OnePlus 12
Specifiche tecniche
Fotocamera Secondaria: 32 MPix Sony IMX615 (f/2.4, 0.8 µm, 1/2.74", 21 mm, 90°, 5P Lens, EIS)
Price comparison
Media dei 84 punteggi (dalle 143 recensioni)
recensioni per OnePlus 12
Il OnePlus 12 5G alimentato dal Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 fa molte cose giuste e offre caratteristiche generalmente alla pari con altri flagship Android che abbiamo visto finora nel 2024. Sebbene il OnePlus 12 sia probabilmente l'ammiraglia 8 Gen 3 con il miglior rapporto qualità/prezzo, alcuni aspetti chiave sembrano essere stati trascurati.
Sorgente: Evo smart
Oneplus 12 parte da 969 € per la variante 12/256, fino ad arrivare a 1099 € per la variante 16/512, quest’ultima offerta all’inizio a 999 € con 100 euro di sconto immediato. Cifre senz’altro non popolari (e superiori rispetto allo scorso anno) ma giustificate almeno in parte dai miglioramenti apportati e dal bundle lancio che è molto ricco: oltre a delle cuffie B&O del valore dichiarato di 549 € (tutto da dimostrare, ovviamente),
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 04/19/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 81% prezzo: 65% prestazioni: 95% schermo: 90% mobilità: 80%
Sorgente: DDay IT
Nuovo anno, nuovo OnePlus. Anche per il 2024 ci è stato proposto di provare il nuovo top di gamma dell’azienda cinese e, per l’ennesima volta, ci siamo ritrovati tra le mani il solito super dispositivo che ha soddisfatto le nostre aspettative…ma nulla di più. OnePlus 12 è bello, potente, la batteria dura e si ricarica in un lampo, così come la fotocamera ha fatto uno step in avanti. Gli ingredienti ci sono tutti, eppure si fa fatica a consigliare a chiunque di investire 1000 euro (si parte, per la precisione, da 969 euro per la versione 12/256 GB) per un dispositivo di questo genere. OnePlus 12 non ha nulla di più di moltissimi dispositivi appartenenti alla stessa fascia di mercato e, probabilmente, sarà acquistato solamente da quella fetta di fedelissimi membri della community sempre alla ricerca dell’ultimo ritrovato del brand. Difficile è anche consigliare l’upgrade da OnePlus 11, smartphone che, ad un anno dalla sua uscita sui mercati, ha raggiunto la massima maturità e si trova sui vari store a diverse centinaia di euro in meno.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/21/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 77% prezzo: 70% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 70%
Sorgente: Batista70Phone
Ci sono solo da fare i complimenti a OnePlus (e Oppo) per aver proposto un terminale che rasenta la perfezione, ad un prezzo di partenza che non supera la soglia psicologica dei 1000 Euro. La OxygenOS viene spesso criticata per la perdita di una sua identità a favore della ColorOS di Oppo, ma a nostro avviso ne giova in termini di supporto e di affidabilità. OnePlus rimane OnePlus, con lo slider e altre chicche esclusive, ma la totale sinergia con Oppo ha portato molti più vantaggi che svantaggi. Ci è molto piaciuto e lo consigliamo a tutti coloro che desiderano un terminale premium relativamente accessibile, affidabile e duraturo nel tempo. Enorme balzo in avanti per la qualità del comparto multimediale, sia lato fotografico/video che audio rispetto a OnePlus 11, che non lesinava prestazioni, ma arrancava in qualità di immagini catturate.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/05/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% caratteristiche: 90% schermo: 954% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 90% ergonomia: 90%
Sorgente: Techprincess IT
Sul sito di OnePlus e su Amazon potete trovare questo smartphone a 969 euro per la versione da 12+256GB e 999 euro per quella da 16+512GB (il prezzo di partenza è di 1099€). Questa seconda opzione, per il momento, ci sembra la migliore. Ma è quella consigliabile? Dopo averlo provato in questa recensione, possiamo dire che nella categoria dei top di gamma c’è chi fa meglio di OnePlus 12. Ma sono telefoni che, in linea di massima, costano da 200 a 600 euro in più. Se confrontato rispetto agli smartphone che costano più o meno quanto lui (come le versioni base dei top di gamma Apple e Samsung), si difende molto meglio. Il display e la batteria sono eccellenti, la fotocamera molto buona, le prestazioni al top. E poi ci sono tante piccole comodità, come lo schermo Aqua Touch e il sensore a infrarossi. OnePlus 12 non ha veri difetti e ha tanti pregi. Ma non svetta rispetto alla concorrenza in questa fascia di prezzo.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 02/21/2024
Sorgente: Wired IT
Il OnePlus 12 è un telefono completo, affidabile, veloce e dalle prestazioni fotografiche di qualità, con un posizionamento di prezzo a partire da 969 euro che è corretto ma lontano dagli affari che si facevano agli esordi del marchio. Insomma, dopo l’acquisizione con Oppo, il brand ha perso un po’ di brio e originalità che erano invece gli elementi distintivi che la community apprezzava maggiormente.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 02/21/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Corriere
Lo smartphone non è nient’altro che una fotocamera di grande qualità predisposta per funzionare al meglio su di uno smartphone. Rispetto ad altri competitor, anche su un prezzo simile, propone un’offerta tecnologica inferiore, ma quel che manca lo concentra tutto sulla fotocamera, come un vero cameraphone farebbe. Non è comunque un giudizio totalmente positivo, perché questo dispositivo snatura completamente l’esperienza OnePlus che tanto ha avuto successo in passato, tanto da aver creato una solida fanbase. La collaborazione con Oppo sta confluendo in un dispositivo della cui origine, rimane solo il logo. Ma chi cerca tanta affidabilità e qualità fotografica, non rimarrà deluso.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 02/15/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 77% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 70% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 70%
Sorgente: Igizmo
Uno smartphone completo, allo stato dell'arte per tecnologia, qualità costruttiva e reparto fotografico che vanta una resa fotografia eccellente grazie alla computational photography assicurata dalla co-ingegnerizzazione con Hasselblad. Android 14 scorre liscio sotto le dita e gli ingombri sono limitati (per quanto possibile dal generoso display). Gli manca solo la IA ma siamo certi arriverà con i prossimi update della OxygenOS.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/13/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Multiplayer IT
OnePlus 12 continua nel solco della buona strada iniziata dal suo predecessore proseguendo a grandi passi nella giusta direzione. Uno smartphone dalle caratteristiche davvero ottime a tutto tondo, con una scheda tecnica senza compromessi, un impianto fotografico eccellente, realizzato con attenzione e cura, equilibrato e in ultima analisi soddisfacente nell'utilizzo in qualsiasi ambito. Certamente alcuni dettagli possono essere migliorati, su tutti la certificazione IP65 e la longevità del supporto garantito che non è a livello dei produttori top, ma in linea di massima c'è poco da criticare in questo nuovo flagship della compagnia cinese.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/30/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85%
Sorgente: Andrea Galeazzi
Il listino di OnePlus 12 parte dai 969 euro della versione 12/256GB e passa ai 1.099 euro, al momento 999 in offerta lancio, necessari per la 16/512GB. Prezzi ben lontani dalla OnePlus di una volta anche se del resto questo vale ormai da diverse generazioni e non saprei.. Pur facendo ottime foto, avendo un display davvero bello e luminoso e con le sue top prestazioni, queste sì in stile OnePlus, non convince fino in fondo. Sarà per l'autonomia, sarà perché non offre alla fine nulla di particolare rispetto agli altri e non riesce ad emergere alla fine quello che mi incuriosisce di più è OnePlus 12R, riuscirà a fare breccia con i suoi 699 euro?
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 01/24/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70% prezzo: 70% schermo: 95% mobilità: 60% qualità di lavorazione: 60%
Sorgente: Evo smart
Oneplus 12 parte da 969 € per la variante 12/256, fino ad arrivare a 1099 € per la variante 16/512, quest’ultima offerta all’inizio a 999 € con 100 euro di sconto immediato. Cifre senz’altro non popolari (e superiori rispetto allo scorso anno) ma giustificate almeno in parte dai miglioramenti apportati e dal bundle lancio che è molto ricco: oltre a delle cuffie B&O del valore dichiarato di 549 € (tutto da dimostrare, ovviamente), è possibile ottenere gratuitamente le Buds Pro di Oneplus oppure (nel caso della versione top) un omaggio tra cuffie di B&O (diverse ovviamente dalle precedencover oppure sempre le Buds Pro. Determinanti saranno eventuali offerte ed anche listinti), i o promo degli altri competitors come Samsung e Xiaomi. Peccato per l’assenza della certificazione IP68 e peccato per un reparto fotografico ancora una volta da migliorare (con un gap tuttavia assai ridotto rispetto al passato, colmabile con un aggiornamento) ma comunque di ottimo livello.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/24/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 81% prezzo: 65% prestazioni: 95% schermo: 90% mobilità: 80%
Tirando le somme, possiamo solo fare i complimenti a OnePlus per aver finalmente proposto un top di gamma competitivo in praticamente ogni aspetto. Viene messo in vendita a meno di 1000€ (versione 12/256GB a 969 euro) ed è un'opzione più che valida per i consumatori finali che, sfruttando l'offerta di lancio possono avere la versione da 16/512 GB a 999 euro; che per soli 30 euro in più è sicuramente, al momento, la scelta migliore. Se ad esempio l'avere tre o quattro fotocamere prestanti o fare dei super selfie non è il vostro interesse primario, troverete in questo OnePlus un prodotto superbo e che può offrirvi anche più di quanto possiate trovare in un S24 Ultra o il futuro Xiaomi 14 Pro, tra l'altro ad un prezzo inferiore.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85% caratteristiche: 97%
Sorgente: Smart World
OnePlus 12 è un valido smartphone premium: la scheda tecnica è completa (e potente), il display è da record, le fotocamera scattano anche meglio di altri della stessa categoria e il software è fluidissimo. Se questo smartphone non ha la caratteristica da "cartellone pubblicitario" e quindi magari si perde un po' nel marasma di tutte le uscite, sarebbe davvero un errore non prenderlo in considerazione.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84% prezzo: 70% caratteristiche: 90% schermo: 95% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 85% ergonomia: 85%
Sorgente: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade
Parlare di rivoluzione, con OnePlus 12, sarebbe esagerato. Tuttavia l'azienda continua di anno in anno a presentare piccole innovazioni che di fatto tendono a migliorare un'esperienza d'uso che è già a livelli estremamente elevati, al pari dei device più blasonati della concorrenza diretta. Un vecchio fan dell'azienda che acquista questo smartphone si troverà di fronte un prodotto che già conosce e che probabilmente già apprezza; chi invece non conosce i prodotti OnePlus avrà a che fare con uno dei migliori flagship Android in circolazione. OnePlus 12 va poi a risolvere alcune carenze del predecessore, come ad esempio lo zoom solo 2x ottico, implementando un ottimo teleobiettivo 3x stabilizzato che, alla bisogna, può offrire buoni scatti anche con zoom 6x ibrido. A tutto ciò aggiunge il miglior sensore d'immagine disponibile su mobile per la principale e una ultra grandangolare che al solito convince. Ottimo tutto il comparto fotografico, insomma, caratteristica che solo qualche generazione fa rappresentava il tallone d'Achille della proposta del produttore.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/23/2024
Sorgente: Smart World
OnePlus 12 è un valido smartphone premium: la scheda tecnica è completa (e potente), il display è da record, le fotocamera scattano anche meglio di altri della stessa categoria e il software è fluidissimo. Se questo smartphone non ha la caratteristica da "cartellone pubblicitario" e quindi magari si perde un po' nel marasma di tutte le uscite, sarebbe davvero un errore non prenderlo in considerazione.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84% prezzo: 70% caratteristiche: 90% schermo: 95% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 85% ergonomia: 85%
recensioni esterne
Sorgente: Tech Spurt
Well, even after close to twelve months, the OnePlus 12 is still a fantastic all-round device. In fact, it just got even better with the launch of OxygenOS 15. This improves the old version in many ways, from adding AI smarts to upgrading the animations. So the everyday experience feels impressively smooth and looks even better.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 10/28/2024
Sorgente: EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 is priced at Rs 64,999 for the 256GB storage variant and Rs 69,999 for its 512GB variant, with a one-year warranty. Yes, the 256GB variant is Rs 3,000 more expensive than the launch price of the OnePlus 11 5G with similar capacity, but it does offer more than a handful of extras and upgrades to justify the difference. While we termed the OnePlus 11 as almost a Pro, the OnePlus 12 is certainly a Pro even without the suffix. You get a phone with the most powerful SoC around, ample RAM and storage, an excellent QHD+ display, good battery backup with fast and wireless charging and last but not the least, versatile and competent rear cameras. Add to that a fluid UI with four years of OS and five years of security updates, keeping the phone relevant and secure for long. All things considered, the OnePlus 12 is an excellent flagship phone that ticks a lot of boxes.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/31/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 86%
Sorgente: 9to5google EN→IT
My minor concerns with the visual aesthetic of the software stack aside, if I were spending my own cash on a device, the now-discounted OnePlus 12 would be top of the list. Whenever I put my SIM back into the Pixel 8 Pro, I wonder if I have been too hasty. It’s the first time in a long time that I have felt that way about a flagship OnePlus phone. I’ll go one further and stick my neck out and say that the OnePlus 12 is the most improved phone in about every area—particularly the camera. The result is the most “complete” OnePlus phone to date, with a few compromises, but less than ever. I’d even consider it a great, cheaper alternative to the Galaxy S24 Ultra. Is it the best phone I’ve used in 2024 so far? It’s a resounding yes.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/01/2024
Sorgente: 9to5google
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Cortissimo, Data: 07/01/2024
Sorgente: TechTablets
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/19/2024
Sorgente: Mash IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/18/2024
Sorgente: Android Central EN→IT
Ultimately, the OnePlus 12 Glacial White doesn't feel quite as special as earlier limited-edition models. That said, the white color option looks elegant, and makes the OnePlus 12 look just that little bit more upmarket. If you didn't like the look of the existing color variants, the Glacial White is a notable addition to the OnePlus 12 portfolio. Like the best limited-edition models released by OnePlus over the years, the OnePlus 12 Glacial White is exclusive to India, and won't make its way to other regions. While that's annoying, customers in India can get their hands on the device by shelling out ₹64,999 ($782) — what the standard 12GB/256GB model costs.
Pratico, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 06/03/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Android Central EN→IT
Ultimately, the OnePlus 12 Glacial White doesn't feel quite as special as earlier limited-edition models. That said, the white color option looks elegant, and makes the OnePlus 12 look just that little bit more upmarket. If you didn't like the look of the existing color variants, the Glacial White is a notable addition to the OnePlus 12 portfolio. Like the best limited-edition models released by OnePlus over the years, the OnePlus 12 Glacial White is exclusive to India, and won't make its way to other regions. While that's annoying, customers in India can get their hands on the device by shelling out ₹64,999 ($782) — what the standard 12GB/256GB model costs.
Pratico, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 06/03/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: GSM Arena
The OnePlus 12 and 12R are the best phones OnePlus has to offer. And they don't look so different.
Confronto, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 05/23/2024
Sorgente: TechLekh EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 is the OnePlus’s latest flagship posied to compete against high-end competitors like Samsung. By undercutting the pricing of expensive flagship rivals, OnePlus aims to attract consumers seeking premium smartphone experiences at a more accessible price point.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 05/15/2024
Sorgente: Digital Trends EN→IT
For the price, the OnePlus 12 gives you a lot of bang for your buck. It’s one of the more unique slab phones around with the distinctive Hasselblad camera module, and the Flowy Emerald color is simply beautiful. In a world where most brands are coming out with boring and bland colors, the shimmery Flowy Emerald is a welcome sight to behold. The curved 6.8-inch AMOLED display on the OnePlus 12 is stunning, making everything look great. Though I enjoy the more immersive feeling of the curved screen, it gets a bit annoying when you do accidental swipes or taps on it when you hold it with one hand. Powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 and with 12GB-16GB of RAM, the OnePlus 12 is a powerhouse. OxygenOS 14 runs incredibly smoothly, and it’s seamless when running multiple apps and switching between them, even if you’re multitasking in split-screen mode.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/15/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: G Style Magazine EN→IT
OnePlus 12 hits the sweet spot with its pricing against the competition. Starting out at $799.99 gets you at least 256GB which is double the space compared to Pixel 8 Pro and Galaxy S24 starting models at the same price. You can get it even cheaper w/ trade-ins. Using it for the past couple of months the OP12 hit marks regarding battery life, gaming, and taking photos.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 04/15/2024
Sorgente: Techradar EN→IT
If you’re considering the OnePlus 12, you should buy it, because OnePlus knows its audience well, and this phone was made for your needs. It’s the coolest-looking phone in a long time, maybe ever, while others are boring metal slabs. You’ll get better battery life, faster charging, and a brighter screen, all on a phone that costs hundreds less than the competition’s Ultra and Pro models. OnePlus makes some sacrifices, but they might not matter to you, and its winning design plus no-nonsense software makes it the coolest smartphone you can buy at any price.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/20/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 100% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 100% mobilità: 100% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Phone Arena EN→IT
Overall, the OnePlus 12 and OnePlus 12R are certainly two pretty decent offerings for the ultra high-end and upper mid-range markets, respectively. While the OnePlus 12 is an unapologetic flagship, the OnePlus 12R rivals regular flagships like the Pixel 7 and the Galaxy S24. It's an extremely decent offering that should be considered if you're not willing to shell out a lot of cash on a phone. Overall, the verdict is clear: if you want a real flagship, look no further than the OnePlus 12. Meanwhile, those on a tighter budget might consider the OnePlus 12R, which cuts some of the extra corners but still delivers the exemplar OnePlus experience.
Confronto, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/12/2024
Sorgente: Tech PP EN→IT
On paper, the OnePlus 12 might be hovering in the price segment of the Pixel 8 and the iPhone 15, but we think neither of those phones is in its sights. The OnePlus 12 is, in fact, hands down the most well-specced phone you can get on paper for not just under Rs 70,000, but even under Rs 85,000. And that makes it a challenger for the likes of the elite iPhone 15 Pro, Pixel 8 Pro, and the Galaxy S24 series. It seemed a little shaky on the camera front initially, but a software update has improved matters no end on that front as well. We would say that it remains the best option for those who want a big phone with big hardware at the most affordable price possible. However, the iQOO 12 gives it very tough competition with a similar processor and equally good (some might say better) cameras. It has the looks, the specs, and the performance to take on pretty much any phone out there.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/09/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Android Authority EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 is a more refined OnePlus 11 in all the right ways. It hangs onto the unique design of its predecessor, but throws in a more powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor, a massive 5,400mAh battery, and adds 50W wireless charging to the equation. The OnePlus 12 is a pro phone without the pro name, and it manages all this without pushing up against the $1,000 barrier.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 02/29/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: JerryRigEverything
The OnePlus 12 has a new feature called Aqua Touch - which supposedly allows their new flagship smartphone to work in wet environments or even in the rain. Today we put the OnePlus Aqua touch Glass up against a $1300 dollar Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, and an iPhone 15 Pro to see which smartphone can truly win smartphone of the year in Atlantis. (Come on, you know I had to put an Aquaman joke in here somewhere...)
Confronto, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 02/22/2024
Sorgente: Mobygyaan EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 has a bunch of impressive features and cutting-edge performance, starting with its high-brightness stunning curved AMOELD display, commendable Hasselblad cameras that promise superior image quality even in zoomed shots, top-notch performance for seamless multitasking, high-end gaming, and lag-free smartphone experience, even during the most demanding tasks. In addition to these, the OnePlus 12 also has high-speed 100W charging and 50W wireless charging, loud stereo speakers, and the latest perks from OxygenOS 14. The OnePlus 12 offers a complete package that is hard to beat in the price segment. The OnePlus 12 emerges as a strong contender in the flagship segment and is highly recommended for users with a budget above ₹60,000. The OnePlus 12 is the perfect choice for those looking for a premium smartphone experience without breaking the bank.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/09/2024
Sorgente: Marques Brownlee
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/09/2024
Sorgente: Petapixel EN→IT
Yes, because OnePlus makes it much easier than ever to do so when no other brand is this generous with trade-ins and discounts. If you’re looking for something different, you will probably be impressed with the entire software and hardware performance package in the OnePlus 12.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 02/09/2024
Sorgente: Engadget
Instead of going all-in on AI, the OnePlus 12 is a more straightforward device centered around a big 6.8-inch screen and a speedy new Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip. It also has a very capable triple camera setup along with increasingly rare features like an IR blaster. And while it’s still not quite as good as what’s available from competitors, the 12’s IP65 rating for dust and water resistance is the best we’ve seen on any OnePlus phone to date. But the best things about this phone are its truly excellent battery life and an $800 price that’s $200 less than an equivalent S24+. And that’s before you factor in any deals or promos.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 02/08/2024
Sorgente: Droid Life EN→IT
As you can tell from everything you read, the OnePlus 12 is another excellent phone from OnePlus. It has really great battery life, a high-end camera, performance that is once again better than on almost any phone you’ll touch, the display is beautiful and fast, the specs have it all, and the price is very, very good. OnePlus is selling this phone to start with a discount to $799 for the top-end model and that’s just absurd. The specs are as good as the Galaxy S24 Ultra’s and that phone costs $1,300. Once again, I think the conversation you have to have with yourself revolves around whether or not this phone looks more interesting than those from Google and Samsung. Are you fine with slightly slower software updates? Can OnePlus’ flavor of Android skin meet your needs? Is the design cool enough for 2024? If you answer “yes” to those questions, then yeah, you might want to look at the OnePlus 12 as your next.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/08/2024
Sorgente: Engadget EN→IT
Compared to other big-name phones that are turning to AI to improve their capabilities, the OnePlus 12 is an uncomplicated device that combines good hardware with a solid build. It has a large, punchy display with great performance and unparalleled battery life. And while OnePlus does plan on adding AI features via future software updates, the 12 doesn’t need them to offer a compelling package. And with a starting price of $800, it’s $200 cheaper than an equivalent Galaxy S24+ and that’s before you consider OnePlus’ offer that knocks off another $100 with the trade-in of any phone, regardless of age or condition. In a world where smartphones are becoming increasingly complex, the OnePlus 12 is a straightforward alternative that handles all the most important things with ease.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 02/08/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 87%
Sorgente: Think Digit EN→IT
So the OnePlus 12 is a proper OnePlus device. The smartphone’s looks, to its display, to the performance, to even the battery and charging – everything reeks of OnePlus. On top, this year we get some added goodies like the periscope telephoto lens or the wireless charging, or for those who are into it, the marble finish won’t require you to wait for a limited edition OnePlus device. But there are shortcomings of course. For example, the camera isn’t tuned to its full potential and most of the time after the latest update, I found myself using the Master Mode to take pictures. This also isn’t the best performing phone of the year already, and the size may be a bit too big for many users, since we are seeing a bit of bulking as compared to last year’s OnePlus 11. But overall, this is as flagship as a smartphone gets and the OnePlus 12 makes for a superb all-rounder device for its price.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 02/07/2024
Sorgente: Tech Advisor EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 is a fantastic phone and a joy to use. It has a stunning and distinctive design, an incredibly bright, excellent performance, cracking main cameras and a surprisingly long battery life for everything that’s running in the background. The main downsides are that Samsung and Google offer longer promises of OS and security updates, and that the price isn’t as much of a steal as the OnePlus 11 was. However, the fortified specs and a tough economy make this inevitable. The fact of the matter is that I have no trouble giving a glowing badge of recommendation to the OnePlus 12. It isn’t flawless, but it should certainly be on your shortlist along with the Google Pixel 8 Pro.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 02/06/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: NDTV Gadgets EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 performs well on all fronts and easily outdoes the smartphone it replaces. And so, it's easy to recommend as an upgrade even for those who own the previous model. OnePlus has followed its usual formula and delivered a smartphone that fits in perfectly between the sub-Rs. 50,000 premium devices and the high-end sub-Rs 90,000 segment, which includes devices like Google's Pixel 8 (Review) (starts from Rs. 75,999) and Samsung's Galaxy S24 (starts from Rs. 79,999). However, both of these contenders do pack some cool AI tricks which the OnePlus 12 properly avoids. If you are the type that wants to try out something new and hop aboard the AI bandwagon, then the latter two are a better choice. But if you don't care about AI, it's really hard to ignore the OnePlus 12 as it offers excellent value for money, getting you a bigger (and better display), better performance, flexible cameras and excellent battery life (with wireless charging) for less.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 02/06/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% prezzo: 90% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 90% mobilità: 100% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Business Standard EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 emerges as more than a seasonal upgrade, emphasising essential smartphone features such as premium design, a captivating display, immersive audio, versatile imaging, smooth performance, and a clutter-free user experience. Despite the absence of AI features, the OnePlus 12 stands as a cost effective professional-grade smartphone at Rs 69,999 (top-end variant: review unit) poised to rival other flagship models.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 02/06/2024
Sorgente: Tech Spurt
Unboxing the OnePlus 12R with a quick review of the camera tech, gaming and Oxygen OS 14 experience, comparing it vs the regular 12. The OnePlus 12R is a more budget-friendly alternative flagship smartphone. You're sacrificing some performance and camera smarts to hit that UK price, and there are plenty of other differences too. Still, the OnePlus 12R should satisfy all but the most demanding of users. While each of the camera sensors has been downgraded, you can shoot good looking pictures with this phone at any time. The ultra-wide and telephoto smarts of the 12 are a big step up, however. Likewise, this global version of the OnePlus 12R can smash through games like Genshin Impact, on higher graphics. That frame rate occasionally stumbles, but the 8 Gen 2 is still capable, if not as beefy as the 12 8 Gen 3. I will be testing the OnePlus 12R as my full-time phone soon for an in-depth review but so far the Oxygen OS 14 features look identical.
Confronto, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/05/2024
Sorgente: Techradar EN→IT
If you’re considering the OnePlus 12, you should buy it, because OnePlus knows its audience well, and this phone was made for your needs. It’s the coolest-looking phone in a long time, maybe ever, while others are boring metal slabs. You’ll get better battery life, faster charging, and a brighter screen, all on a phone that costs hundreds less than the competition’s Ultra and Pro models. OnePlus makes some sacrifices, but they might not matter to you, and its winning design plus no-nonsense software makes it the coolest smartphone you can buy at any price.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 02/02/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 100% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 100% mobilità: 100% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Amateur Photographer EN→IT
Overall, we’ve got another very well-performing model from a company which is not one of the “big three”. As such you don’t have to pay the “fame” premium to get flagship performance, but, it’s probably less good at holding its value, which is certainly something to think about once you start spending over £800 for a smartphone.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 02/01/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Pocket Lint EN→IT
In the end, the OnePlus 12 is an interesting phone. The camera system is a big play -- especially having partnered with Hasselblad -- attempting to attract photography enthusiasts and those ‘in the know’ about cameras. Combining its photographic prowess with a device which has one of the best displays ever stuck on a phone, and one which is super speedy, long-lasting and refills an entire battery in under half an hour, and there’s very little to find fault with.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/30/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Phone Arena EN→IT
There you have it: the OnePlus 12 is a phone that delivers on mostly all the important fronts. Very capable camera, superb performance, and exceptional battery life as well as charging speeds are the recurring theme with this no-nonsense flagship that caters not only to the core OnePlus fanbase, but also to just about anyone willing to upgrade or even switch to a rather competitive Android phone in early 2024. It's not all great, though. While four years of major OS upgrades is pretty good, the competition is quickly upping the ante, offering up to 7 years of both major OS upgrades and security patches, leaving the OnePlus 12 behind. On another note, while great, OnePlus plays things pretty safe and somewhat reluctant to experiment. Sure, the OnePlus 12 is one beautiful device, but it's as formulaic as they come.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/29/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 78%
Sorgente: EN→IT
At a starting price of $799, the OnePlus 12 may be the best phone that you can buy at its price point, with its most well-rounded feature set ever, 5G support for every major carrier (Verizon included), the fastest charging on the market, and an industrial design that screams premium. It's also a great phone for users who aren't fully bought into the AI craze. The trade-offs are more of a blur this time around, but from my weeks of usage, I'd still list the shortage of generative AI features, the subpar telephoto lens, and the IP65 rating -- which just misses the mark for the industry standard for water and dust resistance -- as the most notable reasons to think twice about the device. But if you can shoulder the compromises, which are more subtle than ever, then I have no problem recommending the latest phone from OnePlus.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 01/27/2024
Sorgente: The Indian Express EN→IT
OnePlus 12 Camera Review: Though a relatively young brand, OnePlus has managed to capture enough mind space to demand a certain amount of anticipation every year for its new flagships. This year was no exception, and fans of the brand have been keeping track of the OnePlus 12 for a few weeks now. But will the phone push the envelope enough when it comes to specs and experiences to keep the OnePlus devotees happy? Read in our review of the OnePlus 12.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/26/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: EN→IT
OnePlus 12 byder på meget af det samme, som har gjort selskabet til et hit igennem de seneste 10 år. Nuvel – en OnePlus toptelefon er ikke længere noget røverkøb, hvor man får det hele til det halve. Men man får det hele (minus vandtætheden) til en pris, som er lavere end en tilsvarende Samsung eller Google-telefon. Grundmodellen med 12 gigabyte ram og 256 gigabyte er eksempelvis en 1.000-1.500 kroner billigere end alternativerne, mens topmodellen med 16 gigabyte hukommelse og dobbelt op på lager er væsentligt billigere men sin debutpris på 7.999 kroner.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 01/26/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83%
Sorgente: Hot Hardware EN→IT
Between last year’s OnePlus Open and this year’s OnePlus 12, it’s clear that OnePlus is back on track. The company’s return to making no-compromise, value-focused flagships is a welcome and refreshing change in strategy, and we’re here for it. Starting at just $799, the OnePlus 12 brings superb value to the flagship segment, alongside a gorgeous display, excellent cameras, and outstanding battery life. We also like the OnePlus 12’s quality speakers, blazing performance, fast wired and wireless charging, and great software. Still, there’s room for improvement. The marble-like glass finish on our Flowy Emerald review unit is a miss in our opinion, and we’d prefer a proper IP68 rating, along with support for mmWave 5G. But those are minor quibbles. Ultimately, we highly recommend the OnePlus 12, and it deserves our Editor's Choice award.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/25/2024
Sorgente: L&B TechReview EN→IT
OnePlus proved with the OnePlus 11 5G that there’s no need for a Pro model, and the OnePlus 12 confirms that impression, giving the user both in bag and baggage. The new flagship phone is slightly larger than its predecessor, but also offers a robust design, a mega-sized screen with QHD+ resolution and the brightest maximum brightness (4,500 nits) we’ve ever seen. Add to that the wildly practical ‘Aqua Touch’ feature, which means users can actually operate their smartphone even if it’s raining. The camera also offers significant updates, including a significantly better zoom function, and the new Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor ensures better graphics performance. On the other hand, the price has also increased. The OnePlus 12 costs around 10 per cent more than last year’s model, which means that it is now suddenly competing more directly with the most expensive models from Apple and Samsung, among others.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/25/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83%
Sorgente: Expert Reviews EN→IT
All of these price rises are making reviewing phones like the OnePlus 12 difficult. On the one hand, my head says it’s great value: it delivers flagship levels of performance and camera quality, allied to incredibly long battery life, for a price that undercuts the best its rivals have to offer. On the other hand, it does have some shortcomings you wouldn’t expect of a phone costing close to £900. The telephoto camera, for instance, doesn’t quite have the reach of the very best and OnePlus’ overprocessing leaves a stain on what would otherwise have been a whiter-than-white performance. If you do want near-flagship performance and features at lower-than-flagship prices, however, the OnePlus 12 is still very hard to beat. It can’t quite match the best but it’s a little bit cheaper.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/25/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: The Tech Chap
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/25/2024
Sorgente: Root Nation EN→IT
OnePlus 12 is not only an incredibly beautiful smartphone but also boasts a set of promising specifications, including the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor, a 6.8-inch AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate, and Android 14 with the OxygenOS 14 interface. To learn how all these features perform, you'll have to wait for the full review, but at first glance, everything looks very promising. What would be desirable? Perhaps better water resistance; for now, we don't see any other significant drawbacks.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/24/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 95% prezzo: 90% prestazioni: 100% schermo: 100% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 100% ergonomia: 100%
Sorgente: CNet
It's powerful, its battery life is awesome and it's cheaper than its main rivals. But there are some things holding us back from fully recommending the OnePlus 12.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/24/2024
Sorgente: Android Police EN→IT
If you are looking for a smartphone that performs like a high-end sports car, has a battery that can easily get you through a day of normal use and can recharge in less than thirty minutes, a camera system that has been greatly improved over years past, and you want to stay under that $1000 price tag, this is the device for you. While it is annoying that you can't purchase the phone through your carrier, these days, buying the device unlocked has gotten so easy with multiple ways to finance it out and still pick up some nice perks with it. In the end, OnePlus has done a fantastic job with its last couple of phones, and the OnePlus 12 is another winner in my eyes. It also keeps me excited to see what else the brand could offer for 2024 and beyond. The OnePlus 12 builds on the OnePlus 11 in all key areas. While the design is unchanged, the phone features a bigger 6.82-inch display with an insane peak brightness of 4,500 nits. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip inside the phone is more powerful while also being 10% more power efficient.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Android Headlines EN→IT
So now, the big question is, should you buy the OnePlus 12? I would say definitely. And this is a bit weird for me because this time around, there’s no “you should only buy it if…” to this sentence. If you need a new phone, the OnePlus 12 is the way to go. And here’s why: pricing on the 12 starts at $799, or you can jump up to 512GB of storage for just $899. That’s cheaper than just about every other comparable phone on the market today. OnePlus also nailed just about everything this year, from the camera to performance, to battery life, to the display, and everything in between. The only complaint I have is that it is a curved display; I’d much rather have a flat display on the OnePlus 12.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: Android Guys EN→IT
It’s early in the year, but OnePlus already has a strong competitor for phone of 2024 with the OnePlus 12. Outstanding performance, long-lasting battery, and greatly improved cameras all combine to make this flagship worthy. You can preorder the OnePlus today, January 23rd via the official OnePlus storefront. It’s available in both Silky Black and Flowy Emerald. The Silky Black is the base model and comes in 12GB/256GB variants as well as the 16GB/512GB combo. The Flowy Emerald only comes in the larger RAM and storage. Pricing is $800 USD for the base Silky Black, and the upgraded models will cost $900. OnePlus is bringing back the “trade in any phone in any condition” promotion with the OnePlus 12 as well. Regardless of condition or whether it even works, OnePlus will spot you a $100 credit at purchase of the OnePlus 12. It's early in the year, but OnePlus already has a strong competitor for phone of 2024 with the OnePlus 12. Outstanding performance, long-lasting battery, and greatly improved cameras all combine to make this flagship worthy.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 88% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 100% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Android Central EN→IT
It took OnePlus a decade, but it finally created a flagship without any noticeable drawbacks. The OnePlus 12 retains a similar design as last year, but you'll find plenty of subtle tweaks that make it stand out. The 120Hz AMOLED display is among the best of any phone available today, you get the latest hardware, the larger battery lasts two days, and there's 100W wired and 50W wireless charging. The cameras also get meaningful upgrades, and they take stellar photos and videos in any scenario. Earlier OnePlus phones were a good option for what they cost, but the OnePlus 12 doesn't need that particular qualifier — this is a terrific flagship that holds its own against the best that Samsung, Xiaomi, and Google have to offer.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Digital Trends EN→IT
For the price, the OnePlus 12 gives you a lot of bang for your buck. It’s one of the more unique slab phones around with the distinctive Hasselblad camera module, and the Flowy Emerald color is simply beautiful. In a world where most brands are coming out with boring and bland colors, the shimmery Flowy Emerald is a welcome sight to behold. Powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 and with 12GB-16GB of RAM, the OnePlus 12 is a powerhouse. OxygenOS 14 runs incredibly smoothly, and it’s seamless when running multiple apps and switching between them, even if you’re multitasking in split-screen mode. For the mobile gamers out there, the new cryo-velocity cooling system helps prevent overheating. The triple-lens camera system is also very good, providing vibrant and realistic results without overdoing it on the color, thanks to the Hasselblad color tuning enhancements. Like a Google Pixel, I found it hard not to take a decent-looking photo under average conditions. And with the high-resolution telephoto lens, getting sharp and crisp closeups is easy.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: NDTV Gadgets EN→IT
All-in-all, there's plenty to look forward to while reviewing the OnePlus 12 even though OnePlus seems to have borrowed a few bits from its parts bin. There's not much to look forward to on the software front, even though it packs OxygenOS 14 with Android 14. But I expect OnePlus to make up for the missing AI bits with some rock-solid performance, which is where Google's AI-heavy Pixel fumbled. Can OnePlus continue to provide better value than Samsung's Galaxy S series smartphones? Find out in my detailed review, which will be out soon.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 01/23/2024
Sorgente: GSM Arena EN→IT
Excellence on the fundamentals should go without saying at this level. Even in this context, however, the OP12 is among the better ones in terms of battery life, charges faster than just about anything else mainstream, and has a display that does more HDR than a lot of competitors. In the end, the OnePlus 12 makes it quite easy for us. It's so great in many ways and only has small-ish missteps in just a couple of areas - that sounds like grounds for a recommendation.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 86%
Sorgente: Laptop Mag EN→IT
You can get a flagship-level phone at just $799 for specs that are very similar to the Samsung S24 at the same price. For $100 more, you get more storage and RAM to land more on par with the S24 Plus at $899. In some aspects, you get even better specs and quality. During my time with the OnePlus 12, I enjoyed its performance, elegant style, and durable design (I may have accidentally drop-tested it several times). The camera module is absolutely in my top five for image quality and performance. Want to game? The OnePlus 12 has your back again, offering speedy frame rates and excellent gameplay. If you want to enjoy a flagship experience device, I highly recommend the OnePlus 12 — you can thank me for saving you $400 later.
Pratico, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Sorgente: Irish Mirror EN→IT
This is an outstanding flagship smartphone, one that costs less than €1,000 yet includes all the high-end specs that productivity hounds and photography enthusiasts expect and demand. It consolidates OnePlus position at the forefront of smartphone performance and innovation.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Sorgente: Mobile Syrup EN→IT
Another year and another OnePlus phone has hit the market. It’s a top-end device with powerful specs and great hardware. That said, I still don’t think it’s the best phone for most people. If you want a classic OnePlus flagship killer, you’re better off waiting on a deal for the OnePlus 11 from last year. The 12 has a really fun camera, but I worry that some of the reasons I love it, like its unique portrait optics and manual modes, may not be as appreciated by people who aren’t photographers. That said, as a point-and-shoot, it’s a fairly versatile camera that will get nice results most of the time. Like other recent OnePlus phones, this device feels lost without a consumer to care about it, especially in Canada, where the only place to get one is to buy it online outright. While buying phones outright is overall cheaper than subsidizing through a carrier, it’s still not an option many people choose. Therefore, I still think OnePlus is fighting a losing battle in Canada as Google, Samsung and Motorola dominate the Android market because they have a presence in carrier stores.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70%
Sorgente: Nextpit EN EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 really stands out in the smartphone market. Here's a quick overview: It boasts a stylish design and excellent build quality, along with a bright and eye-catching display. Its performance is both steady and dependable, and the camera is quite flexible for different shots. Plus, it has a battery that lasts all day and comes with a cool feature—50W wireless charging, which has been a big hit with many users. Nonetheless, OnePlus seems to fall short in terms of groundbreaking innovation, heavily relying on Google's software and features. Additionally, outside the United States, where OnePlus directly competes with its sister company Oppo, the OnePlus 12 may not be the standout option it is poised to be. While there is still a robust community following surrounding the brand, questions linger about its future direction. Indeed, these concerns delve into the realm of business politics, and it's increasingly difficult to disentangle one from the other.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: 91mobiles EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 remains a value-for-money flagship, providing some exceptional features in all areas – be it display, performance, battery, or cameras. For productivity-focused users, the smartphone’s clean Android 14 experience can be blissful too. For a price-focused Indian customer, the company remains thoughtful by providing a premium protective case and charging brick. Otherwise, there’s scope for improving the next-gen OnePlus numbered flagship by making the smartphone slimmer without compromising features. A better water-resistant build will also be appreciated by many. Currently, its only challenge in the premium space will be the narrative around its smartphones. With the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S24 series and Google Pixel series later this year, there will be a lot of focus on native generative AI features, which OnePlus barely touches on the OnePlus 12.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 80% mobilità: 85% qualità di lavorazione: 75%
Sorgente: CNet EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 has plenty to justify its lofty price tag. It's extremely powerful, its battery life is superb, and the vibrant, bright screen makes your games and videos pop. It's also got a slick design that looks stylish yet still smart. And while its software support isn't the worst around, I really hoped to see OnePlus extending its support period to match what both Samsung and Google are offering. Still, if you're looking for a high-performance Android phone for gaming, with a battery that'll put up with real punishment, the OnePlus 12 is well worth a look.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 78%
Sorgente: Android Authority EN→IT
There’s a sizeable gulf between the two phones, both in price and core specs. The OnePlus 12 is an affordable phone for power users boasting Qualcomm’s latest silicon, an exciting camera lineup, and a great display. It’s also packed to the brim with RAM and storage, although it shows this with its hefty mass and large footprint. This is the OnePlus phone to get if you care about bleeding-edge hardware. Meanwhile, the OnePlus 12R is the obvious choice for pragmatic buyers. For $300 less, you’ll get last year’s flagship chipset, a large battery, and a roomy display. It might not be as alluring as the OnePlus 12, but the 12R offers good value for those who don’t purely shop for numbers.
Confronto, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Sorgente: India Today EN→IT
In my opinion, the OnePlus 12 is a fantastic all-around flagship phone that ticks all the boxes for what you'd want in a top-tier device. It has a sleek and premium look, delivering the kind of high-end feel that anyone eyeing a flagship phone would appreciate. Whether it's performance, software experience, or camera capabilities, the OnePlus 12 excels in all these aspects. What's even better is that it ensures your phone stays secure with four years of promised security updates, making it a smart purchase for the long run. Sure, like any device, it has its share of shortcomings. But they are minor in the grand scheme of things, and also given the price of the phone they are easy to live with. I mean this phone costs half of what the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra does, and it offers everything that the Galaxy does. In other words, if you are looking for a flagship Android phone right now, the OnePlus 12 is the most sensible choice. It is priced well, and it does everything that an Android flagship is supposed to do.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85%
Sorgente: PC Mag EN→IT
With loads of power, epic battery life, lightning-fast charging, and a solid camera, the OnePlus 12 almost has it all—at a lower price than the competition. That said, both the Galaxy S24 and the Pixel 8 have even better cameras, higher IP ratings, faster 5G, longer support commitments, and more AI-based features. If you place a high value on any or all of those features, you should consider spending more to get them, especially since Google and Samsung now offer such long-term support. Still, the OnePlus 12 covers far more than the basics, making it easy to recommend if you're looking for a flagship phone that's closer to a midrange price.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Tech Advisor EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 is a fantastic phone and a joy to use. It has a stunning and distinctive design, an incredibly bright, excellent performance, cracking main cameras and a surprisingly long battery life for everything that’s running in the background. The main downsides are that Samsung and Google offer longer promises of OS and security updates, and that the price isn’t as much of a steal as the OnePlus 11 was. However, the fortified specs and a tough economy make this inevitable. The fact of the matter is that I have no trouble giving a glowing badge of recommendation to the OnePlus 12. It isn’t flawless, but it should certainly be on your shortlist along with the Google Pixel 8 Pro.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Tom's Guide EN→IT
This is one of the biggest upgrades to OnePlus' flagship phone in years, with the OnePlus 12 propelling the phone maker into a more serious contender against the likes of Apple and Samsung. The OnePlus 12 features a larger display, triple cameras with an upgraded 3x periscope camera, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip, and speedy 80W wired charging. It even manages to throw in wireless charging and an IR blaster, while basically costing the same as before.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Trusted Reviews EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 ticks plenty of boxes, from premium display tech to capable Hasselblad-branded cameras and reliable all-day battery life. However, the hefty price hike is a tad disappointing, especially with lacklustre durability compared to similarly priced alternatives, and there’s no AI tech here either.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Slashgear EN→IT
OnePlus is on something of a roll lately. Just months after launching not only the best foldable of 2023 but indeed one of the best phones, the company is back with the OnePlus 12. It begs the question — can OnePlus keep up the same momentum? On the one hand, a slab phone is decidedly less sexy than a foldable, but on the other hand, it's a lot more practical, a lot less fragile, and basically half the cost. The OnePlus 11 was a very solid offering in and of itself, and over the year, Oppo found a very good formula for its camera sensors, including most of its foldables. It has brought that formula to the OnePlus 12 as well. Add to that OnePlus's reputation for great software, fast charging, and speaking of charging — wireless charging is coming off hiatus and back into the game, so is this phone, launched at the end of January, the phone to beat this year? That's the question that needs to be answered. This review was produced after using a OnePlus 12 review sample provided by OnePlus for two weeks on T-Mobile's network.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Stuff TV EN→IT
It’s true that OnePlus has always been capable of pumping out powerful flagships but there have been one or two things over the last couple of years that have meant rivals have stayed ahead. However, with its new display, boosted charging options, waterproofing and supreme camera system the OnePlus 12 is a seriously compelling package. The camera especially is superb to use and I’ve been very impressed with the results from this phone as well as the similar setup on the OnePlus Open that I’ve been using for a few months. I’d just like some different colours please!
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: T3 EN→IT
As it really is for every generation of the OnePlus range, the big question is this – can it beat the best Samsung phone of the moment? For right now, that's the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, and it's a tough ask. If you're on a tighter budget, the OnePlus is a no brainer. It's about 1/3 of the price, and offers a really substantial amount of tech for the price. Overall, it probably comes down to which model you prefer of the two – the sleek, unassuming powerhouse of the OnePlus, or the tried and true behemoth Samsung. One thing is for certain – if you want a new Android phone, you could do a lot worse than the OnePlus 12.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: The Verge EN→IT
In 2024, there’s one thing conspicuously missing from the sales pitch for the OnePlus 12: AI. And you know what? That’s fine. Great, even, depending on what you want out of your phone. OnePlus’ flagship phone appears to be sitting out on the mobile tech trend of the year, which is even more obvious on the heels of Samsung’s Unpacked AI-palooza. The OnePlus 12 isn’t chasing the latest cutting-edge thing, it’s going back to the basics. And I think it gets them right — at least, a lot closer to “right” than OnePlus has in the last three years. You know what’s not a hot buzz phrase in mobile tech right now? Battery life. You know what matters a whole lot to people buying a phone? Battery life. OnePlus put in some work here, and it shows: battery performance is among the best of any major flagship phone I’ve tested in the past six months. Wireless charging, a prerequisite for a flagship phone in 2024, is back after an absence on the OnePlus 11. OnePlus even kicked the IP rating up a notch from IP64 to IP65, which gives me just a little more confidence in its long-term durability.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70%
Sorgente: Tech Spurt
Unboxing the OnePlus 12 with a one week review of this global smartphone, including a camera test, gaming performance, battery life and beyond. Is the OnePlus 12 a worthy purchase in the UK, or should you grab another flagship phone like the Samsung Galaxy S24 or iPhone 15 Pro? Well, I love pretty much every aspect of this mobile, including that upgraded camera tech. You can shoot good looking pictures with the OnePlus 12 at any time of day, while the video chops are also respectable. Likewise, this global smartphone can smash through games like Genshin Impact, on higher graphics. I've been testing the OnePlus 12 as my full-time phone now and the everyday Oxygen OS experience is also satisfying. Love those mental health features when life gets busy! Plus the battery life is among the best of any smartphones I've tested up to 2024, with fast charging - something missing from the Samsung Galaxy S24.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/23/2024
Sorgente: GSM Arena
The OnePlus 12 is among the strongest cameraphone contenders this season. Check out our video review to learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about the phone's top features, build, screen quality, battery life, performance, and camera image quality.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/23/2024
Sorgente: ben's gadget reviews
The OnePlus 12 is an $800 phone with performance that comes very, very close to the Galaxy S24 Ultra. It's got a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 silicon, a 6.8-inch 2K LTPO OLED display, and a triple lens system including a Periscope camera that can produce 3X optical zoom shots. The main camera is also using the new Sony LYT-808 sensor. You can get the OnePlus 12 from, Amazon or Best Buy starting at $800. OnePlus has an offer right now where you can trade in any phone in any condition and get at least $100 off.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/23/2024
Sorgente: Mrwhosetheboss
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/23/2024
Sorgente: Matthew Moniz
Review of the OnePlus 12 compared to the OnePlus 11. A lot to like here but of course nothing is perfect. Hopefully this video helps you decide on whether to pick one up or not.
Confronto, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/23/2024
Sorgente: JerryRigEverything
Rarely do we see substantial improvements in the smartphone space. But this year, OnePlus has released a dual heatpipe smartphone system that can wirelessly charge at 50 watts. Going from 0 to 50 percent charged in just 23 minutes. Not to mention the fact that the OnePlus 12 can charged wired with 80watts. Thats a huge deal.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Sorgente: Tom's Guide EN→IT
I’m already excited about the OnePlus 12 because it could be the perfect affordable flagship I’ve been waiting for. OnePlus has often proclaimed its premium devices as flagship killers, and I think that still stands given the listed OnePlus 12 specs. However, I’ll save judgment once an actual price is revealed and we can getter a better sense of the phone's value. Beyond the price, the OnePlus 12 design looks slick and it feels solidly built — but most of all — I’m eager to see how its upgraded cameras perform. It’s the one thing that will define whether or not the OnePlus 12 caneclipse its chief rivals and finally take the crown as the best phone. I’m hopeful because the OnePlus Open proved me wrong when I had a chance to test that phone. Maybe history can repeat itself this time.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 01/15/2024
Sorgente: Mobile Syrup EN→IT
OnePlus is releasing two phones in Canada this year — the top-end OnePlus 12 and the more standard OnePlus 12R. As of January 15th, we’re only able to share pictures of the phones turned off and some specs. Review impressions will follow later in January for the OnePlus 12 and early February for the OnePlus 12R.
Confronto, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 01/15/2024
Sorgente: TechTablets
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 12/30/2023
Sorgente: OI Spice Tech News EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 may feature design as its predecessor OnePlus 11, but internally almost everything has changed for the better. Almost every internal component on the new OnePlus 12 is an upgrade compared to the OnePlus 11, especially the cameras, which have seen the biggest improvements and put it in a league of its own, especially at the price point it launched for. With the pricing in mind and the features it provides, the OnePlus 12 does seem to provide great value, especially for those who want to upgrade from a OnePlus 8T or OnePlus 9. Not to mention, if you are a OnePlus fan, this is the best smartphone you can buy to get the OnePlus experience. However, if OnePlus smartphones are not your cup of tea, then you may try some alternative smartphones. The Xiaomi 14 smartphone, for instance, is an excellent smartphone that is also available at a similar price with similar specs. However, the final decision is up to you, so it is better to choose a smartphone based on your needs and requirements.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 12/26/2023
Sorgente: Igeekphone EN→IT
After in-depth experience, we believe that the OnePlus 12 is not only the ceiling of current mobile phone hardware but may also be the most powerful Android phone to date, making the goal of “surpassing the product power of all Pro models currently on the market” true. In the price range of 4-5K, OnePlus 12 is currently the most worth buying Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 flagship.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 12/06/2023
Sorgente: Phone Arena EN→IT
The OnePlus 12 is among the devices that will set the general tone for 2024 in terms of flagships releases. And as far as the China-exclusive phone release, it's shaping up to be quite the intriguing device as far as pricing goes, so let's be hopeful that the aggressive pricing will stick to the global version as well!
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 12/06/2023
Sorgente: Pocketnow
From a familiar design to a new approach to cameras and new display technology, the OnePlus 12 could either be the most boring update in 2024, or maybe the kind of refinement we felt missing from the OnePlus 11.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 12/03/2023
Sorgente: 9to5google
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 12/01/2023
Sorgente: Tech Spurt
The OnePlus 12 is launching next week and we've had some official teasers ahead of the unboxing and review, as well as heaps of leaks. Expect lots of upgrades for the OnePlus 12, including a bigger battery, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 performance and a proper periscope camera. Albeit topping off at 3x zoom. But once again, no Pro - this is a streamlined phone launch! Following the excellent OnePlus 11 smartphone, that 2024 flagship looks to be a solid Samsung Galaxy S24 rival. You've got a flat display, plus a sleek new design inspired by a NZ river, no less. The OnePlus 12 also boasts a 4th generation Hasselblad camera, now with upgraded zoom. Performance should hopefully be excellent, as should the battery life. Meanwhile the display brightness has been boosted, and it appears we now have wireless charging. The OnePlus 12 leaks also suggest full IP68 water resistance, unlike last year's 11.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 12/01/2023
Sorgente: Stadt-bremerhaven DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/18/2024
Sorgente: Basic Tutorials DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 05/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 91% prezzo: 100% prestazioni: 80% mobilità: 100% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: Go2 Mobile DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/05/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84% prezzo: 85% prestazioni: 79% mobilità: 79% qualità di lavorazione: 86%
Sorgente: ChinaMobileMag DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/05/2024
Sorgente: PC Welt DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/31/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Nextpit Germany DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/30/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Nextpit Germany DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: DE→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 93% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 95% mobilità: 100% qualità di lavorazione: 95%
Sorgente: Hardmaniacos ES→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 04/29/2024
Sorgente: El Español ES→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 03/30/2024
Sorgente: Computerhoy ES→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 03/06/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Hipertextual ES→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 02/21/2024
Sorgente: Xataka ES→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/09/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 93% prestazioni: 98% schermo: 95% mobilità: 98% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Les Numeriques FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/30/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 80% mobilità: 100% qualità di lavorazione: 80% ergonomia: 80%
Sorgente: Frandroid FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 70% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Presse Citron FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/20/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 95% qualità di lavorazione: 95%
Sorgente: Frandroid FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/11/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 70% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Nerd-mobile FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/10/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 100% mobilità: 100% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: CNet France FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 02/07/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Journal du Geek FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/06/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: CNet France FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/25/2024
Sorgente: Nextpit France FR→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/24/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Mobileworld 24 PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/09/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83% prezzo: 70% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 85% mobilità: 75% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: PC PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 03/24/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 87%
Sorgente: GSM Maniak PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/11/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 95%
Sorgente: Geex X-kom PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/08/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Techno Senior PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/02/2024
Sorgente: Telepolis PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/28/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Tabletowo PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 02/24/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/22/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 90% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Antyweb PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 02/20/2024
Sorgente: PurePC PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/13/2024
Sorgente: Instalki PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/12/2024
Sorgente: GSM Online PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Sorgente: Unite4buy PL→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 12/05/2023
Sorgente: RU→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 05/02/2024
Sorgente: RU→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/09/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: RU→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 12/26/2023
Sorgente: CZ→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 88% prestazioni: 85% caratteristiche: 89% mobilità: 91% qualità di lavorazione: 92%
Sorgente: Cell Phones VN→IT
Pratico, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 02/23/2024
Sorgente: Nghenhin Vietnam VN→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 12/15/2023
Sorgente: NO→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/03/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Komputer for alle DA→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Cortissimo, Data: 02/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 92%
Sorgente: Input DA→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 93% prestazioni: 90% mobilità: 98% qualità di lavorazione: 78%
Sorgente: Mere DA→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83%
Sorgente: Komputer for alle DA→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Cortissimo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 92%
Sorgente: M3 PC för alla SV→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 98%
Sorgente: SV→IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/23/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84% schermo: 90%
Sorgente: →IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 03/04/2024
Sorgente: Puhelinvertailu →IT
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/28/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Qualcomm Adreno 750:
Chip grafico per smartphone e tablet integrato nel SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. Qualcomm afferma che è il 25% più veloce dell'Adreno 7340 nello Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 e i primi benchmark mostrano che la GPU può battere l'Apple A17 Pro iGPU.
Ridurre la distanza delle Schede Grafiche per gli utenti che vogliono utilizzare il videogiochi. I nuovi giochi dovrebbero funzionare su queste schede, ma con riduzione dei dettagli e risoluzione mediocre.
>> Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nel nostroConfronto delle schede grafiche e nella nostra Lista dei Benchmark.
SD 8 Gen 3: SoC di fascia alta per smartphone che è stato introdotto alla fine del 2022 con un nucleo principale veloce basato su un'architettura ARM Cortex-X3 con clock fino a 3,2 GHz. Altri due core ad alte prestazioni sono basati sull'A715 e supportano solo applicazioni a 64 bit. I due core A710 aggiuntivi supportano anche applicazioni a 32 bit, così come i core Cortex-A510 a risparmio energetico. Oltre ai core del processore, il SoC integra un modem WiFi 7, un DSP Hexagon (per l'accelerazione AI) e un ISP Spectra. Il controller di memoria integrato supporta la memoria veloce LPDDR5x fino a 4.200 MHz. il 5G è incluso nel chip con il modem Snapdragon X70.
>>Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nel nostroConfronto dei processori per portatili.
Solo pochi smartphones hanno schermi più grandi.
I display con dimensioni maggiori consentono risoluzioni più elevate. Quindi, i dettagli come le lettere sono più grandi. D'altro canto, il consumo energetico è inferiore negli schermi con diagonali piccole e su dispositivi più piccoli, più leggeri ed economici.
>> Per scoprire come è la risoluzione del vostro schermo, andate a vedere la nostraLista DPI.
85.49%: Questo è un buon punteggio sopra la media. Tuttavia non dovete dimenticare che il 10-15% di tutti i modelli di portatili hanno un punteggio superiore.
>> Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nella nostra Guida all'acquisto di un portatile.