Sorgente: DDay IT
Lo scorso anno Samsung ha eliminato il gap che esisteva tra le due metà di Galaxy Z Flip 5, e così facendo ha anche tolto quello che fin dal principio era uno dei problemi principali, soprattutto estetici, del suo pieghevole. Quest’anno ci aspettavamo, oltre alle ovvie migliorie, anche un salto in avanti sul fronte dell’usabilità a schermo chiuso o qualche altro cambiamento che, oltre ai semplici ritocchini, facesse vedere che la spinta evolutiva sui pieghevoli non si è fermata, anzi. Il Flip 6 sembra un punto di arrivo, e forse Samsung voleva questo: far capire che il form factor è ormai maturo. Ha cambiato solo dove doveva cambiare e con il contagocce: batteria, fotocamera, cerniera, la gente chiedeva più autonomia, più resistenza (e meno rotture) e una fotocamera migliore e questo ha avuto.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/01/2024
Sorgente: Igizmo
L’unico aspetto ancora da perfezionare riguarda la batteria. Perché se i nuovi Galaxy Z Flip6 e Fold6 ricevono gli aggiornamenti per i prossimi sette anni, è altresì vero che l’esperienza di utilizzo è determinata dall’autonomia. Ora, il Flip6 ha una batteria da 4.000 mAh, il 10% in più grande rispetto a quella del Flip5 che si traduce in una tranquillità maggiore a concludere la giornata lavorativa. Ma nei giorni e negli utilizzi più intensi, si arriva a tre quarti di giornata. Il caricatore da 25 Watt ufficiale di Samsung (non fornito in dotazione ma acquistato separatamente) ricarica il Flip6 in un’ora abbondante. Utile che il dorso del Flip6 sia in vetro così da supportare la ricarica wireless, che poi è dove vi consigliamo di tenere lo smartphone quando siete in ufficio o a casa. Così da avere la potenza massima quando ci si trova in giro e si mette alle strette lo smartphone con le funzioni e il processore da flagship, molte delle quali impattano abbastanza sull’autonomia complessiva.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/01/2024
Sorgente: Tutto Android
Uguale ma diverso, così si potrebbe riassumere questo Galaxy Z Flip6. Sia chiaro, a tutti avrebbe fatto piacere qualche novità in più ma è palese che Samsung stia inseguendo una strada che porta piccoli miglioramento funzionali di anno in anno. Una strada che sta pagando perché la qualità media dei prodotti di è alzata tantissimo ed anche perché si sta cerando una forte identità nei prodotti. Di fatto questo Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 è già iconico, o meglio, la serie Flip è già iconica. Un Flip lo si riconosce tra mille, è uno smartphone che verrà ricordato con piacere tra anni perché non solo ha un design vincente ma è anche funzionale. Non esiste uno smartphone più comodo da utilizzare di questo Flip6, è praticamente perfetto per chi odia gli smartphone grandi, per chi ha amato la categoria dei compatti ad oggi sempre più impoverita.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/31/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85% prestazioni: 80% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 85%
A conti fatti quindi Galaxy Z Flip 6 è un valido upgrade, andando a migliorare un po' in tutto rispetto al precedente Z Flip 5. Ciò che purtroppo non lo fa splendere è il non aver portato un display esterno più ampio, avere una ricezione non perfetta e delle temperature leggermente fuori controllo. Il prezzo di listino decisamente alto certo non invoglia nell'acquisto al primo colpo. Occhio però agli sconti poiché tra le varie promozioni a disposizione possiamo ottenere un intreccio che ci fa risparmiare anche quasi la metà del prezzo richiesto a listino. Personalmente reputo che tra qualche mese, con uno street price aggressivo, questo Galaxy Z Flip 6 possa essere decisamente valido e che ad oggi può tranquillamente sostituire un Galaxy S24 come "smartphone compatto".
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/29/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 78% caratteristiche: 91%
Sorgente: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade
Il mercato dei telefoni pieghevoli a conchiglia è oggi ancora poco affollato anche se comunque le alternative anche di brand blasonati ci sono e sono oltretutto molto valide. Il concorrente più importante e ovvio per questo Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 è senza dubbio il Motorola razr 50 Ultra, di cui trovate la recensione qui, che si distingue sicuramente per una batteria maggiore e dunque autonomia maggiore, per una velocità di carica più veloce e ancora per un display esterno senza cornici e tacche capace di rendersi non solo più spettacolare alla vista ma anche più utile. Di contro possiede un aspetto estetico che tra telaio tondeggiante e texture al posteriore in pelle vegana rendono il Motorola un pochino meno moderno e accattivante rispetto ad un Galaxy Z Flip6 con cornice piatta e finitura spazzolata capace di garantire un design fresco e al passo con i tempi.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/26/2024
Sorgente: Evo smart
Dopo avervi parlato del nuovo Samsung Galaxy Fold 6 adesso arriva il momento di raccontarvi tutto del Galaxy Flip 6, uno smartphone che non viene stravolto, un estetica che rimane quasi invariata ma allo stesso tempo la qualità generale arriva a dei livelli davvero top. Samsung Galaxy Flip 6 è un buon upgrade del precedente modello? Scoprite tutto all'interno della nostra recensione completa.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 78% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 80% mobilità: 75%
Sorgente: Andrea Galeazzi
Un costo che non è sicuramente basso ma che per i prezzi di oggi non trovo neanche folle, soprattutto considerando che si trovano svariate promozioni come quelle per la supervalutazione dell'usato, i 12 mesi di protezioni dai danni accidentali, lo sconto per chi si scrive alla newsletter. Insomma si riesce a prendere a decisamente meno e allora sì che ha senso ma non dimentichiamo che a poco più di 700 euro si trova l'ancora valido Z Flip 5 che sì, è inferiore in quasi tutti i comparti, ma lo è in tutti di poco. Poi c'è anche il nuovo Razr 50 Ultra di Motorola, anche lui con l'AI (Gemini, non Samsung ma comunque valida anche se leggermente meno pragmatica), anche lui con un bel design, bei colori e il grande vantaggio di avere un display esterno a tutto schermo. Lo Z FLip vince sul comparto camere, sul software e gli aggiornamenti, il Motorola oltre agli aspetti già citati ha anche qualcosina in più in termini di autonomia ma sono entrambe ottime scelte.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/18/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84% prezzo: 70% schermo: 85% mobilità: 60% qualità di lavorazione: 88%
recensioni esterne
Sorgente: Digital Camera World EN→IT
Now that the flip phone competition is hotting up, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip line doesn't feel as bleeding-edge as it once did. However, the Z Flip 6 is still a solid smartphone with enough highlights to help it shine, and the upgraded primary camera is a welcome upgrade over the Z Flip 5. So, while photographers would still be better served with a non-flip phone at the Z Flip 6's price, if your hearts set on a clamshell, you could do a lot worse than this one.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 11/18/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Ausdroid EN→IT
There is a lot to like in the Samsung Galaxy Flip6, from the cameras, to the software and performance to battery life are all pluses. My only issue is there is still duplication of some apps when I would like to see Samsung just adopting Google’s apps or at least have the ability to fully remove their apps such as calendar, calculator etc where possible, alongside Bixby who is just terrible to use and take part in and I am hoping Samsung will eventually remove Bixby in the near future. Honestly, I am still slightly concerned over the longevity of flip or foldable devices, especially given the cost of living and devices being held on to longer by customers beyond the usual 12-24 months we would normally see.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 11/07/2024
Sorgente: EN→IT
At $1,219, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is easy to perceive as "boring" or "overpriced," especially when the Z Flip 5 is so similar and costs significantly less. Odds are, however, that no one who owns a Z Flip 5 is going to buy a Z Flip 6, and Samsung is banking on older Flip customers or folks who are new to foldables altogether to spring for its latest clamshell, and for those who do, you'll get a pretty decent phone in exchange. (Especially if you take advantage of the Z Flip 6 offer currently on Amazon.) That said, the Motorola Razr Plus is out there looming over the Z Flip 6 with its superior cover display, vegan leather design, and lower price. If you don't mind giving up your ultra-wide camera (and don't need seven years of software updates), you might want to think about picking up the Razr Plus instead.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 10/17/2024
Sorgente: Android Central EN→IT
Samsung is clearly playing it safe with the Galaxy Z Flip 6, which is more evident by Motorola's Razr Plus 2024 launch a week prior, offering upgraded specs, a larger cover screen with a refined experience, and a cheaper price tag. That's not to say this is a bad phone because it's not. I would normally have no problem recommending this phone because it's quite a fine phone, but with a $100 price bump, I'm not sure I can recommend this over last year's just-as-fine Galaxy Z Flip 5. Samsung is essentially falling into the same trap as Google, where it's hard to justify spending much more than previous models when those phones are just as good and will likely receive a handful of the newer features anyway. If you can find some deals and you're rocking the older Galaxy Z Flip 4, then I'd say go ahead and buy the Galaxy Z Flip 6. But even then, I would almost recommend the Razr Plus 2024 instead, which has already had some intriguing deals since it's gone on sale.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 10/11/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Tech Nave EN→IT
But that's not all. The two new Samsung Galaxy Z series foldable phones also have the latest OneUI with Galaxy AI. This makes the Galaxy Z Fold6 and Galaxy Z Flip6 Samsung's first foldable phones with access to powerful AI features, which include Circle to Search, Note Assist, Interpreter Mode, and more. You can refer to our previous article on how these features work with the new devices. If you're interested, please refer to the Samsung Malaysia website for official details on the Galaxy Z Fold6 and Galaxy Z Flip6. Samsung is now offering an RM700 rebate for trade-ins, a 20% discount off the Galaxy Watch Ultra (when purchasing Galaxy Z Fold6), a 5% discount for the Shop app (for one order), and more. So, don't miss out!
Confronto, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 10/09/2024
Sorgente: Htxt Africa EN→IT
At R25 999 (RRP), the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is not a cheap or affordable foldable, but then again, are there any in South Africa? What we can say is that this model feels more impressive in terms of the improvements it has made generation-to-generation. It is still an expensive piece of kit, but unlike past iterations which felt like they were playing second fiddle to the Fold option, this smartphone feels on par. Add to that its exceptional performance, great all-around camera, and far longer lasting battery, and Samsung has made the improvements where they count. Where the Fold shone brightest when past foldable were being launched by Samsung, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 switches the narrative, and is our standout pick from the two new foldables.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 09/02/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Techlusive EN→IT
If you want a flip phone with a clean, durable design, a decent IP rating, a good folding display with a reliable hinge, and 7 years of OS updates, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 is a no-brainer. However, for all those goodies, you get a slow 25-watt charging speed and a cover display that’s only 60hz. To put it in a nutshell, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 is a good flip phone and a decent package. You’ll love the compact form factor and clever software optimizations done across the board by Samsung. But yes, the Rs. 1,10,000 price tag is a big ask for this phone, especially if you can get the S24 Ultra for 7,000 rupees less than that. So if you get a good discount on this phone or a solid trade-in value for your current one, then the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 is a good flip phone for you.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 08/31/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Tech PP EN→IT
It might have got a price increase, but the Galaxy Z Flip6’s cameras and AI tools make it one of the most fun foldables to use. The improved main sensor also makes it one of the best foldables for photography, and while we do wish Samsung would let us do more with the external display out of the box, Galaxy AI makes the Z Flip6 easily the best flip foldable that you can get in the market if budget is not a constraint. It is also the most compact flagship device out there by some distance. When it comes to flip phones, this one is a no-brainer.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 08/29/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: Irish Mirror EN→IT
It may have plenty of competition from the likes of Motorola, but the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is still one of the best flip phones you can buy and one of the most fun handsets on the Irish market. And it comes with seven years of software support. The only downsides are the limited cover screen functionality and the slow wired charging. It’s got the latest blazing fast chip and all of the fun Galaxy AI features from the S24 series along with a few folder-specific add-ons. I would have no hesitation recommending buying a Z Flip 6 over an S24+. This is one of the easiest compact folder phones to recommend and probably the best for most people who want the convenience of a big screen in a pocketable package.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/28/2024
Sorgente: DxOMark EN→IT
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 main screen showed some significant improvements over its predecessor, in readability and particularly in video, where it matched the Z Fold6’s top score. The Z Flip6 provided a great video-watching experience, with well-suited brightness in low-light and indoor viewing conditions. The video experience was further enhanced with nearly no frame mismatches, making the HDR10 rendering the best we’ve seen so far. The device’s screen luminance in outdoor conditions, especially sunlight, made the content very readable in most situations. Its peak brightness reached 2,424 cd/m². But the high brightness mode under sunlight made colors look a little unnatural.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/26/2024
Sorgente: EN→IT
At $1,100, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is easy to perceive as "boring" or "overpriced," especially when the Z Flip 5 was so similar and cost $100 less. Odds are, however, that no one who owns a Z Flip 5 is going to buy a Z Flip 6, and Samsung is banking on older Flip customers or folks who are new to foldables altogether to spring for its latest clamshell, and for those who do, you'll get a pretty decent phone in exchange. That said, the Motorola Razr Plus is out there looming over the Z Flip 6 with its superior cover display, vegan leather design, and lower price.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 08/25/2024
Sorgente: Android Central EN→IT
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is a great phone that performs extremely well and has a good set of cameras. Improved battery life is also a plus, along with new and returning Galaxy AI features. However, there aren't enough changes to this largely iterative phone, making me question Samsung's decision to charge $100 more.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/24/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: EN→IT
At $1,100, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is easy to perceive as "boring" or "overpriced," especially when the Z Flip 5 was so similar and cost $100 less. Odds are, however, that no one who owns a Z Flip 5 is going to buy a Z Flip 6, and Samsung is banking on older Flip customers or folks who are new to foldables altogether to spring for its latest clamshell, and for those who do, you'll get a pretty decent phone in exchange. That said, the Motorola Razr Plus is out there looming over the Z Flip 6 with its superior cover display, vegan leather design, and lower price. If you don't mind giving up your ultra-wide camera (and don't need seven years of software updates), you might want to think about picking up the Razr Plus instead.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/23/2024
Sorgente: Tech Nave EN→IT
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 is an interesting device in the foldable display flip phone market, offering improved performance over its predecessor plus interesting AI features. Although the design hasn't changed much, the Z Flip6 retains its premium aesthetic and enhanced durability, especially through its improved hinge design and elegant matte finish. In terms of specs, this device continues to strengthen its position with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience, even in heavy multitasking and gaming. The larger battery also provides more comfortable daily use. However, the price of RM4999 is quite expensive, compared to other foldable display flip phones.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/23/2024
Sorgente: TechLekh EN→IT
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is a small upgrade over the Galaxy Z Flip 5. It comes with a better main camera sensor, a slightly larger battery, improved performance, and Galaxy AI right out of the box. So, who’s this for? If you want a flagship phone with a unique form factor that folds in half to be more pocket-friendly, the Z Flip 6 is for you. Sure, the Z Flip 6 delivers great performance and solid camera quality, but it’s not Samsung’s absolute best, and the battery life still isn’t amazing. But if you’re okay with that in exchange for a cool, compact design, then the Z Flip 6 is a good fit. Another feature that sets it apart is FlexCam, which offers the best selfie experience you can get. Content creators are going to love the versatility that the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 brings to the table.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/22/2024
Sorgente: Hot Hardware EN→IT
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is a refined folding phone. It's fast, its display is excellent, and it'll last all day on a charge. And hey, it folds in half! That used to be enough to make Samsung's clamshells stand out, but things are changing. Samsung improved the Z Flip 6 modestly this year, but for the first time, there are some truly compelling alternatives. The Galaxy Z Flip 6 still has a few undeniable strong points that help differentiate it from the competition, like Samsung's awesome software update support, but this foldable may not be as compelling as it needs to be in the current market. At the end of the day, the Galaxy Z Flip 6's price is a bit too high, and it's not the only game in town any longer. However, Amazon does have a good deal going on right now for the 512GB Silver variant at just $999 while it lasts.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/21/2024
Sorgente: EN→IT
Samsung’s latest clamshell foldable is definitely a good phone, and I absolutely appreciate the various improvements which it offers. However, to be completely blunt, it honestly feels like a slight update instead of a full-blown sequel. A Galaxy Z Flip 5.5, if you will. In other words, the Galaxy Z Flip6 is what I had hoped its predecessor would’ve been. This is especially given the fact that other brands, with OPPO being the prime example, have already included aspects such as higher resolution sensors and better battery life on their devices generations earlier. As mentioned in the beginning of my review, it appears that Samsung has been playing safe with each iteration by only introducing improvements bit by bit.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/21/2024
Sorgente: Soycincau EN→IT
So, all in all, has the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 convinced me to get an Android-powered foldable? Well, yes, at least for the most part. I love how the phone’s flexibility helps make it a more convenient device to use, and overall the amount of freedom Android grants me over my phone over an iPhone does, which usually prefers to dictate how a phone should be used. However, due to its starting price of RM 4,999, a RM 500 hike from before, I would rather save some cash and go for the Galaxy S24 or S24+ which cost RM 100 and RM 900 less than the Z Flip 6 respectively. In fact, the iPhone 15 can also be had for RM 100 cheaper than the Z Flip 6.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/20/2024
Sorgente: OI Spice Tech News EN→IT
As we mentioned earlier, the new Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 comes with some improvements over its predecessor. It improves upon the display, speed, memory, camera, and battery while bringing new capabilities like an official IP rating for dust protection and a better hinge mechanism. Both the main and the cover displays are now better and brighter than the previous model. The chipset is faster and games will run better on it. The phone also has more memory now, which means better Galaxy AI performance. The primary camera also got a decent boost in performance and captures more details than ever possible, whether during the day or night. Even the battery got a decent uplift. Essentially, the new flip phone from Samsung got a lot of small but necessary improvements. The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 is a lot cheaper now and seems like a better alternative than the new Flip 6. However, the final decision is up to you, so it is better to choose a smartphone based on your needs and requirements.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/20/2024
Sorgente: Android Police EN→IT
The Galaxy Z Flip 6 is a largely boring iteration of Samsung’s design for the last five years. As I noted at the start of this review, if you see a foldable phone on the street, it’s likely a Galaxy Z Flip. I do find it difficult to tell the difference between each model, though, as Samsung's iteration has been slow on this series. I’m also not sure that it will continue to be the default foldable option in the years to come if Samsung refuses to make any big changes to its design in the next few years. This is by far the best Galaxy Z Flip phone the company has released with this year’s tweaks failing to set headlines alight, but the changes are helpful in your everyday phone. That said, if you own a Galaxy Z Flip 4 or 5, you’re going to feel disappointed by these changes, and you may look toward the Motorola Razr+ (2024) with some jealousy.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/18/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 75%
Sorgente: Android Authority EN→IT
So, as much as I wanted to reach this conclusion and tell you that the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is a good flip phone but not the one I’d buy, I’m not sure I can do that. Even though the 2024 Razr Plus feels more comfortable in the hand, charges faster, and has an easier cover screen experience to jump into, I’m not sure that it’s as obvious of a decision as I first thought. I still feel that I’ve had more fun with Motorola’s latest flagship flip phone in my pocket this year, but I’ve come around to the fact that you just might get more bang for your buck from Samsung.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/17/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: The Times of India EN→IT
Now, should you buy the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 worth Rs. 109999? Well, the smartphone has excelled in all the areas be it display, performance, gaming, camera, and AI features. However, the cover display could include more functionalities to access apps and the battery life and charging speed could have been improved. Additionally, it also has poor heat management, which may raise eyebrows. Apart from these few aspects, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is an impressive smartphone with all the advanced features.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/13/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: DxOMark EN→IT
We put the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 through our rigorous DXOMARK Camera test suite to measure its performance in photo, video, and zoom quality from an end-user perspective. This article breaks down how the device fared in a variety of tests and several common use cases and is intended to highlight the most important results of our testing with an extract of the captured data. The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 delivered a decent performance in our DXOMARK Camera tests but could not quite match the best conventional non-folding devices in its price segment. Overall results for photo, video, and the ultra-wide camera were close to the more expensive Galaxy Z Fold6.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/13/2024
Sorgente: EN→IT
The Galaxy Z Flip 6 brings some significant improvements over its predecessor, the Z Flip 5, which was already a favourite in the foldable category. The brighter inner screen is a joy to use, especially outdoors, and the improved hardware makes everything run smoother. Plus, the design tweaks make it more durable, helping it stand up to everyday wear and tear. One of the standout changes is the less noticeable crease on the screen, making it look more like a regular smartphone. The Galaxy AI features add a fun and practical edge to the phone, the performance is top-notch, and the battery life is decent enough to get through the day. The design is as sturdy as it is stylish, which is a win. Of course, the Flip 6 isn’t without its issues.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/12/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 95%
Sorgente: Mobile Syrup EN→IT
Unfortunately, Samsung raised its prices, with the Z Flip 6 starting at $1,462.99, a $163 increase. Samsung has improved its phone with better dust resistance, giving the phone a bigger battery, more RAM, a top-of-the-line processor, and a better camera, so while it’s hard to recommend a smartphone at that price — and the Flip 6 isn’t the best of the best — it’s not half bad either. I was pleasantly surprised by so many aspects of the Z Flip 6. It’s not perfect, and I can see where Samsung could improve things, but it’s a solid device for anyone who’s looking for an introduction to foldable technology or just wants a smartphone that works well.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/11/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 90% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Hardware Zone EN→IT
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 maintains Samsung’s lead in having the most fashionable premium flip phone, with its changes gradually becoming more sensible for the users it’s designed for. It also has the premium bells and whistles Samsung offers as a phone, which makes it a little bit better than buying a regular, boring Android phone. Besides an upgraded build quality and design, Flip6 does excellently on synthetic benchmarks and real-world use, with its existing Galaxy AI perks well integrated into the device despite not exploiting its form factor to create a generative AI killer app for foldable phones.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/11/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 85%
Sorgente: Business Standard EN→IT
Clamshell-style foldable smartphones are inherently fun to use, and the Galaxy Z Flip 6 enhances this experience with software improvements that span communication, imaging, and productivity. These enhancements prove useful at work, during vacations, and in everyday situations. Although the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is on the expensive side, starting at Rs 109,999, it is worthy of consideration if the novel use cases enabled by its form factor fit your needs.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 08/09/2024
Sorgente: Mezha EN EN→IT
Despite being a purely evolutionary upgrade from the previous generation, Samsung Galaxy Flip6 is one of the best smartphones in its segment. Thanks to its large screens, it is convenient to use both folded and unfolded. In general, the clamshell form factor provides some interesting functionality. At the same time, the case has IP48 protection. The company has improved the hinge, which has reduced the crease on the internal screen. The main camera now has a better sensor and takes good photos with digital zoom. Battery life has increased slightly, but Samsung has been ignoring fast charging for several years now. Inside, there is a top-of-the-line processor. But it heats up under high loads and reduces performance. Although this will only be a problem for mobile gamers. And they are definitely not the target audience of Samsung Galaxy Flip6.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/09/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85%
Sorgente: MrMobile
The first few years of the flip phone revival were a wild ride. Samsung went from charging nearly $1400 for a lot of compromise in February 2020 … to asking just $999 for a flippin’ flagship in August 2021. That price tag stuck around through Flip 4, and held fast even when the Flip 5 debuted with its oversized cover screen last summer.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/08/2024
Sorgente: Gadgetbyte Nepal EN→IT
So, is the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 worth it? If you’re already using a Z Flip 5 or an older foldable, the upgrades here are incremental rather than revolutionary. But if you’re coming from an older device or are new to foldable, the Z Flip 6 offers a refined and more durable experience with some meaningful improvements. It’s definitely a strong contender in the foldable space. And yeah … for the best deals and pre-order perks, don’t forget to check out Hukut Store.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/07/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85% prezzo: 75% prestazioni: 95% schermo: 90% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 85%
Sorgente: Droid Life EN→IT
If you like flip phones, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is an excellent flip phone. It’s probably the best flip phone because of the overall software experience, the level of support Samsung provides, the camera, battery life, and everything else I just ran through. This is the king of flip phones and I’m not sure anyone is close. If you haven’t yet found your way into the world of flip phones, then hopefully my obnoxious complaining about the experience lets you know that it isn’t for everyone. You may enjoy it, though, so take what I’ve provided as the opinion of a grumpy old tech man who has been doing this for far too long. Feel free to try new things – or don’t. Non-foldables are still awesome too.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/07/2024
Sorgente: Mashable EN→IT
As aforementioned, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is ideal for solo travelers and independent content creators who want to capture better photos and videos of themselves without relying on a companion. On top of that, it is a foldable, so it benefits from having excellent multitasking capabilities where you can place an app on the top part of the screen and another on the bottom. And finally, the Galaxy Z Flip 6, when closed, is a super portable phone that can slip comfortably into any pocket or travel bag without adding too much clunkiness. For anyone who misses Apple's iPhone mini series, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is a decent alternative.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/06/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 82% prestazioni: 80%
Sorgente: The Verge EN→IT
Samsung is working hard to sell the idea that flip phones work just as well as any other phone, and didn’t you see those Olympians taking pictures with one? Don’t you want that, too? But while there are things I love about the Z Flip 6, it’s still not a phone I would recommend to just anyone. Day-to-day durability is fine, but how it holds up against dust in the long run is still unclear. There’s a 12-month warranty on the Z Flip 6 when you buy it from Samsung in the US, but that doesn’t cover damage caused by dust exposure. The Galaxy Z Flip 6 makes sense if you really want the benefits of the cover screen — less so if you just find the novelty appealing. You can easily find better battery life and cameras from a garden-variety slab phone.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 08/03/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Hardware Zone EN→IT
Samsung is back with its flip phone upgrade, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6. This phone combines fashionable sensibilities with the company’s adherence to premium components in its flagship-class phones. The 3.4-inch FlexWindow cover screen also received more optimisations, even if it’s inherently the same as before. You can now make Suggested Replies, which lets you choose one (out of three) response to messages, and it now supports more Widgets and multiple Widgets in one panel. Samsung also did not neglect day-to-day performance by upgrading to IP48-rated resistance and giving the device a first-ever vapour chamber to manage its thermals, which we explore further below. Other upgrades include a massively upgraded 50MP main camera and a new Auto Zoom mode for FlexCam, which allows you to prop the device up hands-free while you take a string of selfies.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/03/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 85%
Sorgente: Tech Advisor EN→IT
Potentially, but only if you’re looking for a specific type of flip phone. If top-tier performance, a great main camera and long software support are your top priorities, the Z Flip 6 is the way to go. Throw in two high-quality displays, decent water and dust resistance and useful AI features, and you’ve got yourself a compelling flip phone. However, the flaws are more plentiful and more impactful for a fifth-generation phone than you’d expect. The frustrating cover screen experience is nowhere near as good as on the Razr 50 Ultra, while the combination of underwhelming battery life and slow charging is hard to tolerate. Overheating is far from ideal, too. Ultimately, Motorola’s 2024 flip phone is a better buy than Samsung’s for most people, so I can’t recommend the Z Flip 6. If you’re set on Samsung then the Z Flip 5 is likely a better value choice, though it doesn’t have the same software support promise.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/02/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 79%
Sorgente: Geek Culture EN→IT
The increased sticker price of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 may be seemingly attributed to several new AI features, but it warrants a closer look to see if these additions actually make sense in your day-to-day life. Still, the improved 50MP camera is a welcome upgrade that puts the pocket powerhouse on par with its flagship cousins.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/01/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 81% prezzo: 75% prestazioni: 85% qualità di lavorazione: 85%
Sorgente: Techradar EN→IT
The Galaxy Z Flip 6 is Samsung’s best flip foldable ever, even with tough competition. Samsung offers undeniable power, professional-grade software, and the peace of mind that comes with improved durability and years of Android upgrades ahead. Samsung’s Galaxy AI features keep improving, which means the best may be yet to come for this impressive flip foldable. I just wish the cover screen were more useful.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/01/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 80% mobilità: 60% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Mrwhosetheboss
Confronto, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/01/2024
Sorgente: Sam Mobile EN→IT
The Galaxy Z Flip 6 is a fantastic phone. Samsung has fixed several shortcomings that have plagued the Galaxy Z Flip lineup since its inception. The Flip 6 is especially good for Gen Z customers. It's got a lot of what they're looking for. The Galaxy AI features are useful, performance is fantastic, battery life is more than decent, and the design is durable. There's no zoom camera, but the cameras the phone does have do a great job, and the form factor lets you take photos and videos in unique ways. Last but not least, the Flip 6 looks stunning and is the kind of fashion statement young audiences are looking for. Of course, you don't have be part of the Gen Z crowd to enjoy what the Flip 6 has to offer. It's a versatile foldable phone that has something for everyone. Whether you're a newcomer or own an older model like the Flip 3 or Flip 4, the Flip 6 is the most easy-to-recommend Galaxy Z Flip yet.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/31/2024
Sorgente: Android Headlines EN→IT
I think if you like flip phones and you like smartphones, this is a solid buy. There are real benefits to having a smartphone that folds in half like a flip phone. For me, the main benefit is that it’s easier to fit in my pocket. For you, it might just be the utility of it all. The phone is essentially its own kickstand. Just flex the screen so it’s upright and facing you, and set the phone on a flat surface. Now you have an easy way to watch videos or set the phone up for photos or video recording. No kickstand is needed. This is a pretty neat thing and I can see the use cases of it. However, there are some things that need improvement. The charging speed could be an issue for some users. Not to mention, this phone starts at $1,100.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/29/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: Engadget EN→IT
Samsung’s Z Flip series remains the most realistic flagship option when pitted against the smartphone slab status quo. The latest model is satisfying to use and satisfying to fold away and slip into a pocket. The Z Flip 6 also has better cameras, improved battery life and comes with all the Galaxy AI features that are shaping up to be Samsung’s smartphone USP. Perhaps this focus on AI meant that the cover display has barely evolved since last year’s Z Flip — especially frustrating when the Z Flip 6 costs $100 more than its predecessor.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/29/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 86%
Sorgente: Expert Reviews EN→IT
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 remains a fine compact foldable phone, but it doesn’t represent the huge step forward that the Flip 5 did. Its design and displays are very familiar indeed, while a noticeable display crease and relatively unremarkable cover screen don’t look great stacked up against the cheaper Motorola Razr 50 Ultra. With that said, battery life has improved, and the Flip 6’s new 50MP camera is a much needed upgrade.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/29/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: CNet EN→IT
Ultimately, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is a wonderful phone. The fact that Samsung offers seven years of OS and security software upgrades is amazing – that's more than double the three years Motorola promises for the Razr Plus. And if I were just judging the two phones on this one criteria, the Z Flip 6 would be my pick, hands down. But the truth is Motorola made a number of smarter compromises to keep the Razr Plus' price at a grand, like using the less power-hungry Snapdragon 8S Gen 3 chip while expanding the cover screen's size and capabilities. If the Z Flip 6 and Razr Plus were the same price, it would be harder to choose between the two. That's not to say that you shouldn't get a Z Flip 6. It's just to say you have other options that are just as compelling.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/27/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84%
Sorgente: Gadgetguy EN→IT
People with limited pocket space and a desire for a phone that’s a little more interesting than traditional candy bar phones will love the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6. This is really the ultimate phone for people who want their phone to be flexible (pun intended) and allow them to do anything. Like filming a TikTok even when you forgot a tripod, or talking to someone in a restaurant while travelling without you both having to huddle over the front of the same phone. Or to just see a message without having to open yourself up to the attention vortex that is a full phone. The only thing holding me back from wholeheartedly recommending the Flip to everyone is that you can’t drop it, because folding phones are fragile pieces of engineering wizardry.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/26/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 86% prezzo: 70% prestazioni: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 95%
Sorgente: Nextpit EN EN→IT
The sixth generation of the Galaxy Z Flip is a better device, though there are still areas for improvement, such as further developing the front display software and reducing the reliance on post-processing for the camera. Charging times could also be enhanced. However, the Z Flip 6 boasts a faster processor for handling AI, a larger battery capacity, and a higher-resolution camera. And upgrades cost more. The Z Flip 6 remains expensive, even in its sixth generation, making it challenging to justify its position in the $1000 range, where better camera performance is often expected. Yet, for flip phone enthusiasts, the Flip 6 stands out as one of the most refined options currently available. It's worth noting that Samsung devices often receive significant discounts a few months after release. Additionally, many carriers will offer this pocket-friendly device with accessible contracts, making it likely that many will opt for it.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/26/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: EN→IT
At $1,100, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is easy to perceive as "boring" or "overpriced," especially when the Z Flip 5 was so similar and cost $100 less. Odds are, however, that no one who owns a Z Flip 5 is going to buy a Z Flip 6, and Samsung is banking on older Flip customers or folks who are new to foldables altogether to spring for its latest clamshell, and for those who do, you'll get a pretty decent phone in exchange. That said, the Motorola Razr Plus is out there looming over the Z Flip 6 with its superior cover display, vegan leather design, and lower price. If you don't mind giving up your ultra-wide camera (and don't need seven years of software updates), you might want to think about picking up the Razr Plus instead.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/25/2024
Sorgente: GSM Arena
The Galaxy Z Flip6 brings a few improvements that make it more competitive this year - a larger battery, a new high-res primary camera, an updated IP-rated protection against solids, and a new chipset with 12GB RAM
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/25/2024
Sorgente: T3 EN→IT
While the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 doesn't change the script all that much compared to its predecessor, it's still one of the best clamshell foldables to use thanks to the feel of this design. A brighter screen, main camera improvements and battery capacity increase are all most welcome – but with Motorola now delivering a more comprehensive cover display experience in the Razr 50 Ultra, Samsung can't rest on its laurels (or price tag) for the next generation release.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/24/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Android Police EN→IT
The Galaxy Z Flip 6 is Samsung's most evolved take yet on the flip-style foldable form factor. Its 3.4-inch AMOLED cover screen supports Galaxy AI features without opening the device, along with upgraded widgets and suggested replies. However, its gorgeous 6.7-inch FHD+ AMOLED folding display will still have you flipping the phone open quite a bit.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/24/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 75%
Sorgente: Think Digit EN→IT
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6, while an incremental upgrade rather than a groundbreaking one, brings significant refinements over its predecessor that enhance the overall user experience. Key improvements include a larger battery, an enhanced IP rating with dust protection, an upgraded 50 MP primary camera, and the latest Snapdragon SoC. These enhancements, combined with its class-leading performance, make the Z Flip6 a compelling choice. Priced ₹10,000 higher than the Z Flip5, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 is ideal for those seeking a flagship experience with top-tier performance, extended software support, and advanced AI features. It excels in these areas, maintaining a significant lead over competitors. However, the Motorola Razr 50 Ultra and OPPO Find N3 Flip surpass it in cover screen functionality and camera versatility.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/24/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 73% qualità di lavorazione: 89%
Sorgente: CNet
Samsung's Galaxy Z Flip 6 is an absolutely great phone, but it's hard to appreciate with its $1,100 price. Samsung's latest clamshell-style foldable has a new 50-megapixel main camera finally putting it on par with other premium phone cameras. The hinge is smaller and helps reduce the screen crease. It has a new chip, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, and 12GB of RAM. There's even a larger battery. For all intents and purposes, the new Z Flip 6 is a Galaxy S24 that can fold in half -- which is fantastic.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/24/2024
Sorgente: Buro247 EN→IT
While the Z Flip6 retains many of its predecessor’s features, it boasts significant upgrades such as 50 MP camera with advanced features, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor for enhanced performance, and an upgraded Galaxy AI system to make your life much simpler. Not to forget the impressive interpreter functionality on both screens, including instant translations, which will definitely come in handy during your travels. Overall, it’s a great phone to have, especially if you’ve never owned a Flip before, as it boasts one of the most powerful camera features in a foldable device.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/24/2024
Sorgente: The Guardian EN→IT
The sixth-generation Flip is a fairly minor update featuring a few small refinements to the design and a big boost in battery life to help keep it on a par with regular premium phones. The flattened sides and coloured accents give it a more modern feel. The internal screen is one of the very best on the market, rivalling the colour, smoothness and brightness of a quality flat phone display. Two-day battery life means it should make it to the end of even the heaviest of usage days, while an improved main camera and some fun new AI tricks are welcome additions. The outside screen looks good but isn’t quite as big or useful as some rivals. But no other flip comes with a full seven years of software support from release, which allows you to use it for longer and increases its resale value.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: The Mobile Indian EN→IT
The Galaxy Z Flip 6 surely has a steeper price tag compared to its competitors, such as the Razr 50 Ultra. However, the Flip 6 offers an ultra-wide angle sensor at the rear that may appeal to many over a telephoto sensor found on the Razr 50 Ultra. While the Razr may have better hardware in some aspects, the higher price tag of the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is justified through its superior software which is not only powered by AI in many areas, but will also be supported for longer.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 87% prestazioni: 95% schermo: 85% mobilità: 85% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Pocket Lint EN→IT
If you own the Flip 5, there likely isn't enough here to warrant an upgrade to Samsung's latest clamshell, especially at launch (wait for the inevitable six-month discount the company often offers). On the other hand, if you're jumping into the world of foldables for the first time because you're looking for a unique smartphone experience, the Flip 6 is difficult to beat, especially when its reasonable price is taken into account. In that same vein, those still using earlier versions of the Flip will appreciate the upgrades the Galaxy Z Flip 6 offers, including a better primary camera, a faster chip and a sleeker design.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Android Central EN→IT
Samsung is clearly playing it safe with the Galaxy Z Flip 6, which is more evident by Motorola's Razr Plus 2024 launch a week prior, offering upgraded specs, a larger cover screen with a refined experience, and a cheaper price tag. That's not to say this is a bad phone because it's not. I would normally have no problem recommending this phone because it's quite a fine phone, but with a $100 price bump, I'm not sure I can recommend this over last year's just-as-fine Galaxy Z Flip 5. If you can find some deals and you're rocking the older Galaxy Z Flip 4, then I'd say go ahead and buy the Galaxy Z Flip 6. But even then, I would almost recommend the Razr Plus 2024 instead, which has already had some intriguing deals ahead of its official sale date. For now, I'll continue testing the phone to see if Samsung can change my mind. Be sure to check back for an updated review with my full thoughts on the Galaxy Z Flip 6.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Make Use Of EN→IT
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is a stylish, foldable smartphone featuring a dynamic 6.7-inch AMOLED internal display and a durable hinge mechanism. Equipped with the latest Snapdragon processor, it delivers outstanding performance, an enhanced dual-camera system, and Flex Mode for convenient hands-free selfies and video calls.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: JerryRigEverything
The Samsung Z Flip 6 is a super futuristic and fantastically fun device. BUT with some major trade offs. It looks cool - but the extra time and effort it takes to open and close the Flip 6 fifty times a day is just too much for me. The Z Flip 6 is fun to look at - and fun to explore the inside of.... but not so much fun to use as a daily driver. In this video we also take apart the Samsung Z Flip 6 to see the new vapor chamber and see if the OIS still works while the Z Flip 6 smartphone is still on.
Supporto, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/23/2024
Sorgente: Mobile Tech Review
The 2024 edition of Samsung’s folding compact clamshell Android phone, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 might look similar to last year’s model, but it sports the improvements we wanted. A much better camera, bigger battery, faster performance and more. The phone is available for all major carriers and unlocked, and it has a 3.4” AMOLED outer display, 6.7” inner AMOLED folding display, 5G, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 for Galaxy processor, AI features and more.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/23/2024
Sorgente: Stuff TV EN→IT
Samsung’s little clamshell that could finally has the camera hardware and battery capacity to more closely match the firm’s mainstream Galaxy S24. This otherwise innocuous upgrade keeps pace on performance and adds useful software tweaks that make great use of the form factor. Some of the AI additions are genuinely useful, too. It’s not perfect: I still don’t agree with limiting the cover screen to widgets instead of full apps, unless users to jump through a bunch of power tool hoops first. This is something Motorola has nailed with the Razr 50 Ultra – which makes up for its more mid-tier CPU with even better battery life and a more zoom-friendly camera setup. Not to mention a lower price. For those firmly in the Samsung camp, though, the Flip6 has surpassed its predecessor in every respect. If you hadn’t given foldables much thought before, this will be the phone to change your mind.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: 91mobiles EN→IT
This brings us to who should consider buying the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6. At over a lakh, it’s not easy to recommend. Additionally, its nearest rival, the Motorola Razr 50 Ultra does shine in aspects like outdoor visibility, customisation options, charging speeds, and image quality. Nevertheless, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 manages to make a compelling case for itself when it comes to performance. It is currently the most powerful and durable flip smartphone in the market. Additionally, its AI features are also unmatched by competitors, though their long-term utility for end users remains to be seen. The phone also boasts the longest software support for a flip smartphone, along with accurate colour reproduction and a stylish design. These factors make the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 a compelling choice for those seeking a compact foldable smartphone.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 80% mobilità: 75% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Trusted Reviews EN→IT
In the end, I’ve come away from my time with the Z Flip 6 without the same feeling of enjoyment and excitement as I did with some of the older models. That’s perhaps a good thing though, because instead of introducing new, whimsical or cool features, this time Samsung focused on practical improvements. The durability feels better this time, the powerful processor isn’t as hamstrung by the lack of effective cooling, and even battery life from the relatively low capacity is pretty solid. The camera doesn’t feel like much of a weak point anymore either. Even the display seems better in brighter conditions. In short, it’s a case of the usual compromises that come with folding flip phones being minimised to the point where this is actually a solid all-round phone.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Digital Trends EN→IT
This all puts the Galaxy Z Flip 6 in an awkward position. If you have a much older Z Flip and you’re dead set on getting the newest model, you won’t have a bad time with the Flip 6 at all. Hell, I’ve had a great time using it. But I also don’t think it should be at the top of your shopping list. If you want a good Samsung foldable, you can save yourself hundreds of dollars by buying a Galaxy Z Flip 5 and really not miss out on much at all. Alternatively, if you can escape Team Samsung, this year’s Razr Plus kicks the Flip 6’s butt in more ways than one and costs $100 less. It’s not that Samsung made a bad phone with the Galaxy Z Flip 6. It just made a lazy one.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70%
Sorgente: NDTV Gadgets EN→IT
The Samsung Galaxy Flip 6 has plenty of things going in its favour - from in-built AI features, which are useful for daily use, to an improved primary camera. It also gets a vapour chamber - a first on a clamshell design, and the crease is hardly visible now. The package is solid now with a base 12GB RAM, but also costly. On paper, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 looks like an incremental upgrade over the Flip 5. Of course, for customers holding onto the Galaxy Z Flip 4 and older models - the Flip 6 is an excellent upgrade plus the AI features. However, looking at the competition, the closest rival is the Motorola Razr 50 Ultra (Review), which gets the basics right and offers a decent cover screen experience.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 80% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: GSM Arena EN→IT
The Galaxy Z Flip6 is not a substantial upgrade over the previous generation - faced with limited opposition, Samsung is doing a bit of coasting with its foldables this year. That said, the Flip6 in particular does bring a few improvements that make it more competitive in a field where it doesn't necessarily need to compete harder. Alternatively, it could be argued that the Flip6 is only getting the bare minimum of updates to keep the flame going. Whichever way you see it, the Z Flip6's only glaring omission is a sensible charging solution - not only was it never fast, but it's not getting any faster either. The cover screen could be sexier and more useful like on some competitors, but perhaps they're being the overachievers, and the Galaxy is good enough.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/21/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 88%
Sorgente: Hitech Century EN→IT
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 costs more than its predecessors at launch with the 256GB model costing RM500 more and the 512GB model costing RM600 more. Working in its favour is the fact that it has better performance paired with a vapour chamber, a larger battery and better cameras along with a rather posh, refined design. These enhancements make it a significant upgrade over its predecessor, even for Flip5 owners. In its own right, the Galaxy Z Flip6 is a compact and powerful phone, though these benefits come at a rather premium price. The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 improves on its predecessor in almost every way with an improved main camera, longer battery life and Galaxy AI enhancements to make it the de facto fashionable foldable.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/21/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 78% prezzo: 60% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 90% mobilità: 80%
Sorgente: NLT EN→IT
Now, the Z Flip6 is an amazing flip phone. Samsung did do some upgrades to it, so if you’re considering getting the Flip5 last year but didn’t go for it, then you can consider the Flip6. There is a tiny price increment compared to the previous generation, and I think that is justified here. But if you do want to get a better deal rather than paying the full retail price, then I will have links to better deals down below.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/19/2024
Sorgente: PC Mag EN→IT
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 is a fairly substantial update to the Z Flip 5, which was already among our favorite folding phones. The brighter inner screen is a joy to use outside in sunlight, improved internals enable speedier performance, and a more durable design keeps the phone safe from the perils of everyday life. Moreover, the less visible crease means the device can blend in with regular slab phones more easily than ever. We would have liked to see faster wired charging support and a more sophisticated take on the cover-screen experience (the Motorola Razr+ does better in both respects and costs less), but the Z Flip 6 is still the best small foldable overall, thanks to its high-end feel, enjoyable Galaxy AI features, and excellent cameras.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/19/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Tom's Guide EN→IT
Samsung adds new Galaxy AI features, a larger battery, and a faster processor to offset the Galaxy Z Flip 6's higher cost, but the flip phone still struggles to justify its new price, especially when rivals like the Motorola Razr Plus (2024) cost the same as before.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/19/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: GadgetMatch
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/19/2024
Sorgente: Tom's Guide
The Galaxy Z Fold 6 is Samsung's best flip-phone style foldable to date, featuring a larger battery (4,000 mAh), newer cameras (50MP), a more durable design, and brand-new Galaxy AI features that help you to do more with the power of generative AI. While all of this sounds great, it does command a higher $100 price point this time around. Here’s the pros and cons.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/19/2024
Sorgente: Slashgear EN→IT
Overall, Samsung has a fine phone here, with only minor foibles in its execution. Unfortunately, one of those foibles is in its price. Samsung raised the price of both its foldables by $100 this year, which puts the Galaxy Z Flip 6 at $1,099 from the official Samsung store. Samsung explained that, over the years, it hadn't raised the price through multiple generations of phone, so it felt it was time. We can spend the next year arguing whether it's a valid excuse or not. In this reviewer's opinion, it's not, but that's me. What I will say is plenty of phone makers don't increase their price year after year, even when significant improvements are made. Samsung has a bunch of colors for you this year — Yellow, Silver Shadow, Mint, Blue, Black, White, and Peach, the latter three of which are exclusives.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/18/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Tech Spurt
Reviewing the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6, Sammy's latest mini foldable phone boasting upgraded camera tech and serious performance. I've been testing the Samsung Z Flip 6 as my full-time smartphone so here's my verdict on the battery life, gaming and other bits. Check out my reviews of other foldables here on Tech Spurt, as well as my Flip 6 vs Motorola RAZR 50 Ultra comparison! The biggest flaw with this compact handset is the battery life. You've got a 4000mAh cell, but I struggle to even get five hours of screen on time from a full charge. And when it's wiped, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 doesn't exactly charge fast either. Still, besides that and the borky cover screen, there's a lot to like here. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 performance is excellent, good enough for gaming on anything out there. You've also got a respectable camera setup which can shoot great looking video, plus the Samsung Z Flip 6 is packed with useful AI tools.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/18/2024
Sorgente: Phone Arena EN→IT
Although the Galaxy Z Flip 6 doesn't offer as many upgrades in comparison to its predecessor as many would like, it still isn't just an iteration. With a better camera, bigger battery, and an improved hinge and almost unnoticeable crease, the Flip 6 is the best Samsung clamshell foldable right now, so you won't be wrong if you decide to go for it. It performs reliably in terms of raw power and battery, and has overall better camera performance than rivals such as the Motorola Razr Plus (2024). The Flip 6 is also a very good-looking phone, and with the latest refinements of the design - flat edges, gorgeous colors, durable feel - it's a serious phone that shouldn't be taken as just an accessory.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/17/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 69% prestazioni: 66% schermo: 80% mobilità: 68%
Sorgente: Pokde EN→IT
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 is a solid foldable smartphone that brought quite a number of improvements over its predecessor. The battery life improvement alone makes it a worthwhile consideration but on an overall level, I feel like it makes more sense to get this over the S24 or S24+, especially since its retail price starts at RM4,999, unless you really want a standalone telephoto camera, play a lot of mobile games, or prefer a standard smartphone experience.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/17/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 77% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 85%
Sorgente: Hardware Zone EN→IT
Well, the wait for new foldable smartphones from Samsung is over. Following its Galaxy Unpacked 2024 event in Paris, Samsung announced the availability of its new Galaxy Z Fold6, Galaxy Z Flip6, Galaxy Watch Ultra, and Galaxy Watch7 for pre-order now. In this feature, we focus on the pre-order deets for the new phones in the following sections:-
Confronto, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/14/2024
Sorgente: GadgetMatch
Confronto, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/14/2024
Sorgente: Hardware Zone EN→IT
To get the smoothest experience possible, you must set up the Interpreter app to allow voice pickup and translation without pressing the microphone icon (this is disabled by default). Like Live Translate in phone calls, the Galaxy Z Flip6 detects pauses during the conversation and automatically translates the chunk of text. If you increase the volume, Galaxy AI's digital voice will also read the translations to both listeners. Since it's based on Live Translate, the translation is done entirely on-device (not sent to cloud-based AI for processing), and it can only support the 13 languages Samsung has configured on-device for this feature. We think it's a cute implementation that helps utilise Galaxy Z Flip6's unique build, but it doesn't offer anything different from the standard, one-display format that already exists.
Pratico, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/13/2024
Sorgente: CNet
I spent my first day with Samsung's Galaxy Z Flip 6 testing its AI features in Paris. The $1,100 foldable was announced alongside the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Ring. The Z Flip 6 has a new hinge, updated screen and camera, but costs $100 more than last year's Galaxy Z Flip 5.
Pratico, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/13/2024
Sorgente: Phone Arena EN→IT
The Galaxy Z Flip and the Galaxy Z Fold 6 share the same processor, specs and even the camera systems are so similar (with the exception of the zoom camera that you only get on the Fold). So the fundamental Samsung experience is definitely similar. The main difference have everything to do with the form factor. The big, book-style Galaxy Fold 6 is great for productivity and multitasking, as you can have three windows open and a floating window, plus it's easier to add AI on top of that. The Flip 6, on the other hand, has evolved but because of its smaller size, it is not so much about productivity as it is about delivering a fast experience in a flip form factor, and we know that it's especially loved amongst the ladies too.
Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/12/2024
Sorgente: Tom's Guide
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/12/2024
Sorgente: NDTV Gadgets EN→IT
Coming to the Flip 6, the clamshell-style foldable from Samsung gets some major bumps this year. Starting with the main camera, the Flip 6 gets a 50-megapixel primary sensor and a larger 4,000mAh battery compared to 3,700mAh on the Flip 5. Both the new foldable get IP48 water resistance. The crease on the Flip 6 is almost invisible, as, during hands-on time with the device, we scrolled through the device and could barely notice the crease. The display seems decent, and the upgraded camera is excellent for the Flip 6.
Confronto, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/11/2024
Sorgente: Irish Mirror EN→IT
The foldable phone revolution shows no signs of stopping with another bendable device set to arrive in stores. Motorola first rebooted its iconic Razr phone back in 2020 and it has since had numerous upgrades including a totally fresh look last year. As Samsung debuts its Galaxy Z Flip 6, it has come out fighting with two 2024 models called Razr 50 and Razr 50 Ultra. The 6.9in smartphones flip shut and this means they are much smaller to slip into a pocket or bag than a regular slab style smartphone.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/11/2024
Sorgente: Marques Brownlee
Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: GadgetMatch
Confronto, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Dave 2D
Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: ben's gadget reviews
Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Tom's Guide
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 has significant upgrades over its predecessor to potentially make it one of the best foldable phones released this year. With upgraded cameras, a larger battery, and a huge focus on Galaxy AI features, it's exactly what Samsung needs to rebound after last year. In our Galaxy Z Flip 6 hands-on, we'll dive into everything that's cool and new with this flip style phone.
Pratico, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: CNet
Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Engadget
Samsung upgraded the cameras and battery on the Z Flip 6, while bringing a slew of Galaxy AI features to both its foldables this year. On the Z Fold 6, it tweaked the displays' brightness and bezels, improved the ultrawide camera and threw in a vapor cooling system. But it seems like again, the biggest changes to the Z Fold 6 might be in its AI features. Senior reporter Sam Rutherford took a closer look at what's coming to Samsung's latest generation of foldable
Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: The Tech Chap
Pratico, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Expert Reviews EN→IT
We won’t know for sure until we’ve completed our testing but the battle between the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 and the Motorola Razr 50 Ultra looks to be one of the closest yet. The Galaxy will likely offer faster performance and potentially better battery life, has an added level of dust resistance and will get day-one AI features, whereas Moto AI has yet to materialise. On the other hand, the Razr has a larger, higher quality external display and adds a 2x optical telephoto camera, which for my money is a big upgrade over the middling ultrawide cameras used by both the Razr 40 Ultra and Galaxy Z Flip 5. On top of that, it retails for a little less, starting from just £959.
Pratico, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Techradar EN→IT
The Galaxy Z Flip 6 improves on the Galaxy Z Flip 5 with a more durable design, better cameras, a bigger battery and potentially the best software of any flip phone released so far. I’m not convinced that any one of these features will warrant a direct generational upgrade – especially with Samsung being so good at rolling out new software to its existing devices post-launch – but the Galaxy Z Flip 6 nonetheless bears all the hallmarks of a class-leading foldable.
Pratico, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Tom's Guide EN→IT
I’m more stoked about the Galaxy Z Flip 6 than the Motorola Razr Plus 2024, especially if its camera performance ends up being significantly better. At the same time, I really like all the new Galaxy AI features because many of them help to make the phone look more customizable than ever before. However, I can’t overlook that the Galaxy Z Flip 6 now commands a higher $1,099 cost. That’s tough to swallow, more so when Motorola ended keeping the Razr Plus at $999. All told, Samsung's new flip phone really needs to hit it out of the park to convince people they should choose the Galaxy Z Flip 6. We'll find out how well it pulls that off after more testing.
Pratico, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Trusted Reviews EN→IT
The Galaxy Z Flip 6 doesn’t change much on the design front, but there are some important changes elsewhere that make this a smart choice for those after a clamshell foldable. The addition of the vapour chamber should alleviate any heat issues, while the upgraded RAM and battery size will hopefully keep the phone running well for longer. Seven years of software updates is always welcome too. There’s some tough competition in the space now, notably from Motorola with its huge outer-display-toting Razr 50 and Razr 50 Ultra. Samsung has the skills to make the clamshell foldable to beat, and there’s every chance it has done that here.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Gadgetguy EN→IT
Internal upgrades are the biggest difference between the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 and its predecessor, announced in Paris overnight, along with a bigger price tag. Although it has a subtle facelift – the camera array now matches the handset’s colour scheme – the Flip 6 sports the same 3.4-inch ‘Flex Window’ cover screen as the Flip 5. It contrasts the recently launched Motorola Razr 50 Ultra, replete with a large four-inch outer screen. Instead of overhauling the phone’s design, Samsung went to work on the internals.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: GSM Arena EN→IT
It's kind of hard to innovate each and every year and we've kind of gotten used to phones bringing more or less incremental upgrades. This is definitely the case with the Galaxy Z Fold6 and Z Flip6. Still, there are some nice little additions to the mix and tweaks here and there this year. We like the design refinement on both phones. The Z Fold6 has an improved and more natural aspect ratio on the cover display and the Z Flip6, is now closer than ever to the mainstream Galaxy S line with a bigger battery and better main camera.
Confronto, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Inside HW EN→IT
Das neue Galaxy Z Flip 6 führt mehrere Highlights ein, die es von seinen Vorgängern abheben. Mit Android 14 und Samsungs One UI 6.1.1 als angepasste Nutzeroberfläche verspricht das Z Flip 6 sieben Jahre Software-Updates.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Make Use Of EN→IT
Every summer, Samsung's Unpacked event brings the latest iteration of the company’s foldable devices, smartwatches, and earbuds. This year, it’s all about AI and its integration with the Galaxy Z series. Here’s everything announced at Samsung Unpacked 2024. The Galaxy Z Fold 6 joins Samsung’s foldable lineup, mirroring the boxy flattened design of the Galaxy S24 Ultra. The device sports the same 7.6-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X main display with a resolution of 2160 x 1856 and a 6.3-inch cover display, which both support 120Hz. The main difference here is that both displays lose the rounded corners found in previous Z Fold phones.
Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Mobile Syrup EN→IT
The Galaxy Z Fold 6 costs $2,564 CAD, an increase from the Z Fold 5, which costs $2,399. At face value, even with all the upgrades, I can’t say whether the Z Fold 6 is worth the price increase, but I’m interested in finding out. The Z Flip 6 also increased to $1,462.99 from $1,299. Again, I can’t say if this price increase is worth it without putting the handset through its paces, but considering it mostly received quality-of-life updates, I doubt it. I love foldable smartphones, so I will spend a lot of time with both handsets, especially the Z Fold 6. I’m curious to see whether the wider screen is enough to make it stand out against the OnePlus Open. I would also like to see if the Z Flip 6 can compete against the Moto Razr+.
Confronto, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Nextpit EN EN→IT
It's not a surprise that the Galaxy Z Flip 6 comes to the market as an all-rounded device; this is Samsung's sixth attempt to produce something consistent. It comes with the fastest processor, a bigger battery capacity, and a camera that offers a higher resolution. Amidst all that, we have a layer of Artificial Intelligence that might sometimes help. However, it still needs to prove itself. The Z Flip 6 is not cheap—even in its sixth generation. However, Samsung devices tend to get a heavy discount a few months after their release. Additionally, many carriers will offer this pocket-friendly device in a bundle with very accessible contracts, and many of you will probably get one.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Unbox EN→IT
Samsung gave several meaningful quality-of-life upgrades to the Galaxy Z Flip6 to make it a solid flip foldable despite the higher price tag. We’re not just talking about a bigger battery and better camera–the Galaxy Z Flip6 finally gets dust resistance, more onboard RAM, and even a vapor chamber for better thermal management.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Tech Spurt
The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 is Sammy's latest 2024 full-sized foldable phone, and this hands-on review and comparison shows what's upgraded vs the Fold 5. A lot of the hardware including Samsung's camera tech remains the same for the Galaxy Z Fold 6, so will fresh AI features be enough to justify that high UK price? The Unpacked launch has just finished and anyone expecting major evolution from the Samsung Z Fold 6 will likely be disappointed. This is a gentle upgrade vs the 5, sticking with the same optics and battery tech.
Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Yugatech
Pratico, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Pocketnow
Samsung might need to re-think the name of its events because today was anything but Unpacked. We're here in Paris for a very "Packed" event where we didn't just get two foldables. Let's just say we got that, plus two smartwatches, two new sets of earbuds and a ring. And listen, if there was one more thing at the end of the presentation, I'll tell you know we didn't know about it.
Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Phone Arena EN→IT
Most likely - yes. The thing is, the phone is about to get unveiled on July 10, and although it won't probably offer as many upgrades in comparison to its predecessor as many would like, it still isn't just an iteration. It will probably have a bigger battery and a new main camera, and for that alone, it would probably be worth it to wait for a couple of weeks before buying a foldable right now.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/28/2024
Sorgente: Computerbild DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 12/15/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 96%
Sorgente: Computerbild DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 10/07/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 96%
Sorgente: Smartzone DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/16/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 88% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 95% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 95%
Sorgente: Basic Tutorials DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/08/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 87% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 90% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: Android Mag DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 09/03/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 91% prestazioni: 400% schermo: 86% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/28/2024
Sorgente: DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/26/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: Blick DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 08/16/2024
Sorgente: Computerbild DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/09/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 96%
Sorgente: Computerbild DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/09/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 96%
Sorgente: Nextpit Germany DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/26/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/26/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 96% prezzo: 58% prestazioni: 100% caratteristiche: 96% schermo: 97% mobilità: 91%
Sorgente: PC Welt DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/26/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70%
Sorgente: Computerbild DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/26/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 96%
Sorgente: Tech Stage DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/25/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: Go2 Mobile DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/19/2024
Sorgente: n-tv DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/16/2024
Sorgente: Computerbild DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/16/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 98%
Sorgente: Hipertextual ES→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/24/2024
Sorgente: Computerhoy ES→IT
Confronto, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/29/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 88%
Sorgente: Xataka ES→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/24/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 88% prestazioni: 88% schermo: 90% mobilità: 83% qualità di lavorazione: 93%
Sorgente: Computerhoy ES→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 86%
Sorgente: Xataka ES→IT
Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/15/2024
Sorgente: Pplware PT→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/30/2024
Sorgente: Canaltech PT→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 80% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Tudo Celular PT→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/14/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 80%
Sorgente: 4G News PT→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/04/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Android Geek PT→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/02/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 86% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 80% mobilità: 82% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: PT→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/31/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100% schermo: 90% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: NL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/06/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 87%
Sorgente: Techzine NL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/30/2024
Sorgente: NL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/24/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Charles Tech FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 11/24/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 88% prezzo: 70% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 90% mobilità: 90%
Sorgente: L' Eclaireur FNAC FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/04/2024
Sorgente: L' Eclaireur FNAC FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 09/03/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 70% mobilità: 70%
Sorgente: Nextpit France FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/29/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Les Mobiles FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/26/2024
Sorgente: Frandroid FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/25/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 80% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Journal du Geek FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Les Numeriques FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 100% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 100% ergonomia: 100%
Sorgente: Les Numeriques FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 100% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 100% ergonomia: 100%
Sorgente: Presse Citron FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/21/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 79% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 70% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 95%
Sorgente: 01Net FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/19/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 72% mobilità: 70%
Sorgente: Clubic FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/19/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 100% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Frandroid FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Nextpit France FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 10/12/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 75%
Sorgente: Techno Senior PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/25/2024
Sorgente: Tabletowo PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/17/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 86%
Sorgente: Komputerswiat PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/14/2024
Sorgente: Instalki PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/10/2024
Sorgente: PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/09/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 78% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 80% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Mobileworld 24 PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/06/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 79% prezzo: 70% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 85% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: GSM Online PL PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/05/2024
Sorgente: Orange PL PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/05/2024
Sorgente: Telepolis PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/03/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Geex X-kom PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/02/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70%
Sorgente: GSM Maniak PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/29/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 92% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 96% mobilità: 83%
Sorgente: Co Nowego PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/28/2024
Sorgente: GSM Online PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: RU→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/31/2024
Sorgente: RU→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/31/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Hi-Tech Mail RU→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/22/2024
Sorgente: MobilArena HU HU→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/22/2024
Valutazione: prezzo: 60% schermo: 90% mobilità: 75% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: CZ→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/28/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 87% caratteristiche: 89% schermo: 97% mobilità: 76% qualità di lavorazione: 94%
Sorgente: Viettelstore VN→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 12/09/2024
Sorgente: FPT shop VN→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 12/04/2024
Sorgente: Cell Phones VN→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/20/2024
Sorgente: Viettelstore VN→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/11/2024
Sorgente: FPT shop VN→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 08/10/2024
Sorgente: Nghenhin Vietnam VN→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 08/04/2024
Sorgente: Nghenhin Vietnam VN→IT
Confronto, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 08/02/2024
Sorgente: Zing VN→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/30/2024
Sorgente: Viettelstore VN→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/24/2024
Sorgente: Viettelstore VN→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/15/2024
Sorgente: FPT shop VN→IT
Confronto, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/14/2024
Sorgente: The Gioididong VN→IT
Pratico, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/12/2024
Sorgente: FPT shop VN→IT
Pratico, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/11/2024
Sorgente: Zing VN→IT
Confronto, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Cell Phones VN→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/10/2024
Sorgente: Jagat Review ID→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/12/2024
Sorgente: BU→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/22/2024
Sorgente: Input DA→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 09/12/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 90% mobilità: 82% qualità di lavorazione: 98%
Sorgente: Computer World DK DA→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 08/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 67%
Sorgente: Komputer for alle DA→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Cortissimo, Data: 08/21/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 82%
Sorgente: Mere DA→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Cortissimo, Data: 08/13/2024
Sorgente: Mere DA→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 67%
Sorgente: SV→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% schermo: 80%
Sorgente: M3 PC för alla SV→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/17/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 78%
Sorgente: →IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 10/02/2024
Sorgente: →IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/29/2024
Qualcomm Adreno 750:
Chip grafico per smartphone e tablet integrato nel SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. Qualcomm afferma che è il 25% più veloce dell'Adreno 7340 nello Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 e i primi benchmark mostrano che la GPU può battere l'Apple A17 Pro iGPU.
Ridurre la distanza delle Schede Grafiche per gli utenti che vogliono utilizzare il videogiochi. I nuovi giochi dovrebbero funzionare su queste schede, ma con riduzione dei dettagli e risoluzione mediocre.
>> Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nel nostroConfronto delle schede grafiche e nella nostra Lista dei Benchmark.
SD 8 Gen 3 for Galaxy: Il cryo-CPU si basa sull'architettura ARM v9.2 ed è composto da tre cluster: Il primo comprende un nucleo principale veloce(ARM Cortex-X4) con un massimo di 3,39 GHz. Il secondo consiste in tre core di potenza con un massimo di 3,2 GHz e due core aggiuntivi con clock fino a 3,0 GHz (tutti Cortex-A720). Il cluster di efficienza è composto da due core a risparmio energetico(Cortex-A520) che funzionano fino a 2,3 GHz. Il SoC utilizza l'integrato Adreno 750 per l'accelerazione grafica. il 5G è incluso nel chip con il modem Snapdragon X70. Rispetto al normale SD8 Gen3, la variante "per Galaxy" offre un core principale con clock superiore di 90 MHz e una GPU con clock superiore.
>>Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nel nostroConfronto dei processori per portatili.
Solo pochi smartphones hanno schermi più grandi.
I display con dimensioni maggiori consentono risoluzioni più elevate. Quindi, i dettagli come le lettere sono più grandi. D'altro canto, il consumo energetico è inferiore negli schermi con diagonali piccole e su dispositivi più piccoli, più leggeri ed economici.
>> Per scoprire come è la risoluzione del vostro schermo, andate a vedere la nostraLista DPI.
Samsung: Samsung Group è il più grande conglomerato sudcoreano ed è stato fondato nel 1938. Samsung Group impiegava 489.000 persone nel 2014 ed è una delle più grandi aziende al mondo in termini di fatturato e forza di mercato. Il nome Samsung significa "Tre stelle" in coreano e rappresenta i tre figli del fondatore dell'azienda. L'azienda nasce nel 1938 come negozio di alimentari. Con la sua controllata Samsung Electronics, fondata nel 1969, Samsung ha intrapreso la produzione di articoli elettrotecnici, concentrandosi fin dall'inizio sull'elettronica di consumo e sugli elettrodomestici. Altri rami in cui è attiva la grande società includono ingegneria meccanica, automobili (Hyundai), assicurazioni, commercio all'ingrosso, immobiliare e tempo libero. Samsung produce una vasta gamma di prodotti elettronici, inclusi smartphone, televisori, elettrodomestici e semiconduttori. La linea di smartphone Galaxy dell'azienda è una delle più popolari al mondo. Samsung è anche uno dei principali attori nel settore dei semiconduttori, producendo chip di memoria e processori per molti altri produttori di elettronica.
83.9%: Il punteggio deve essere considerato medio, in quanto il numero di portatili che hanno ottenuto un punteggio migliore è uguale a quello dei portatili che hanno avuto un punteggio peggiore.
>> Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nella nostra Guida all'acquisto di un portatile.