Motorola Razr 40 Ultra
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recensioni per Motorola Razr 40 Ultra
Motorola ha deciso di portare finalmente i dispositivi pieghevoli nel mainstream. Il Razor+ ha un meccanismo di piegatura nuovo e migliorato, un enorme schermo di copertura e supporta finalmente la ricarica wireless.
Sorgente: Igizmo

Il classico smartphone che non va segmentato per singole caratteristiche ma che va valutato nel suo complesso. E che, visto anche il formato di forma a conchiglia di alta qualità, risulta essere completo, versatile e, lasciatecelo dire, davvero figo da esibire. Il display esterno orizzontale è utilissimo e la combinata tra hardware e software collaudata assicura prestazioni ed efficienza energetica da flagship. Così come è da top di gamma la resa fotografica del sensore principale. Sull'autonomia bisogna stare un po' attenti e abituarsi a usare il display esterno da 3,6" per le operazioni più comuni. Il display interno Oled da 6,9" è perfetto, sia in ambito multimediale sia per qualsiasi altro utilizzo. Con questa dotazione, non c'è più alcun motivo per non dotarsi di uno smartphone flip.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/17/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: Igizmo

Il classico smartphone che non va segmentato per singole caratteristiche ma che va valutato nel suo complesso. E che, visto anche il formato di forma a conchiglia di alta qualità, risulta essere completo, versatile e, lasciatecelo dire, davvero figo da esibire. Il display esterno orizzontale è utilissimo e la combinata tra hardware e software collaudata assicura prestazioni ed efficienza energetica da flagship. Così come è da top di gamma la resa fotografica del sensore principale. Sull'autonomia bisogna stare un po' attenti e abituarsi a usare il display esterno da 3,6" per le operazioni più comuni. Il display interno Oled da 6,9" è perfetto, sia in ambito multimediale sia per qualsiasi altro utilizzo. Con questa dotazione, non c'è più alcun motivo per non dotarsi di uno smartphone flip.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/23/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade

Motorola con questo RAZR 40 Ultra ha superato le aspettative. Bello, ben costruito e con una ben congegnata sinergia tra hardware e software. I display sono di ottima qualità, così come le prestazioni e l'esperienza software. Piccola critica sull'autonomia e la velocità di ricarica non al top, ma comunque in linea con gli altri flip sul mercato. I pieghevoli, soprattutto i flip non sono celebri per le loro prestazioni fotografiche, e RAZR 40 Ultra, nonostante monti un buon comparto multimediale, non raggiunge ancora i cameraphone che vengono venduti allo stessa cifra. Il prezzo? Decisamente non economico, ma per tutte le specifiche e le funzionalità innovative che offre questo smartphone ci può stare eccome. In conclusione siamo davanti a un piccolo gioiellino della telefonia, che farà rimanere a bocca aperta chiunque lo guardi.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/22/2023
Sorgente: Batista70Phone

Design, qualità costruttiva e ergonomia sono da riferimento per la categoria, mentre il software ha assolutamente reso fruibile lo smartphone da chiuso, con una serie di ottimizzazioni che consentono di avere all’atto pratico due smartphone in uno. Motorola Razr 40 Ultra ci è quindi piaciuto moltissimo, lo reputiamo unica vera novità al momento lanciata nel 2023 in ambito telefonia mobile e pensiamo possa essere il primo di una serie di device finalmente ottimizzati per essere utilizzati da chiusi. È lo smartphone a conchiglia che tutti noi appassionati aspettavamo, capace di essere sfruttato a pieno sia da chiuso che da aperto. Non è perfetto in senso lato, migliorabili sarebbero le fotocamere, l’autonomia e la velocità di ricarica per esempio, ma ribadiamo che, per la tipologia di utenza alla quale si propone è praticamente perfetto. Bello, fashion, maneggevole, piccolo e leggero ma, allo stesso tempo potente e completamente utilizzabile da chiuso. Questo è in sintesi Motorola Razr 40 Ultra.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/21/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 95% caratteristiche: 85% schermo: 100% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 95% ergonomia: 95%
Sorgente: Evo smart

Razr 40 Ultra costa 1199 €, in linea con il prezzo di listino dei competitors. Qualcuno obietterà che tra offerte, no IVA e cashback folli ci sono alternative ad un terzo del prezzo: è vero, nessuno lo mette in dubbio, ma anche il Razr col tempo subirà sicuramente un ritocco del prezzo su strada. Una cosa è certa: questo è assolutamente IL FLIP per eccellenza. Ci sono dei difetti e ci sono scelte non felicissime di Motorola, ma non tali da influenzare la piacevolezza d’uso nel quotidiano. Sarebbe bastato poco per arrivare al Paradiso, ma già così Razr 40 Ultra si candida come miglior flip disponibile ad oggi. Vedremo come si muoverà la concorrenza.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 06/17/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 79% prezzo: 70% schermo: 80% mobilità: 70%
Sorgente: Multiplayer IT

Motorola Razr 40 Ultra è probabilmente il primo smartphone pieghevole a conchiglia ad avere l'aspetto e le caratteristiche di un prodotto maturo: grazie a una grande cura nel design e soprattutto a un notevole impegno nel rendere lo schermo esterno effettivamente utile (e non un semplice orpello), l'azienda di proprietà di Lenovo è riuscita per prima ad immettere sul mercato un dispositivo davvero completo che può essere preso in considerazione anche da chi non cerca solo la compattezza. Per quanto si porti dietro alcuni limiti tipici della categoria - compreso un prezzo di listino equivalente o persino superiore a quello di flagship che tecnicamente sono di un altro livello - Motorola Razr 40 Ultra è dunque uno smartphone che ci sentiamo di premiare proprio perché capace di tracciare una strada che molto probabilmente sarà seguita da tutti gli altri competitor.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/16/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85%
Sorgente: Wired IT

A conti fatti il Motorola Razr 40 ultra è un buon telefono, il miglior pieghevole flip del mercato in questo momento pur con i limiti che abbiamo evidenziato. Il motivo del nostro giudizio positivo è legato in buona misura al design elegante e alla presenza del display esterno decisamente pratico e funzionale. Non secondario il prezzo adeguato al prodotto: 1199 euro di listino con una politica di cash back e con la protezione inclusa di 1 anno per gli schermi. Tuttavia, probabilmente, il rivale principale di questo telefono è il fratello minore Razr 40 che con una piccola riduzione di prezzo potrebbe diventare un vero best buy.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 06/15/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Tutto Android

Motorola Razr 40 Ultra è già disponibile a 1199 Euro nel taglio base con 8 GB di RAM e 256 GB di storage. Il prezzo è adeguato a quanto offre questo dispositivo all’interno del suo segmento di mercato. Come abbiamo visto all’interno della recensione la qualità c’è, come del resto rimangono i limiti di uno smartphone pieghevole, che a fronte di un design particolarmente raffinato e moderno, obbliga a sacrifici su più fronti rispetto agli smartphone tradizionali. E’ dunque sicuramente adatto a chi cerca uno smartphone originale ed elegante, anzi, forse su questi due aspetti è il pieghevole migliore che attualmente è possibile mettersi in tasca, mentre chi punta su qualcosa di più pratico e classico, può tranquillamente rimanere su uno smartphone dal form factor tradizionale.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/14/2023
Sorgente: Andrea Galeazzi

Il listino di Razr 40 Ultra è di 1.199 euro e non è neanche poi così alto, certo i concorrenti come Z Flip5 essendo usciti da un po' si trovano ormai a meno ma all'uscita costavano anche loro cifre sovrapponibili senza avere un display esterno così grande, vera marcia in più di questo Razr 40 Ultra! Sì, il miglior pieghevole al momento, davvero versatile e perfetto per l'utilizzo ad una mano in mobilità.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 06/10/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85% prezzo: 75% schermo: 85% mobilità: 69% qualità di lavorazione: 94%

In un mercato dove gli smartphone sono ormai tutti molto simili, eccellenti e con prezzi spesso ottimi, soprattutto se si attende qualche mese, riuscire ad offrire qualcosa di diverso non è facile. Motorola con questo Razr 40 ultra ha fatto un ottimo lavoro e tra estetica, costruzione, display esterno, scelte hardware e garanzia aggiornamenti non c'è molto di cui lamentarsi. Volendo fare i pignoli i margini di miglioramento ci potrebbero essere e un Razr 50 ultra potrebbe avere un display ancora più grande andando ad ottimizzare la cornice superiore e una batteria più capiente. Non commento il processore, lo trovo anche fin troppo potente per la tipologia di dispositivo anche se da appassionato avrei comunque preferito uno Snapdragon 8 gen. 2 (ma il suo processore secondo me sarebbe dovuto essere il 7 gen. 2).
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/02/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 89% caratteristiche: 88%
recensioni esterne

Shopping in the mid-range market can be difficult because it's all about how manufacturers balance specs and features, and how those values align with your personal needs. In the case of the Motorola Razr, its foldable form factor alone makes it stand out from a sea of glass slabs, and the $699 (currently $399) price makes it the most accessible option of its kind. Of course, you'll have to be OK with its compromises, including the just-average camera system, smaller external display, and 128GB storage limit. Otherwise, this is as good as a foldable gets at this price point, and I fully expect competitors to match Motorola's offer as soon as next year.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/23/2024
Sorgente: Pocketnow

One of the most futuristic-feeling phones I've used in the past year doesn't have the best-looking display or the latest chip, or outstanding battery life, or even a particularly great camera. The device I'm talking about has been Moto's flagship clamshell since it launched in the summer of 2023. And with a 2024 refresh now on the cards, the price has taken a significant dip down to just under $650. So with a year of context behind us and a lower price, it's time to see how the Razr+ is shaping up.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/20/2024
Sorgente: Techradar

The Motorola Razr Plus / Razr 40 Ultra is a major evolutionary step for smartphones, going beyond what any previous flip or foldable has offered. With the screen open, it’s surprisingly thin, with a huge display. When it’s closed – and you start using apps on the external screen – you've got an entirely new device, different from anything you've used before. It's not perfect, but it’s so far ahead of what other phones offer that there's barely a flaw that isn’t forgivable. The Motorola Razr Plus is a winner – and if you want to get excited about phones again you need to check it out.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 04/09/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 100% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: Expert Reviews

If Motorola had forked out for the newer Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, we’d likely be talking about crowning a new king of the flip phones. As it stands, offering last year’s performance at this year’s prices is a tricky position to be in, especially when the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 offers better hardware for the same price. Even if it doesn’t completely blow away the competition, the Razr 40 Ultra is still impressive. The new design is both sleeker and more comfortable to use, the larger cover display is terrific, and battery life is some of the best on any flip phone. The lack of advancement in performance might hold the Razr 40 Ultra back from being our new favourite flip phone, but this is easily the closest that any brand has come to knocking Samsung off the top spot.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 03/26/2024
Sorgente: Stuff TV

Motorola made some bold choices with the Razr 40 Ultra, streamlining its shape and differentiating with style. But while the big, attention-grabbing cover screen is the phone’s standout quality, it also gets the basics right. Build improvements versus its 2022 predecessor, nippy internals, a clean interface and rich feature set make the 40 Ultra a very good phone. At its $999/£1049/€1199 launch price you could be justified in expecting a better camera system – but then again, no flip phone can compete with the very best traditional handsets for photographic ability. For casual snaps, it does just fine. a seriously fun user experience built on a strong foundation of innovation and style, makes the Razr 40 Ultra ione small step for foldables, and one giant leap for Motorola – right to the front of the flip phone pack.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/11/2024
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Digital Trends

The Motorola Razr Plus is not a perfect phone. In fact, there are some pretty notable flaws that can make the $1,000 price tag difficult to swallow. The camera system is fine, but just fine doesn’t really cut it for a phone this expensive. Photo quality is a notable step down from the Galaxy Z Flip 5. One-day battery life is the minimum you should expect from a flagship smartphone in 2023, and the Razr Plus’ charging options (while OK) don’t do anything we haven’t seen before. These are all legitimate reasons to think twice before buying the Razr Plus, especially when phones like the Galaxy S23 and OnePlus 11 don’t have those problems — and cost hundreds less. However, even with those imperfections in mind, I’ve had an absolute blast with the Motorola Razr Plus. It’s one of the most fun and enjoyable phones I’ve used all year.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 12/12/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Tech Advisor

The Razr 40 Ultra is a slick piece of hardware that sees Motorola not only catch up to Samsung but surpass it, delivering a foldable package its chief competitor currently can’t beat.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 12/08/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Expert Reviews

If Motorola had forked out for the newer Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, we’d likely be talking about crowning a new king of the flip phones. As it stands, offering last year’s performance at this year’s prices is a tricky position to be in, especially when the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 offers better hardware for the same price. Even if it doesn’t completely blow away the competition, the Razr 40 Ultra is still impressive. The new design is both sleeker and more comfortable to use, the larger cover display is terrific, and battery life is some of the best on any flip phone. The lack of advancement in performance might hold the Razr 40 Ultra back from being our new favourite flip phone, but this is easily the closest that any brand has come to knocking Samsung off the top spot.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 11/10/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: Root Nation

The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra is a really interesting smartphone that impresses above all with its external display and usability, has good performance and a great design. The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra is a truly innovative smartphone because it has proven that there is a path that all competitors are likely to follow soon. That's why it deserves a recommendation from me.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 11/02/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 95% prezzo: 90% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 100% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 100% ergonomia: 100%
Sorgente: GSM Choice

In my opinion, is this the best flip on the market so far? Yes, without a doubt. Is this a perfect flip? NO. The problem is that it heats up, the external display gets terribly dirty and shines on sunny days. There is still a crease on the internal screen, no water resistance, no jack, no microSD and so on. So what? I like this phone anyway and that's what's most important about this device. You won't buy it for consideration, you won't weigh the pros and cons, you will either love it immediately or not, and if you love it, I guarantee you that you will be satisfied with it. I hope that all new smartphones will arouse in me the same emotions as this Motorola aroused in me.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 10/29/2023
Sorgente: DxOMark

The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra is a flip phone with an additional external screen when the phone is folded. The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra’s default screen settings offered an impressive wide color gamut with intense saturation. But while this could be pleasant for some users, it could sometimes show strange colors because photo and SDR video formats have a more limited color gamut. Still, no color artifacts were noticed. For more faithful colors, however, users can opt for “natural mode.” The screen did not adapt brightness while watching HDR10 videos, and no specific tuning was detected nor brightness headroom (whereas it is now common on main competitors). Consequently, the experience was disappointing under dark-room conditions due to the lack of brightness. Motorola recommends that users do not remove the inner screen’s protective film, and so we tested the device with it on.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/22/2023
Sorgente: DxOMark

The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra is a flip phone with an additional external screen when the phone is folded. The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra’s default screen settings offered an impressive wide color gamut with intense saturation. But while this could be pleasant for some users, it could sometimes show strange colors because photo and SDR video formats have a more limited color gamut. Still, no color artifacts were noticed. For more faithful colors, however, users can opt for “natural mode.” The screen did not adapt brightness while watching HDR10 videos, and no specific tuning was detected nor brightness headroom (whereas it is now common on main competitors). Consequently, the experience was disappointing under dark-room conditions due to the lack of brightness. Motorola recommends that users do not remove the inner screen’s protective film, and so we tested the device with it on.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/22/2023
Sorgente: Mobygyaan

The razr 40 Ultra looks incredibly cool, slim and stylish, and eye-grabbing, the secondary display adds a wow factor and immediately catches the attention due to its large size. It also has a brilliant 165 Hz pOLED flexible display and a competent cover screen. Its large external screen with small bezels is ahead in terms of competition and is also the largest display made ever. The secondary display can be extremely useful, it’s fun playing games and taking selfies in addition to all those cover screen perks that give an amazing experience overall. The razr 40 Ultra is also an excellent performer in terms of cameras and processing power. We got some incredible camera results from the main camera and remarkable wide-angle shots. The performance of the smartphone is top-notch (Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 is still quite a lot faster), plus it has Dolby stereo speakers with Spatial Sound adding to the multimedia experience.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 09/20/2023
Sorgente: Mezha EN

The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra can be described as a generally good smartphone without critical drawbacks. The only question is how to approach its evaluation and how to perceive it. If you look at it as just a flagship for 40 thousand hryvnias, then most classic devices for a similar price (including Motorola smartphones) will have slightly better battery life, cameras (their quality and quantity), faster charging, moisture protection, etc. But these will all be ordinary smartphones, some better, some worse than each other. If you want something different, or something similar to what you had a long time ago, then the Razr 40 Ultra is 100% worth considering. The choice of such folding smartphones is reduced to just a few options, the form factor has already proven its viability, and the advantages of classic solutions are not cardinal - the folding design can be put in the first place if you want to have such a smartphone.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 09/14/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Tom's Guide

Motorola's no stranger when it comes to foldable phones, but it's in desperate need of a home run with its third-generation device. The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 has been the sole clamshell foldable that's been driving interest amongst consumers, but it looks like it may finally have a worthy rival. Thankfully, the Motorola Razr+ is a bolder, more polished clamshell foldable that's perfect for content creators and vloggers. It's also more attractive for the extra utility it offers that you don't get in traditional smartphones, like it Flex View mode, usable external display, preview screen for capturing photos, and other productivity features. For the company, it looks like the third time is a charm.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 09/08/2023
Sorgente: Ausdroid

To be honest, my concerns with longevity of foldable devices are still there given they are still experimental to say the least. Don’t get me wrong, the razor 40 is a fantastic device and I can see where foldable or flip devices are definitely where devices are heading but my concerns are still there when it comes to longevity but also the ability for the device screen to last more than 6 to 12 months. That being said, the razr 40 does offer some great specs for a price that won’t break the bank too much especially if you’re looking to get into a foldable or flip device. The Moto razr 40 can be purchased from the Motorola website alongside its retailer partner JB Hi-Fi, Officeworks, Big W, Harvey Norman, MobileCiti for $999. You can also pick up the Moto razr 40 from Telstra on various plan and repayments per month.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 08/28/2023
Sorgente: OI Spice Tech News

The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra smartphone provides the ultimate flagship experience without any compromises. Motorola managed to fix all the negativity that surrounded its previous iteration and went a few steps above and beyond to provide a much greater experience. We were honestly surprised to see such an improvement and the Viva Magenta color truly stole our hearts. The hinge is solid and the execution of the folding mechanism is very smooth. Both the main display and the cover display feature the best panel we have ever seen to date. The same goes for the performance, cameras, and battery. The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 is the only smartphone that comes close to the level of experience that the Razr 40 Ultra provides. But in our experience, we believe that the Razr is a better deal compared to the price and that remains a viable alternative.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 08/25/2023
Sorgente: 9to5google

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/21/2023
Sorgente: Amateur Photographer

The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra is an incredibly cool looking flip phone, with a stylish and useful external screen that makes using it for photos fun, and it’s also useful for games and other apps. This means you don’t always have to open up the phone to make use of it. However, whilst the main camera gives a reasonable performance, and a better performance than the Razr 40 (thanks to a larger aperture, and different sensor), the ultra-wide-angle camera on the Razr 40 Ultra is not really an ultra-wide-angle camera. At 19mm equivalent, it’s nowhere near as wide as other ultra-wide cameras on other phones, including the Razr 40. Being more like a 0.76x wide-angle camera, than the 0.5x or 0.6x options we’re used to seeing. Saying all this, there are some benefits to photographers, as the phone can use used as it’s own stand, and you can use the main cameras for selfies, rather than the lower quality internal camera.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/15/2023
Sorgente: Phandroid

Once you factor in its strength and weaknesses, I think the Motorola Razr+ is one of the best foldable yet. Like any phone, there’s definitely room for improvement, but MOtoroal’s given us a well-balanced device that delivers a better overall experience when compared to the other flip-style foldable on the market right now. With the Galaxy Z Flip5 right around the corner, that lead may not last long, but it’s definitely nice to see Motorola deliver a device that can truly compete with Samsung since they’ve been the leader in the foldable smartphone space for quite some time.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/15/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 82%
Sorgente: Phone Arena

The Motorola Razr is a neat little phone. It's stylish, compact, and lightweight, and it comes at a great price. Granted, it won't destroy the Galaxy Z Flip 5, but it can push the foldable market a notch further down the mainstream path. The Razr feels snappy, lasts long, and looks great. The display is one of the brightest on a flip phone and is also pretty color-accurate. On the flip side, the hinge feels a bit wobbly, there's a disconcerting sound when you open the phone, the camera is a bit mediocre, and the cover display is pretty basic. But you get what you pay for, and for the money, the Motorola Razr (2023) is a flippin' good deal!
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/14/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: MrMobile

Over three years ago, Motorola kickstarted the clamshell revival with the resurrected MOTORAZR 2019 … and just a few months later, Samsung came for Motorola’s milkshake with a direct competitor: the first Galaxy Z Flip. Well a little under three months ago, I started to think history might be about to repeat itself. Because while I like Motorola’s Razr+ 2023 that dropped in June, the reality is that it’s a phone built around one killer feature: a huge cover screen that lets this flip phone double as a tiny phone. With not much else to set the Razr+ apart, I speculated that all Samsung would need to do to crush it would be to release an updated Galaxy Flip that did the same thing. And lo and behold, Samsung has done just that. Today on MrMobile, we’re putting the world’s two best flip phones head to head! Join Michael Fisher for Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 vs Motorola RAZR+!
Confronto, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/12/2023
Sorgente: Tom's Guide

Samsung has longed claimed the throne in this foldable phones era. But for once, it looks like they're facing serious threat from an unexpected contender. Our Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 versus Motorola Razr+ face-off dials into whether or not the Galaxy Z Flip 5 added enough upgrades to fend off the Razr+. We were surprised by which one ended up on top in this one-on-one comparison.
Confronto, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/12/2023
Sorgente: Android Central

Motorola is back with an all-new foldable phone that will likely give Samsung a run for its money with a brand-new design and a large cover screen that outclasses just about every other flip-style phone on the market. If it weren't for the middling battery life and uninspiring image quality, this would be the perfect clamshell foldable phone.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/11/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Think Digit

So the Moto Razr 40 Ultra is, hands down, one of the best flip phones out there. I absolutely love how Motorola has done the outer display and this is an implementation that actually will make people flip open their smartphones much less, resulting in better longevity. But then again, if we are talking about longevity, Motorola doesn’t give you the most amount of software updates but at least your phone will last enough to see all the updates.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/09/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 72% prezzo: 72% prestazioni: 64% qualità di lavorazione: 83%
Sorgente: JerryRigEverything

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/07/2023
Sorgente: Expert Reviews

If Motorola had forked out for the newer Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, we’d likely be talking about crowning a new king of the flip phones. As it stands, offering last year’s performance at this year’s prices is a tricky position to be in, especially when the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 offers better hardware for the same price. Even if it doesn’t completely blow away the competition, the Razr 40 Ultra is still impressive. The new design is both sleeker and more comfortable to use, the larger cover display is terrific, and battery life is some of the best on any flip phone. The lack of advancement in performance might hold the Razr 40 Ultra back from being our new favourite flip phone, but this is easily the closest that any brand has come to knocking Samsung off the top spot.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/07/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: 9to5google

Supporto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/05/2023
Sorgente: Android Guys

The Moto RAZR+ has immediately raised the bar for flip-style foldables. The almost fully functional outer display makes it the clear leader of this market for the time being. Add in the flexibility of the software tweaks when interacting with the main display, and a clean build of Android, and Moto has a contender. The Moto RAZR+ is $1000 fully unlocked, but our friends over at AT&T have a nice $10 per month plan that’s simply hard to say no to right now. Hit the link below to head over and snag this deal.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/04/2023
Sorgente: ben's gadget reviews

Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/29/2023
Sorgente: JerryRigEverything

Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/29/2023
Sorgente: 91mobiles

The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra is priced officially at Rs 89,999, though you might be able to snag it for a bit lower, and Rs 82,999 or thereabouts with bank offers etc. Direct rivals come in the form of the Find N2 Flip from OPPO (review) and the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 (review), with each of them offering slightly different capabilities in aspects like photography prowess, cover screen usability etc. The basic premise, however, stays the same. The real test for the Motorola Razr 40 Ultra will come in the form of the Galaxy Z Flip5, which has just been announced and is making its way to offline and online store shelves as you read this. As things stand currently though, I like what Motorola has done with the Razr 40 Ultra, especially in terms of the design and the cover display.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/27/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 75% prestazioni: 75% schermo: 65% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Talk Android

It’s no secret that I enjoyed reviewing the Razr+, despite my preference for the larger Fold-like foldables. The outer display is like having access to a mini-phone in your pocket, useful for all manner of things but whose limitations could be viewed as a benefit in that you reply to a message or check an app but don’t get sucked in with checking all the usual apps. It’s also great for surreptious viewing of content if you remember to turn the sound off. The battery got me through a day without topping up, the displays were bright, and the eye-catching design caught my attention every single day. Sure, the camera department could have done with a few more megapixels although there were enough and it would have been nice to have Sub6 5G compatibility, but as a whole I think that Motorola made the right choices where hardware is concerned.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/24/2023
Sorgente: Techaeris

As it sits and at the time of this publishing, the motorola razr+ is the new king of the small foldables. It’s not an outright smashing victory, but it is impressive, and the razr+ offers things over the Z Flip4 that users will want. We shall see how Samsung answers with its upcoming Z Flip5. For now, I recommend this over the Flip4 if you need to buy a flip phone right now.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/23/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 91% prezzo: 95% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 90% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 95%
Sorgente: India Today

The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra ticks many boxes, be it for camera, display, or clean Android OS. The battery is still not the strongest suit, but there are workarounds if you limit the usage to standard usage (60Hz refresh rate, 50 per cent brightness, and so on). I still feel that the Motorola Razr 40 Ultra is not going to be everyone's cup of tea. With its cool and trendy folding form factor and versatile camera functionalities, the Motorola Razr 40 Ultra is best suited for enthusiasts and professional creators who always want to keep their Instagram game on point. For productivity-focused users, the Razr 40 Ultra can handle tasks, though I am not sure about its usability. In that case, you can check out the Motorola Edge phones, such as Edge 30 Ultra. Samsung's Galaxy S23 remains a solid option in the Android space.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: NDTV Gadgets

Motorola has a real winner in its hands with the Razr 40 Ultra. It attempts to innovate in a market segment that is loaded with cutting-edge technology and manages to pull it off without any noticeable gimmicks. Its cover display is by far the best we have currently, although that could quickly change. The fluid display and software optimisation also makes this cover display one of the most practical user experiences of its segment. It has a capable set of cameras and also offers a macro mode. Of course, the Razr 40 Ultra is not without flaws. The heating issue when using the camera app is the primary one. But at Rs. 89,999, it is still hard to find a foldable which is oozing with so many features, and looks slick while pulling it all off. The new flagship Razr should appeal to a lot of premium Android users who are looking for something new and refreshing in a smartphone.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/21/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 100% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: JerryRigEverything

Even after 10 years of durability testing phones... Manufactures continue to surprise us with new ways phones can break! Today we durability test the new Motorola Razr Phone Plus - also called the Razr 40 Ultra outside the USA. The newest folding phone from Motorola is a beauty to look at - with its wall to wall triple hole punch display on the outside.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/20/2023
Sorgente: Android Authority

At times, the cover display almost feels overpowered for what the Motorola Razr Plus needs. I wouldn’t trade that I can open Amtrak tickets, boarding passes, or the MLB Ballpark app on the cover screen, but I’m not sure that the 3.6-inch panel is best served with its 144Hz refresh rate. That refresh rate is faster than what you find on many flagship phones, and Motorola is using it on the equivalent of a GameBoy Advance. It’s still buttery smooth, but a slightly simpler panel might be kinder to the Razr Plus’s limited battery capacity — something we’ll return to in a bit.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 07/04/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: NDTV Gadgets

The phone has a vegan leather back and a metal frame. It also features a dual-camera setup with a 64-megapixel primary camera and a 13-megapixel ultra-wide camera. There is a 32-megapixel front camera inside the cutout of the foldable display. The Razr 40 features a Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 SoC and a 4,200mAh battery. The device supports 30W fast charging. Both Motorola foldable phones run on the latest Android 13-based MyUX out of the box. Should you consider buying the Razr 40 or its sibling, the Razr 40 Ultra? Stay tuned for our reviews of both smartphones, which will be up very soon on Gadgets 360.
Confronto, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 07/04/2023
Sorgente: Tech Advisor

The Razr 40 Ultra is a slick piece of hardware that sees Motorola not only catch up to Samsung but surpass it, delivering a foldable package its chief competitor currently can’t beat. That said, things aren’t quite perfect. The outer display, while eye-catching, clearly needs a little software fine-tuning to get the most out of it. Meanwhile the combination of a slightly older chipset and the shorter software support promise than Samsung means this phone won’t quite have the longevity of the next-gen Z Flip – though in both cases, the folding display is still likely to be the first point of failure. Like any flip phone, you’ll also have to live with a little less battery life and a weaker camera than similarly price slabs. But if those are compromises you can live with, the Razr 40 Ultra does everything it needs to put Samsung on notice.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/28/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Nextpit EN

As soon as the Motorola Razr Plus 2023 arrived at the nextpit test lab, it was already clear that this will be a very special smartphone that will set new standards in the clamshell foldable sector. Our headline itself announced that no clamshell foldable is better than the Motorola Razr Plus 2023 at the moment. However, what is currently the best Motorola foldable is not quite as perfect as this headline suggests. The dual main camera can only take satisfactory pictures under sufficient light. 8x zoom or night shots? Forget it! The Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 along with 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of program storage were already available last year. However, that is still enough for a foldable smartphone in a clamshell design to duke it out in the top-tier segment in 2023.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/27/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Mobile Tech Review

For 2023 Moto brings some serious folding phone competition to Samsung’s doorstep with the Moto Razr+ (also called the Moto Razr 40 Ultra). The Razer Plus boasts a very usable external 3.6” screen that can run full Android apps, not just widgets, and acts as a viewfinder for your photo subjects. It has no-gap design when closed, a 6.9” FHD+ OLED folding internal display, sub6 5G, Android 13 with 3 years of OS and 4 years of security updates and is IP52 water and dust resistant. It’s perhaps the most delightful folding phone yet, and it competes with the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 and upcoming Galaxy Z Flip 5.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/27/2023
Sorgente: Engadget

I am in love with that front screen — how it works, how easy it is to use with one hand, and how much more power efficient it is. It’s almost like I want a small phone again. But the main thing preventing me from switching to the Moto Razr+ is camera performance. This isn’t a problem unique to Motorola — any flip-style foldable today suffers from this. Anyone thinking of getting the Razr+ should also wait. Samsung has announced that its next Galaxy Unpacked will be taking place in Korea in late July, and it’s widely expected to launch new foldables then. If you can hold off, it’s worth seeing what the next Z Flip will offer before spending your money. The Motorola Razr+ folded in half and propped up on its short edge with the two rear cameras at the bottom and the outside screen facing the camera.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/23/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85%
Sorgente: GadgetMatch

The motorola razr+ is sleek, pocketable, stylish, and is the best flip phone of the year. The entire front of this phone is all cover screen and you can use all your apps on it. Unlike others, it's not an after thought.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/23/2023
Sorgente: Tom's Guide

For Motorola, it’s been a bumpy ride the last couple of years trying to prove to the world that the Razr line is still a force to be reckoned with. Well, it seems like the third time’s a charm for the storied phone maker. Aesthetically, the Motorola Razr+ gets everything right: it’s got a larger external screen, a stylish paint job, and no gaps in between the display when the phone’s folded over. And while some decisions made me question the phone’s value against its rivals, such as sticking with last year’s chipset, the Motorola Razr+ is a resoundingly versatile phone that adds useful features you won’t get in normal slabs. Snatching the Razr+ at full price may be a tough sell when you consider what else you can get at $999, but the phone’s being treated to some irresistible deals from the get-go to make it more attractive. It’s not the perfect foldable, but it’s definitely a marked improvement and sets the standard for all other clamshell foldables coming out the rest of the year.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Slashgear

This is one of the most exciting phones to come to the flip-phone market ever because for the first time a phone manufacturer has not only made a phone that can fold in half, but it has told you why you would want that. It's easy to say that the phone is smaller so it fits better in your pocket, except does it really? Some have complained that flip phones have bad battery life, and the only counterargument you can make is "Look it folds!" Now Motorola has not only made a folding smartphone, but it has given you a promising use case for why you want a phone that folds. Yes, it fits better in your pocket (mostly) but you can use it most of the time folded up. Suddenly the battery life isn't terrible, and the phone is still useful in most situations.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: CNet

Coming roughly three years after Motorola's first Razr revival, it finally feels like the company has successfully pulled off the modern flip phone. The Razr Plus' giant screen makes it feel much more useful, adding a surprising amount of utility. It proves that flip phones have more to offer than just portability. The Razr Plus doesn't get everything right; I'd like to see longer Android version support and more apps and features that work when the phone is folded halfway. But it's compelling enough to get me interested in flip phones and see the promise of foldable devices. Barring any glaring issues that come up after extended use, the Motorola Razr Plus may be the best foldable phone I've used so far. But that "so far" caveat is important, considering Samsung is expected to release a new version of the Z Flip with an equally massive cover screen soon enough.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85%
Sorgente: PC Mag

The Motorola Razr+ is designed for people who are looking for a new way to use their smartphone, but who aren't necessarily concerned about being on the bleeding edge of technology. It's a refinement over the previous Razrs in every way, particularly in terms of price, which pits the Razr+ against non-flip flagships like the Samsung Galaxy S23 line. If you're looking for the fastest processor and some of the best cameras you can get in a smartphone, you're still better off with a traditional handset like the $999.99 Galaxy S23+ or $899 Google Pixel 7 Pro. And if you want the absolute best folding phone, you have to be prepared to spend nearly twice as much on a tablet-like device such as the $1,799.99 Galaxy Z Fold 4 or Google Pixel Fold. But for now, the Razr+ is the best flip phone you can get—unless you don't mind waiting to see what Samsung has up its sleeve with the Galaxy Z Flip 5 later this summer.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Android Police

If any phone is more than the sum of its parts, it's Motorola's new Razr+. It's far from a perfect phone, and at $1,000, that might not be enough to satisfy the pickiest of shoppers. But if you can forgive the poor camera quality — a major hurdle for many, to be sure — this is some of the most fun I've had with a smartphone in years. Just flipping the device open and closed (and open again) reminded me of fidgeting with my earliest cell phones, back when a T9 dialer was enough to impress me. This is also the phone that convinced me foldables might just be the future. Gluing a small screen to the front of a massive 6.9" slate might sound like a bad idea on paper, but in reality, the two work hand-in-hand in a way that feels surprisingly harmonious. If you're missing the early days of adventurous, weird, or quirky Android phones — or you just want a smartphone capable of turning heads again — the Razr+ is a total winner.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85%
Sorgente: Android Central

Motorola is back with an all-new foldable phone that will likely give Samsung a run for its money with a brand-new design and a large cover screen that outclasses just about every other flip-style phone on the market. If it weren't for the middling battery life and uninspiring image quality, this would be the perfect clamshell foldable phone.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Android Headlines

The big question here is, whether you should buy the Motorola Razr+? I really want to say yes. But a foldable is not for everyone. Even for myself, I’m not sure I could live with this phone for two, three years, before it’s time to upgrade again. And that’s not to say it’s a bad phone, it’s quite the opposite. I just don’t know if I’m ready for having to open my phone hundreds of times a day to do things. However, if you are looking to get a foldable, this might be the one to get. And there are plenty of great deals available right now, where you can get it for nothing, or very little money. If you want something a bit cheaper, the Razr will be launching in a few months, with an even lower price tag.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: Digital Trends

The Motorola Razr Plus is not a perfect phone. In fact, there are some pretty notable flaws that can make the $1,000 price tag difficult to swallow. The camera system is fine, but just fine doesn’t really cut it for a phone this expensive. Photo quality is a notable step down from the Galaxy Z Flip 4, and that’ll likely also apply to the Galaxy Z Flip 5. One-day battery life is the minimum you should expect from a flagship smartphone in 2023, and the Razr Plus’ charging options (while OK) don’t do anything we haven’t seen before. These are all legitimate reasons to think twice before buying the Razr Plus, especially when phones like the Galaxy S23 and OnePlus 11 don’t have those problems — and cost hundreds less. However, even with those imperfections in mind, I’ve had an absolute blast with the Motorola Razr Plus.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Hot Hardware

We think the Moto Razr+ (2023) is a game changer. It’s an impressive folding flip phone that’s wonderful to use, ticks almost all the boxes in terms of design and tech specs, all while remaining competitively priced ($999). But what really stands out here is that vast 3.6-inch cover display, which enables a whole new level of functionality. Being able to run Android apps on the cover display makes you more productive and gives you more options. For the first time, there’s finally more to using a folding flip phone than making a fashion statement. You can have your cake and eat it too. The Razr+ isn’t perfect --it still trails the competition when it comes to imaging performance, and battery life is middling. But there’s a ton of potential here, and the user experience that the Razr+ delivers is stellar. Motorola reimagined the folding flip phone and almost nailed it. If you're considering a folding flip phone right now, the Moto Razr+ is the one to get. We can’t wait to see what comes next.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/22/2023
Sorgente: Mobile Syrup

The Razr+ is a good handset thanks to its large cover screen, day-long battery, and all-around good experience, but unfortunately, its camera isn’t as good as its main competition, the Galaxy Z Flip 4. Despite the unfortunate camera experience, I think most people won’t have many issues with the foldable, especially if you're upgrading from a two or three-year-old phone. And as I mentioned, the camera is usable if you’re just posting pictures just to Instagram or Twitter. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying my time with the handset. I like how it feels in my hand and how small it is folded in my pocket. I also really like that you can do so much with the cover screen, and that it brings another element to the handset that makes it a perfect flip-style foldable, especially when compared to the Galaxy Z Flip 4.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: T3

If you're in the market for a clamshell foldable then Motorola has created a shining new star in the Razr 40 Ultra – knocking even the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 out of orbit. I've been very impressed with this flip-phone during my ongoing two weeks of use. That said, the Razr 40 Ultra suffers the same downsides as any other foldable: the screen crease, the fingerprint smearing, and reflective nature of a pOLED display. However, with this Motorola there's also processor throttling and, in certain scenarios, heat issues that can cause the (otherwise decent) battery life to bomb. Credit where it's due though: the way Motorola has created a genuinely functional yet fun cover display, thanks to that dominant 3.6-inch scale, is what puts this flip-phone worlds apart from the competition. Your move, Samsung.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: The Verge

The summer of 2023 is, as we all know, Hot Foldable Summer, and at least part of the excitement around the Razr Plus is that it finally presents some real competition for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip series. But more than that, this is a likable phone all on its own. Finding new use cases for the cover screen is genuinely delightful. I got some candid photos and video of my kid that I don’t think I could get with a slab-style smartphone. I generally just felt like I was more in control of how engaged I wanted to be with my phone at any given time. For the right person, I think these things are worth $999. They’re all things I absolutely want more of from my phone, and I’m glad that Motorola is back in the foldable conversation.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70%

The Razr Plus is Motorola's return to form, modernizing a classic flip phone into one of today's best foldables. The most impressive part is that for $999, the same cost as the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 (and possibly the upcoming Z Flip 5), you're getting a notably superior handset thanks to its larger external display, 256GB of base storage, and higher refresh rate. And I haven't even talked about that Viva Magenta, vegan-leather finish that makes the Razr Plus uniquely Motorola.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: CNet

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/22/2023
Sorgente: MrMobile

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/22/2023
Sorgente: Stuff Magazine

Motorola made some bold choices with the Razr 40 Ultra, streamlining its shape and differentiating with style. But while looks are the phone’s standout quality, it also gets the basics right. Between the big, attention-grabbing cover screen and improvements to the Razr’s build versus its 2022 predecessor, not to mention its nippy internals, clean interface, and rich feature set, the 40 Ultra is a very good phone. Costing £1,099, you’d be justified in expecting a better camera system, so if you want the best camera phone around, the Razr 40 Ultra definitely isn’t it – but then again, neither is any flip phone. So for casual snaps, and a seriously fun user experience built on a strong foundation of innovation and style, the Razr 40 Ultra is one small step for foldables, and one giant leap for Motorola – right to the front of the flip phone pack.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/21/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Gadgetguy

All up, the Razr 40 Ultra has a winning combination of features that place it in the lead out of the available flip phones. The Oppo Find N2 Flip is very polished, with the best hinge and screen crease of the lot, and a good-sized outer screen. Samsung’s Galaxy Z Flip4 is well-specced and designed, albeit with the smallest outer display. Bear in mind that Samsung’s Flip5 should be out over the next couple of months, so this could improve on many things including the outer screen size. For now, the Razr’s huge outer screen, slimmest overall design, great camera features and useful software integration make it a fun, fabulous flip for your day-to-day adventures. Pricing is also sharp at $1,499, which is on par with the competition.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/21/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 88% prezzo: 85% prestazioni: 85% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Tech Advisor

The Razr 40 Ultra is a slick piece of hardware that sees Motorola not only catch up to Samsung but surpass it, delivering a foldable package its chief competitor currently can’t beat. That said, things aren’t quite perfect. The outer display, while eye-catching, clearly needs a little software fine-tuning to get the most out of it. Meanwhile the combination of a slightly older chipset and the shorter software support promise than Samsung means this phone won’t quite have the longevity of the next-gen Z Flip – though in both cases, the folding display is still likely to be the first point of failure. Like any flip phone, you’ll also have to live with a little less battery life and a weaker camera than similarly price slabs. But if those are compromises you can live with, the Razr 40 Ultra does everything it needs to put Samsung on notice.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/20/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Pocket Lint

The Razr 40 Ultra represents quite a big step forward for the foldable smartphone market. The big screen on the outside is surely hinting at what's to come from the market, and I'd be very surprised if it wasn't the start of a new trend of maximising that outer cover space and using it all for screen. More importantly for here and now it adds an added layer of convenience to using this foldable phone, and when combined with the strong display, battery life and cameras, means a foldable phone that gets a heck of a lot more right than it gets wrong. Samsung's phone might be more waterproof, and feel more sturdy, but there's a joy to using Moto's Razr for 2023 thanks to a great combination of getting the basics just right.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/14/2023
Sorgente: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra represents the pinnacle of clamshell foldables in 2023 with a premium design, game-changing exterior display, great camera performance and solid everyday use. The battery might leave some wanting more, but for most people, this won’t be too much of a problem.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/08/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Phone Arena

At the end of the day, the Motorola Razr Plus, or the Motorola Razr 40 Ultra as it is known internationally, is excellent competition to Samsung in the flip phone space. Motorola is gunning for the top spot in the flip phone space, and its main advantages are the very sleek and very attractive design, the cool all-screen front, the crease-less main screen, the clean software, the capable camera system and extras like fast charging that market leader Samsung is lagging on. But it's not all roses: Samsung offers 4 years of software updates, it has a sturdier hinge, it has proper water resistance, and it also has a wider service network which might be an important factor for something like a foldable phone. Ultimately, what matters is that we enjoyed our time with Razr Plus and we did not find a major downside, so it gets our recommendation, especially if you can find some deals to soften the steep price.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/05/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Pocketnow

Yes, after being absent for more than a year, the Moto RAZR is back, but with a far more logical approach, and in two new flavors for an added kick. See, now that the foldable novelty has worn off and flip phones have reached mainstream pricing, Motorola didn't just decide to catch up, but actually challenge every flip foldable we know in both pricing and features. I'm Jaime Rivera with Pocketnow and I've got some thoughts after spending some time with them.
Confronto, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/05/2023
Sorgente: Phone Arena

At the end of the day, the Motorola Razr Plus, or the Motorola Razr 40 Ultra as it is known internationally, is excellent competition to Samsung in the flip phone space. Motorola is gunning for the top spot in the flip phone space, and its main advantages are the very sleek and very attractive design, the cool all-screen front, the crease-less main screen, the clean software, the capable camera system and extras like fast charging that market leader Samsung is lagging on. But it's not all roses: Samsung offers 4 years of software updates, it has a sturdier hinge, it has proper water resistance, and it also has a wider service network which might be an important factor for something like a foldable phone. Ultimately, what matters is that we enjoyed our time with Razr Plus and we did not find a major downside, so it gets our recommendation, especially if you can find some deals to soften the steep price.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/03/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: CNet

Confronto, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 06/02/2023
Sorgente: Engadget

Today, Motorola announced not one but two new additions to its iconic phone line with the 2023 Razr and Razr+. Packing a Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chip and a 3.5-inch exterior display – which Motorola says is the biggest on any foldable phone on sale right now – the Razr+ is the more premium while the standard Razr has the potential to be a great entry-level gadget for people new to foldables. Unfortunately, there’s still no word on a price or release date for the basic Razr, but with the Razr+ slated to go on sale on June 23rd for $1,000 we should know a lot more about that model real soon.
Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/02/2023
Sorgente: GadgetMatch

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/02/2023
Sorgente: Marques Brownlee

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/02/2023
Sorgente: MrMobile

Pratico, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/02/2023
Sorgente: Tom's Guide

The Motorola Razr+ and Motorola Razr (2023) have come a long way from the original Razr V3. This year's foldable family features the largest-ever external display and possibility the lower-ever price for a flexible phone. We go hands-on with both new devices to discuss the key specs, differences in design, camera features and more.
Confronto, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 06/02/2023
Sorgente: Trusted Reviews

The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra takes what I liked about the Razr (2022) and took it to the next level, especially where that outer display is concerned. It’s not only the biggest and fastest of all current clamshells but it allows you to access full Android apps, reply to texts and more without having to unfold the device. It’s a similar story with the overall design, new hinge and improved display, all pointing towards a very capable flagship clamshell foldable, but I’ll save my final thoughts for the full review coming very soon.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/01/2023
Sorgente: Tom's Guide

The new Motorola Razr+ packs the largest front display yet on a flip-style foldable and lets you do a lot without having to open the main screen. You also get fun features like Photo Booth, customizable panels and a big 6.9-inch inner display. But you don't get the latest Snapdragon chip and we're worried about the battery life.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/01/2023
Sorgente: 9to5google

That very much feels like Samsung’s Galaxy Z Flip 4 and is also one of the reasons I personally am not a fan of most flip phone designs. But for some, as our Andrew Romero commented on last year, that’s actually a perk, and Motorola even mentioned this device is in part made for the “digital minimalist.” What’s really exciting about this device is just that it’s going to be cheaper. Motorola tells us that the Razr (2023) will be “meaningfully cheaper” than the Razr+. To me, that reads as at least $200 less, and even the possibility of buying a brand-new foldable for $799, should that be the actual price, is a huge step forward for this technology. Of course, we’ll have to wait and see what Motorola considers “meaningful.”
Confronto, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 06/01/2023
Sorgente: Android Authority

While our time with the Motorola Razr Plus and Razr (2023) was brief, it was enough of a taste to know that the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip finally has real competition in the US. Motorola’s massive external display brings more full-fledged features to the Razr than ever — and more complete app experiences than other clamshell devices can match. Yes, early rumors suggest that Samsung is headed for a larger external display with its Galaxy Z Flip 5, but for now, Motorola can bask in the glow of having the largest display on the market. So far, it’s shaping up to be the Summer of Motorola in a way the company hasn’t seen for years. The Razr Plus and Razr (2023) follow Motorola’s excellent traditional flagship, the Edge Plus (2023), and they feel good enough to make us ignore the fact that we had to wait several years between Razr launches.
Confronto, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/01/2023
Sorgente: Pocket Lint

The Razr 40 Ultra represents quite a big step forward for the foldable smartphone market. The big screen on the outside is surely hinting at what's to come from the market, and we'd be very surprised if it wasn't the start of a new trend of maximising that outer cover space and using it all for screen. Otherwise, the revamped hinge, premium design and flagship processor inside should mean it's a great all-rounder and one that - comparatively - doesn't cost a huge amount.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/01/2023
Sorgente: Techradar

My biggest reservation about the Motorola Razr Plus is with its price. This phone costs the same as many of last year’s models, and it doesn’t do much to upgrade the spec sheet. That means it needs to sell itself on style, experience, and whatever unknown quantity we have yet to experience. It should be an exciting review period. We’ll have a full review of the Motorola Razr Plus as soon as possible. In the meantime, be sure to read up on the latest foldables with all of our best foldable phones.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/01/2023
Sorgente: Stuff TV

Motorola’s made some bold choices with the Razr 40 Ultra, taking its overall clamshell shape in a more Samsung and Oppo direction, while differentiating not with camera specs or extra power, but with style – and plenty of it. Between that big, attention-grabbing cover screen, the zingy Viva Magenta colour option, and improvements to the Razr’s build versus its 2022 predecessor, you could argue away some concerns over the camera. Costing $999/£1099, though, you’d also be justified in expecting an across-the-board great phone – so let’s see what Samsung drops as its Z Flip successor – in the meantime, the Viva Magenta Razr 40 Ultra is definitely the most standout, stylized flip phone we’ve tested to date.
Confronto, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/01/2023
Sorgente: GSM Arena

All in all, the Razr 40 Ultra marks a big improvement over its predecessor. It's competitive in the clamshell foldable category (for now), and its asking price may get you any 2023 flagship smartphone with fast charging, longer battery life and excellent camera performance. That's the price - both literally and metaphorically - for getting this exclusive form factor.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/01/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84%
Sorgente: Hot Hardware

The Moto Razr+ (2023) will be available for $999.99 on June 23 (unlocked) from Motorola, Amazon, and Best Buy. AT&T and T-Mobile will also be selling this handset, but not Verizon. If you want to get a head start, pre-orders start on June 16. The Razr+ is available in Infinite Black and Glacier Blue with a matte glass back, and Viva Magenta with a vegan leather back exclusively from Motorola and T-Mobile. Moto has not shared pricing and availability for the Razr (2023) yet, but it will be more affordable than the Razr+. It’s coming in three colors – Sage Green, Vanilla Cream, and Summer Lilac – with a vegan leather front and back.
Confronto, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/01/2023
Sorgente: Technobig

The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra is a powerful and versatile foldable smartphone that offers a great balance of features and performance. It is sure to appeal to users who are looking for a stylish and functional device that can handle a variety of tasks.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 05/26/2023
Sorgente: Tech Spurt

The Motorola RAZR 40 Ultra should be launching on June 1, 2023, with a Z Flip 4 killing design - a massive cover screen that fills the front end of this foldable phone. Expect the Moto RAZR 40 Ultra to be released alongside a regular RAZR 40 with a smaller display, and both smartphones to cost under £1000. Maybe. Besides that massive panel, Motorola has also crammed in a Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen 1 and an internal 6.7-inch AMOLED screen. Those specs haven't changed up vs the 2022 model, which is a shame - but gaming on the RAZR 40 Ultra should be smooth and satisfying, and that 144Hz display is poppy and crisp. Battery life should be slightly better, or at least on par with the previous generation.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 05/26/2023
Sorgente: Netzwelt

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 10/07/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 72% caratteristiche: 70% mobilità: 60% qualità di lavorazione: 80%

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/21/2023

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/17/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83% prestazioni: 75% schermo: 90% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 100%

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/13/2023
Sorgente: Computerbild

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/04/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 92%
Sorgente: Nextpit Germany

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/27/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Tech Stage

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/17/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Inside Handy

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/17/2023

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/16/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 96% prestazioni: 98% caratteristiche: 94% schermo: 95% mobilità: 95%
Sorgente: Computerbild

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 06/16/2023
Sorgente: Computerbild

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 06/02/2023
Sorgente: Computerhoy

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/26/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 89%
Sorgente: Xataka

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/18/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 87% prestazioni: 85% schermo: 93% mobilità: 88% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Xataka

Confronto, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/02/2023

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/21/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% schermo: 100% mobilità: 100% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: Canaltech

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/16/2023
Sorgente: Tudo Celular

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/15/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70% prezzo: 50%

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/16/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83%

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/13/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 65% caratteristiche: 75% schermo: 85% mobilità: 75% qualità di lavorazione: 85% ergonomia: 85%
Sorgente: Les Mobiles

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/30/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Les Mobiles

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/06/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: Clubic

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/29/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 90% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Nextpit France

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/27/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Charles Tech

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/26/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 87% prezzo: 100% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 100% mobilità: 880%
Sorgente: 01Net

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/19/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84% mobilità: 80%
Sorgente: Frandroid

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/17/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 70% schermo: 80% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Phonandroid

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/15/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: CNet France

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/14/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: L' Eclaireur FNAC

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/14/2023
Sorgente: Les Numeriques

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/12/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 100% mobilità: 60% qualità di lavorazione: 60% ergonomia: 60%
Sorgente: Journal du Geek

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/01/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: CNet France

Confronto, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 06/01/2023
Sorgente: Presse Citron

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/01/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 86% prezzo: 85% prestazioni: 90% schermo: 95% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 95%
Sorgente: Orange PL

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 02/19/2024
Sorgente: PC

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/28/2023
Sorgente: GeekWeek

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 09/04/2023

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/29/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: Root Nation PL

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/27/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% prezzo: 90% schermo: 100% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: mGSM

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/21/2023
Sorgente: Techno Senior

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/22/2023
Sorgente: Telepolis

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/22/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 89%
Sorgente: Mobileworld 24

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/04/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 85% schermo: 85% mobilità: 65% qualità di lavorazione: 95%
Sorgente: GSM Maniak

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/23/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85% prestazioni: 75% schermo: 100% mobilità: 45%

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/23/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 81% prezzo: 70% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 90% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Tabletowo

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/18/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84%
Sorgente: GSM Online

Confronto, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 06/01/2023

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 12/27/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: ITC UA

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 10/19/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/22/2023

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/22/2023
Sorgente: Hi-Tech Mail

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 07/03/2023

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/14/2023
Sorgente: Tech World

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 10/23/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84% prezzo: 80% prestazioni: 90% mobilità: 60% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: MobilArena HU

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/13/2023
Valutazione: prezzo: 70% schermo: 90% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 90%

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/08/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 82% prestazioni: 87% caratteristiche: 85% mobilità: 76% qualità di lavorazione: 83%
Sorgente: Cell Phones

Pratico, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 07/03/2023
Sorgente: Genk

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/05/2023

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 06/19/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 85%
Sorgente: Mere

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/27/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83%

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/16/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 80%
Sorgente: M3 PC för alla

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 06/12/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 06/19/2023

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 06/01/2023
Qualcomm Adreno 730:
Chip grafico per smartphone e tablet integrato nel SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. Qualcomm sostiene che è il 30% più veloce dell'Adreno 660 nel SoC Snapdragon 888. Per Android dovrebbe essere una delle schede grafiche più veloci alla fine del 2021.
Ridurre la distanza delle Schede Grafiche per gli utenti che vogliono utilizzare il videogiochi. I nuovi giochi dovrebbero funzionare su queste schede, ma con riduzione dei dettagli e risoluzione mediocre.
>> Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nel nostroConfronto delle schede grafiche e nella nostra Lista dei Benchmark.
SD 8+ Gen 1:
SoC di fascia alta per smartphone introdotto alla fine del 2021 e prodotto in 4 nm presso TSMC. Integra un "Prime Core" basato su architettura ARM Cortex-X2 con clock fino a 3,2 GHz. Altri tre core ad alte prestazioni sono basati sull'A710 ma con clock fino a 2,5 GHz. Inoltre, sono integrati quattro core a risparmio energetico basati sull'architettura ARM Cortex-A510 con clock fino a 1,8 GHz. Oltre ai core del processore, il SoC integra un modem WiFi 6e, un DSP Hexagon (per l'accelerazione AI) e un ISP Spectra. Il controller di memoria integrato supporta la memoria LPDDR5 veloce fino a 3.200 MHz. Il 5G è ora incluso nel chip con il modem Snapdragon X65. Rispetto alla versione non plus, l'8+ Gen 1 offre un Prime Core con clock superiore di 200 MHz e una GPU con clock superiore del 10%. Inoltre, ora è prodotto da TSMC e non da Samsung.
>>Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nel nostroConfronto dei processori per portatili.
Solo pochi smartphones hanno schermi più grandi.
I display con dimensioni maggiori consentono risoluzioni più elevate. Quindi, i dettagli come le lettere sono più grandi. D'altro canto, il consumo energetico è inferiore negli schermi con diagonali piccole e su dispositivi più piccoli, più leggeri ed economici.
>> Per scoprire come è la risoluzione del vostro schermo, andate a vedere la nostraLista DPI.
84.07%: Il punteggio deve essere considerato medio, in quanto il numero di portatili che hanno ottenuto un punteggio migliore è uguale a quello dei portatili che hanno avuto un punteggio peggiore.
>> Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nella nostra Guida all'acquisto di un portatile.