Asus Zenbook 17 Fold UX9702
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recensioni per Asus Zenbook 17 Fold UX9702
Con lo Zenbook 17 Fold OLED, Asus ha presentato un convertibile pieghevole da 17 pollici con componenti moderni come la CPU Core i7. Abbiamo esplorato a fondo i vantaggi e gli svantaggi del grande dispositivo pieghevole per stabilire se può essere un compagno serio e mobile.

Zenbook Fold 17 è un portatile pieghevole innovativo e unico nel suo genere. Come sempre accade con prodotti che sfruttano tecnologie nuove non tutto è perfetto, ma vogliamo comunque fare un plauso ad Asus per aver non solo realizzato un portatile di questo tipo, ma anche per averlo commercializzato in tutto il mondo. Il prezzo di vendita di 3299€ è elevato ma per certe tipologie di utenti potrebbe non esserlo poi così tanto, visto che con un solo dispositivo si ottiene un PC Desktop, un tablet e un portatile. L’ottimo schermo OLED pieghevole già da solo potrebbe valere il prezzo del biglietto, a questo si aggiungono le buone prestazioni e la discreta autonomia. Il lavoro da fare per rendere questi portatili adatti alla massa è ancora tanto, vanno resi più leggeri e sottili, ma a livello di prestazioni siamo già a un livello che può andare bene per una larga fetta di utenti, almeno quelli più aperti verso le nuove tecnologie. Insomma, brava Asus per aver creato lo Zenbook 17 Fold, ora l’obiettivo è smussarne i difetti e renderlo più appetibile per il pubblico, anche nel prezzo.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 03/08/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Corriere

L'azienda taiwanese ha prodotto un notebook che, in questo momento, parla a una nicchia. Ce lo dice il prezzo di 3.299 euro e ce lo hanno confermato i compromessi a cui è necessario scendere in fase di utilizzo. Allo stato attuale ci sentiamo di consigliarlo soprattutto agli appassionati di elettronica, che troveranno in questo dispositivo un meraviglioso capolavoro di ingegnerizzazione. Il suo principale concorrente è il Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold, che però allo stato attuale non è semplice da recuperare in Italia. È disponibile su Amazon in poche unità e non è più acquistabile attraverso lo store ufficiale dell'azienda cinese. Lo ZenBook rimane dunque un unicum sul mercato notebook e traccia una strada evidentemente nuova. Adesso toccherà ad ASUS continuare a percorrerla, migliorando con la prossima versione le sbavature di quella attuale. In questi giorni di utilizzo abbiamo però compiuto un salto nel futuro che ci piacerebbe possa diventare, a stretto giro, il presente.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 02/22/2023
Sorgente: Techprincess IT

Stiamo per infrangere i sogni di qualcuno con il prezzo: 3.299 €. Non pochi, è vero, ma siamo di fronte ad un dispositivo unico nel suo genere: meno di 2 kg per un prodotto che si trasforma all’occorrenza dandovi la possibilità di avere un display più grande quando ne avete bisogno o super compatto quando invece lo spazio a disposizione è poco. E poi avete caratteristiche da primo della classe, con la certificazione Intel Evo a conferma della sua enorme duttilità. Insomma, è un device completo. E sì, il prezzo è impegnativo ma è comprensibile per un prodotto così nuovo, con ASUS che deve far fronte ai costi di ricerca e sviluppo e a quelli di produzione. Probabilmente, come accaduto per gli smartphone, il prezzo di abbasserà con il tempo. A chi è dedicato questo ASUS Zenbook 17 Fold OLED? A coloro che vogliono sperimentare questo formato, a chi vuole un prodotto perfetto per treni e aerei, a chi ha bisogno di un ottimo display per lavorare, a chi vuole performance eccellenti in qualsiasi situazione.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/24/2023
Sorgente: Smart World

ASUS 17 Fold OLED è probabilmente il miglior tablet pieghevole che potete acquistare oggigiorno. Non ha evidenti lacune, e seppure ci siano degli inevitabili compromessi che questo form factor porta con sé, è anche un dispositivo in grado di esaltarne i vantaggi. Il cuore di tutto, più che le mere prestazioni che solitamente guardiamo in un portatile, è il bellissimo schermo FOLED da 17,3'', che diventa un 12,5'' se usato in modalità notebook; ma probabilmente cercherete sempre di sfruttarlo alla massima grandezza, per avere un'esperienza desktop-like. Audio di buona qualità, webcam al vertice della categoria (anche se in una posizione non ottimale), ed una tastiera superiore alle aspettative completano il quadro di un dispositivo che non ha ancora il prezzo necessario per convincere chiunque, ma che risulta convincente laddove serve adesso. Il tempo limerà quello che c'è da limare, ma con dispositivi come questo il mercato dei pieghevoli è avviato nella direzione giusta, anche in ambito non-smartphone. Il problema semmai è un altro: a chi può interessare davvero un tablet pieghevole?
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/13/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 78% prezzo: 60% schermo: 90% mobilità: 75% ergonomia: 75%
Sorgente: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade

Grazie allo schermo flessibile da 17 pollici di diagonale, ASUS ZenBook 17 Fold OLED può letteralmente trasformarsi assumendo differenti modalità di utilizzo massimizzando la produttività personale. Basato su piattaforma Intel EVO, è un notebook che anticipa i tempi raccontandoci come saranno i portatili del futuro
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 12/16/2022
Sorgente: Andrea Galeazzi

Insomma, un bellissimo oggetto, originale e particolare, perfetto per alcuni utilizzi, come quello da aperto su scrivania e tastiera staccata, ma meno per altri e quindi sicuramente non per tutti come non per tutti è il prezzo. Si parte da 3.299 euro. E voi cosa ne pensate?
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Cortissimo, Data: 10/20/2022
recensioni esterne
Sorgente: Techradar

‘Foldable laptops’ - what a ridiculous term. All laptops are foldable, surely? They’ve all got a hinge; some are arguably more foldable than the Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED, like the 360-degree convertibles found on our best 2-in-1 laptops list. If you try to open this laptop that far, you’ll snap it in two! But I digress. The Zenbook 17 Fold OLED is a huge technological achievement for Asus - even if it’s one the manufacturer mirrored from Lenovo’s ThinkPad X1 Fold Gen 2. Fortunately, both of these large-scale foldables are a lot better than the original ThinkPad X1 Fold; unfortunately, though, the Zenbook 17 Fold still has some pretty major drawbacks. Before I get into the meat and potatoes of this review, I’ll provide a quick breakdown of exactly how this weird, awesome laptop works.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 05/03/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60% prezzo: 40% prestazioni: 70% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 70%
Sorgente: Tech PP

The search Zenbook 17 Fold is definitely a technological marvel. Considering that this was ASUS’ very first attempt at a foldable computer, they got the hardware section down perfectly. The device offers great performance and battery life and is superior to its only competitor – the search Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold – in several aspects. The only question that remains is, who is it made for? Right now, it’s really hard to justify the practicality of a foldable computer. And at this price, the best way to describe the search Zenbook 17 Fold is that we have an amazing product on the market. We just do not know who to ship this device to. The ASUS Zenbook17 Fold is a well-built device that offers good performance and battery life, and a color-rich foldable display. However, it is still a solution to a problem that does not exist yet.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/27/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 76% prezzo: 60% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: Laptop Media

Foldable devices are the future. Smartphones and tablets could be easily dominated by this type of product. However, the laptop world is something different. Yes, it is open to innovation, and ASUS knows that best, but the clamshell design has endured so much for a reason. It is just too comfortable and easy to use. After all, it is already a more portable version of the desktop computer. In our opinion, the Zenbook 17 Fold OLED (UX9702) won’t be extremely popular on the market. But that does not mean that we look at it as a failure. By the way, if you need a machine for graphic design, you have to be warned that you can’t use styluses on this screen. It is really soft, and can be damaged by the pen’s tip – the only time just the tip can do enough damage. Also, unfortunately, you won’t be able to upgrade this laptop. Its memory is soldered to the motherboard and has a capacity of 16GB of LPDDR5 type. At the same time, the storage comprises 1TB of PCIe x4 Gen 4 SSD, and there is no mention of possible interchangeability without the help of an authorized service. At the end of the day, this laptop fixes some problems, but also creates more along the way. It is just that the concept is generally prone to problems – mainly in terms of durability, and longevity of the display. However, if you feel bold, and you want to own the latest and most funkiest tech, this one is definitely for you.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/13/2023
Sorgente: ben's gadget reviews

Pratico, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 01/28/2023
Sorgente: It Pro

What about for businesses? Going by the laptops that are available under the Asus for Business service, which is a hardware package for SMBs and startups, the Zenbook 17 Fold is missing. That might suggest that this is not really a business-centric device, or it just hasn't been added to the roster as yet. Asus does recommend it works best with Windows 11 Home for Business, which suggests it will be on the list soonish. Regardless, this is arguably too expensive and too much of a consumer device for startups and SMBs. The fact it can be used as a laptop, tablet or a sort of desktop does have its benefits, but there just isn't enough value for money. The keyboard is poor, the brightness is low and the form factor is actually more awkward than useful. We like the concept and we admire the work that's gone into it, but there isn't a serious business use case as yet.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 01/20/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60%
Sorgente: Hot Hardware

The ASUS Zenbook 17 Fold's performance, while strong, isn't class-leading in any particular measure -- which is to be expected given the low-power nature of its U-series processor. We can say that day-to-day tasks and working in Microsoft Office programs are responsive and snappy at all times, even when off the charger. The Zenbook 17 Fold isn't heralded as a multimedia powerhouse but with the ability to orient it to desktop mode and having a nice beefy 17" 2560x1920 screen, we found ourselves wishing it had a little more grunt because some light video editing on that screen would just take the cake. But thanks to the power-conscious designs around that performance this device is a joy to work on under heavy loads because of how quiet it is and how the keyboard doesn't transfer any heat to the user. Ultimately, the ASUS Zenbook 17 Fold isn't for everyone. The ASUS Zenbook 17 Fold is for users that will make the most of its literal flexibility. In the office or on the road it is built to stun and wow both the user and everyone walking near by, and it will do just that. But the focus here is really on the professional user and not the average note-taker. This system's price tag also makes that clear. Starting at $3499 there is nothing 'budget' about the Zenbook 17 Fold, but for those who need the flexibility it offers or those who really want the latest and most impressive display technology, there is something great here.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 12/28/2022
Sorgente: Expert Reviews

It’s tempting to write off the Asus ZenBook 17 Fold OLED as a proof-of-concept that’s accidentally wandered onto the shelves but, judged on its performance alone, it’s a respectable – if expensive – laptop. The biggest drawback is the price. You can get a powerful gaming laptop for the same money or, if you need a machine for work, you can get something just as powerful for far less. What you are really paying for is the design. There is an undeniable wow factor here and showing this off in a meeting with colleagues and clients will undoubtedly turn heads and earn you some cool points. If you’re tempted by this curious flexible offering from Asus, however, I’d encourage you to hold fire for the time being. The 2nd gen Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold is on the horizon and it could be even more impressive.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 12/06/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60%
Sorgente: 91mobiles

In terms of concept, the ZenBook 17 Fold OLED gets all my praise. One can enjoy content on its large 17.3-inch OLED display and when you don’t have the space, simply slap on the keyboard to convert it into a portable laptop. You can even use it as a tiny desktop or utilise the entire length of the display in extended mode. The OLED screen is gorgeous (if not class-leading), it has enough horsepower for everyday tasks, and it even looks and feels premium to some extent. However, it is only when you use the device for a few days that you realise some of the inconsistencies. The glossy finish on the display feels like a sore thumb, the Bluetooth keyboard needs a complete rework and switching between modes doesn’t feel very fluid. Then there’s the price. At Rs 3,30,000, this first-generation hybrid Windows machine can only do so much when it comes to core performance. In my opinion, it might not be worth spending so much. There is no doubt that ASUS has put in an honest effort, but at the end of the day, the ZenBook 17 Fold OLED remains a proof of concept that can potentially become a mass-market product in the coming years.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 11/20/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70%
Sorgente: The Indian Express

I vividly remember an off-the-record discussion I had with a senior executive of a major PC brand in Las Vegas about the prospects of foldable PCs six years ago. Back then, no company had discussed foldable PCs publicly, let alone had plans to launch them commercially. But the way the executive previewed what you could do with a foldable laptop piqued my curiosity about the form factor. Years after seeing them as concepts, I have used a foldable laptop for only the second time. Made by Asus, the ZenBook 17 Fold OLED is a foldable laptop that lets users switch between a traditional clamshell notebook and a 17-inch all-in-one PC. I set aside my MacBook Air M1 and put faith in the ZenBook 17 Fold for a few days. Here’s how my perception changed about foldable laptops after using the ZenBook Fold as my daily computing driver.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 11/13/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: NDTV Gadgets

Having a large display on any computing device, especially when travelling, is immensely beneficial and something that no one would turn down. It improves the content consumption experience, productivity is better, and battery life is generally longer. However, every device category has its limits, and you can only make a display so large before it starts becoming an inconvenience. 17-inch displays on laptops are nothing new, but most of these devices aren't exactly portable. The Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED is a bold new way of looking at large-screen laptops and even 2-in-1s in general. Rs. 3,29,990 is a lot of money but that's the price you pay for staying ahead of the curve. The two things that I hope Asus improves on with the next iteration, apart from price, are the keyboard and overall thickness. The Zenbook 17 Fold OLED offers an excellent display, superb-sounding speakers, good battery life, decent performance, and a very unique design. If you think your workflow could benefit from such a form factor or if you simply want to show off, this laptop could very well be worth the investment.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 11/10/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prezzo: 60% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 100% mobilità: 90% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Tech Advisor

The Zenbook 17 Fold is a fascinating vision of what laptops of the future might look like, but we’re not quite there yet. Having a 17.3in tablet that can seamlessly become a desktop replacement or 12.5in laptop is genuinely impressive, especially as they’re just three of six distinct modes available. Each posture has its own benefits and drawbacks, but the device’s versatility is unmatched. The excellent OLED screen is a real highlight despite the sometimes awkward aspect ratios, especially when combined with great battery life and solid audio. Performance is decent, albeit limited without a discrete GPU. Ports are also limited, while the heavy, bulky design certainly isn’t for everyone. A high price tag means only enthusiasts will consider buying one, but that’s to be expected for a first-gen foldable. It’s a leap of faith for Asus that will hopefully pay off in the long run.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 10/28/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 78%
Sorgente: NDTV Gadgets

There's plenty more to talk about, including Asus' software tweaks. The most important thing, though, is how it will feel to actually use the ZenBook 17 Fold long-term as a laptop for everyday work and entertainment. Handling it will take some getting used to, but I do see the appeal. When out and about with my 13.3-inch laptop, I've often wished I could see more spreadsheet columns or work across two programs side by side. Then there's also its potential for entertainment – catching up on shows while on long flight, for example. Will all laptops eventually go the way of smartphones and ditch physical keyboards? Is the ZenBook 17 Fold the best of both worlds, or is it just another niche toy? If you do choose to be an early adopter just because it's cool, will you be able to get all your work done? We're going to explore all of this in our full review, plus of course we'll put the ZenBook 17 Fold through all our usual tests. Stay tuned to Gadgets 360 for a full examination, coming up very soon.
Pratico, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 10/24/2022
Sorgente: NLT

Despite all of that, we can already look at Samsung to see how foldables have evolved over the years. They are getting more mature as years go by, and even the company’s warranty policy (particularly for Malaysia) has become more inclusive, thus instilling more confidence to the customers to purchase such a device. With that said, I am sure ASUS is going through the same uphill battle as Samsung went through a few years ago. Being one of the first to create foldable laptops is not going to be easy. Perhaps ASUS, Microsoft, and many more apps will be made to work seamlessly with these sort of devices that has an adaptive UI.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 10/19/2022
Sorgente: Soycincau

Even if you’re able to put all of that aside—maybe you just love the idea of a folding laptop, or perhaps you’re a huge tech enthusiast who loves owning these weird devices—the biggest issue here is its price tag. The Zenbook 17 Fold OLED, like the first generation Samsung Galaxy Z Fold, isn’t cheap, not at all. If you plan to get one of these bad boys for yourself, you’re going to have to set aside a whopping RM14,999! That is a lot of money, and it’s especially a lot of money to pay just to be a beta tester for a glorified prototype. Personally, for RM14,999 I’d rather get the ROG Flow Z13 gaming tablet. It’s also a fairly eccentric device, sure, but it works well. The idea is great, and the execution was great too. But it wasn’t always like that. The ROG Flow Z13 is actually Asus’ second attempt at making a gaming tablet. The first was this gargantuan 17.3-inch tablet packing an Intel Core i9 processor with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 called the Asus ROG Mothership. Needless to say, it wasn’t very well received because even though it was a tablet, it was heavy, cumbersome and not that great to use.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 10/12/2022
Sorgente: Gadgetspeak

If your main uses of a PC are for emails, browsing the web and word processing or spreadsheets then a Chromebook can be cheaper and even a more secure form of connection to the outside world as Chromebooks are both automatically updated in the background and have Anti-Virus protection built in so you can remain in a safer environment.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Cortissimo, Data: 10/12/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90% prezzo: 100% prestazioni: 100% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Pocket Lint

While the Zenbook 17 Fold OLED form is exciting and futuristic, there's definitely some work to be done to make this a more elegant and practical solution. The system has its merits, though, and we're excited to see what the future holds for this category.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/28/2022
Sorgente: Htxt Africa

The Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED is an impressive piece of kit and certainly makes a solid case for itself when it comes to highlighting the multi-functionality of foldables in the notebook space. The big issue right now, which is the same one for all foldables at the moment, is price. At R64 999 (RRP), we cannot in good conscious recommend buying such a device over more affordable options that do not boast the foldable capabilities. They say the first one through the wall gets the most damage. That may be true of the Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED, and only once this technology becomes easier on wallets, can we start making them viable recommendations. For now this device, while cool, is simply not cool enough to part with R70k. If you can afford to make such purchases, however, good on you. The Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED turns head, warrants inquiry and boasts multi-functionality that other non-folding notebooks simply cannot much. Like foldable phones, however, its experimental nature and massive price tag make it difficult to recommend, even to those with deep pockets.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/20/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%

Despite having more good things to say about the Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED, we still recommend you stay away from this laptop. Look, it’s a fun laptop. It’s one of the first laptops with a foldable display on the market, and what a gorgeous display it has! However, its novelty quickly wears off once you glance at its $3,500 price tag. For the price, the Zenbook 17 Fold OLED isn’t especially fast or powerful, and it lacks stylus support despite being such a display-centric product. The laptop feels more like a proof-of-concept than some product destined for commercial success. Currently, the Zenbook 17 Fold’s only true competitor is the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold, which is cheaper but not nearly as aesthetically pleasing. More traditional premium laptops, like the MSI Summit E16 Flip, are more powerful and versatile than a foldable display laptop, but you lose out on the Zenbook 17 Fold’s 3:2 aspect ratio and massive screen real estate. This is a tantalizing product that makes the most of its technology, but it’s just too early for folding displays in laptops to make a splash.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 09/20/2022
Sorgente: Engadget

However, where the Zenbook falters is in its software, wonky Bluetooth keyboard, and of course, that $3,500 price tag. But what's really stopping me from loving it is the short time I've spent with Lenovo's 2022 ThinkPad X1 Fold. That's because for Lenovo's second-gen flexible laptop, the company came up with a brand new chassis featuring a more compact hinge, a revamped keyboard and a redesigned stand. Lenovo also retained its mil-spec durability and stylus support, neither of which you get on the Zenbook. So while the Zenbook 17 Fold is an admirable first attempt and improves on the category as a whole, it still has a few regressions that leave it feeling more like a polished take on a slightly dated design than a true rival to Lenovo's next-gen foldable.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/19/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 71%
Sorgente: Engadget

While Asus’ Zenbook 17 Fold OLED sports a very similar design to Lenovo’s ThinkPad X1 Fold from 2020, the inclusion of a larger 17.3-inch flexible display makes a huge impact. Not only do you get more room for productivity in desktop mode, but when used as a laptop it’s about the same size as a 12.5-inch clamshell. That makes it way easier to use in tight spaces like on an airplane without feeling overly cramped. And with upwards of 12 hours of battery life in either mode, the Zenbook 17 Fold lasts longer than a lot of more traditional notebooks. Unfortunately, its included Bluetooth keyboard often feels sluggish or erratic. And with an eye-watering price of $3,500 for just medicare performance, the Zenbook 17 Fold is hard to justify for anyone but the most bleeding-edge enthusiasts.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/19/2022
Sorgente: Tech Advisor

The Zenbook 17 Fold is a fascinating vision of what laptops of the future might look like, but we’re not quite there yet. Having a 17.3in tablet that can seamlessly become a desktop replacement or 12.5in laptop is genuinely impressive, especially as they’re just three of six distinct modes available. Each posture has its own benefits and drawbacks, but the device’s versatility is unmatched. The excellent OLED screen is a real highlight despite the sometimes awkward aspect ratios, especially when combined with great battery life and solid audio. Performance is decent, albeit limited without a discrete GPU. Ports are also limited, while the heavy, bulky design certainly isn’t for everyone. A high price tag means only enthusiasts will consider buying one, but that’s to be expected for a first-gen foldable. It’s a leap of faith for Asus that will hopefully pay off in the long run.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 09/13/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70%
Sorgente: Hitech Century

The ASUS Zenbook 17 Fold OLED is a masterpiece of innovative engineering that is effectively a massive 17-inch all-in-one that can fold down into the size of a 12-inch laptop. You can’t put a price on innovation and while it’s staggeringly expensive, you are also guaranteed to have the largest, most powerful foldable laptop wherever you go for the immediate future.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 09/09/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 72% prezzo: 50% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 100% mobilità: 60% qualità di lavorazione: 70%
Sorgente: T3

The big question I wanted to answer in this Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED review is will foldable laptops be the future of computing? For some people, maybe, but it will depend on who you are and what you plan to use your laptop for. Those who spend a lot of time on creative work or who need as much screen real estate as possible day-to-day will benefit a lot from this but those who spend a lot of time typing or commuting might not. A few things will also need to change before these really take off. As things stand the Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED is a little too heavy and not quite powerful enough to really succeed up against the best 2-in-1 laptops, I’d also like to see slimmer bezels and more connectivity around the frame. On the flip side, I do really like the big screen and it's very cool that you can use it as a laptop, a tablet and a desktop computer. The battery doesn’t take long to charge either, and the speakers are loud and clear enough to not need a separate audio device hooked up.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 09/06/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Hardware Zone

The final note to this review is of course price. The ZenBook 17 Fold OLED has only just officially launched with a US$3,499.99 price tag. That’s close to S$5,000. Local price and availability in Singapore has not been announced, and as such removed from my consideration of scoring this review, but you can be sure that it will not be an affordable device. You’re paying for the latest in foldable display innovation and design, which I feel ASUS deserves for the engineering that went into making the ZenBook 17 Fold OLED possible. ASUS has been experimenting with many non-traditional mobile formats of late, from dual-display notebooks to gaming tablet hybrids, and they can now add another notch to that belt. Foldable notebooks are a reality, and we can only get better from here. However, with retail availability still a few months away, and Lenovo having just announced their 2nd generation ThinkPad X1 Fold with a cheaper price, the ZenBook 17 Fold OLED might have greater competition right out of the gate than ASUS expects it to have.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 09/04/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80% prestazioni: 75% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 90%
Sorgente: Pocket Lint

There's no denying that the idea behind the Zenbook 17 Fold OLED is a compelling one, and one that does appear to at least try and solve the issue of making bigger screened machines more portable. As with any first generation product though, there are some issues that need ironing out and refining. The power and pure hardware capabilities are top notch, and the display seems superb, but the design doesn't make this device quite as portable and convenient as we'd like to see. Its wedge design forced by the gap in the hinge means it's quite a bulky machine, even when it's shut. With that, and the cost involved in owning one, we suspect buyers of this latest futuristic computer will be few. As technology fans though - even though it's a bit impractical and expensive - it's still very exciting to see this new category of PC develop.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 09/04/2022
Sorgente: MrMobile

Folding smartphones have made it possible to put tablets in our pockets, or to re-live the halcyon days of our flip-phone youth. But if you take that same flexible-display technology and scale it up to something the size of a big college textbook … you end up with a fully fledged Windows 11 PC that can unfold into a 12.5" laptop … or a giant 17.3" mobile workstation! True, Lenovo beat 'em to the punch, but ASUS now offers the biggest flexible-screen PC (if you can stomach the price tag). I'm Michael Fisher; join me for my impressions after 12 days with the ASUS Zenbook 17 Fold OLED – and stick around till the end for an early look at the device the Zenbook Fold will be doing battle with: Lenovo's ThinkPad X1 Fold (2022 edition).
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/03/2022
Sorgente: Ultrabook Review

I enjoyed my time with this Asus ZenBook 17 Fold OLED more than I was expecting. This format feels like a winner for a daily computer that you can easily carry around, and use both as a mini-laptop when needed, or unfolded into an all-in-one PC with a big screen. The fantastic OLED display, the punchy speakers, the premium build quality, and even the alright inputs make up for a pleasant everyday experience. At the same time, this is a first-gen design with only limited performance capabilities and a prohibitive price, so not yet an option for the average buyer. Yet…
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 09/02/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Stuff TV

It’s neat to see foldable display tech make it into more products, even if those products aren’t necessarily ready to replace the gear that’s currently doing the rounds. The Zenbook 17 Fold OLED feels like a showcase of what’s to come, only one you can go out and buy right now. Don’t think of it as a laptop, but as a big screen tablet that folds for transport, and it makes more sense. It’s still super niche, though, and crazy expensive. It’ll set US customers back an eye-watering $3500, putting it on par with a considerably more powerful 16in MacBook Pro. As a debut attempt it’s got a real wow factor, but early impressions suggest only those that live on the truly bleeding edge will want to add it to their shortlist.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 09/02/2022
Sorgente: B2G

Like many of ASUS’ new concepts, this is a niche product for a rockstar audience and adopters of bleeding edge technology may certainly enjoy the unique bragging rights of opening up a 17″ tablet in a cafe and it will leave people in awe but for productivity and work, there are better options in the market right now. As it is, the thought is enjoyable and ASUS certainly did their best to engineer the Zenbook 17 Fold, but its weighed down by the limitations of this making this technology similar to what we already expect from ASUS.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 09/01/2022
Sorgente: Laptop Mag

It’s tough being first. You set yourself as the bar for the industry standard. And with nothing to compare against, there’s a high risk of failure. You won’t find that with the Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED. It’s an elegant conversation starter, drawing all the oohs and ahhs as it transforms from a ginormous tablet to a dainty laptop. But most importantly, it’s easy to use. Like a lump of clay, you can bend and shape the Fold into whatever you need it to be for work or play. Need to bang out a paper? Try Laptop or Desktop Mode. Want to watch movies? Bask in the OLED goodness in tablet mode. Gotta multitask? Try Extended mode or connect a monitor, smartphone or tablet. Hell, you can even use it to curl up with a book. The U-series processor is more powerful than it has any right to be and the same goes for the integrated graphics. However at $3,499, which is definitely an innovation and first-at-bat tax, I definitely wanted a few more ports and a pen. Also, the battery life could definitely be better. The price is definitely a deterrent when you can get a fully tricked-out M2 MacBook Air for $1,000 cheaper.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/01/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Techradar

We like the Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED - we like it a lot - but foldable tech is still a while off making it into the mainstream. Its painful price tag will be a barrier to entry for many, and the novelty factor won’t attract everyone. But this has the potential to be a powerful productivity tool in the right hands, and we’re pleased to see Asus continue to push the envelope with innovative hardware that actually reaches the consumer, rather than a concept product that never actually makes it into mass production. We can’t wait to get one of these all to ourselves…
Pratico, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 09/01/2022
Sorgente: Digital Trends

The Asus Zenbook Fold 17 is a first-generation product, and in many ways, it still feels like one. It doesn’t feel refined, nor does every feature make a lot of sense. As a first-gen experiment, it’s also undoubtedly way too expensive. That’s common for products like this, but for $3,500, you really have to be buying into this thing for the long haul. For that amount of money, after all, you could buy a high-powered laptop, a portable external monitor, an iPad, and still have plenty of money left over. But it’s the first foldable PC that feels worthy of recommendation, albeit for the right person. The 17-inch screen size makes its use in desktop mode a huge benefit, especially for travelers on the go who need a larger screen to work with. The option to swing it around into a smaller clamshell laptop when you’re in a more restrained environment is extremely handy. Savvy buyers are right to wait for second or third-generation products to see how companies like Asus work out the kinks. As of now, foldable devices might not be the de facto future of laptops — but they’re certainly an interesting new form factor that does something no devices have been able to do in the past. If that’s not the definition of exciting, innovative tech, I don’t know what is.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/31/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70%
Sorgente: Geek Culture

Creating a foldable laptop is no mean feat, and credit has to be given to ASUS for tackling a niche market as such. The laptop-tablet hybrid shows signs of potential in its multitasking and creative work capabilities, as it looks to combine form and function with a selection of specially-tailored features. The next challenge now would be to strike a balance between various compromises, such as the lacking heavy-lifting muscle and port limitations, and its folding-specific performance to make the convincing argument that its US$3,499 price tag is a well-worth investment.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/31/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 75% prezzo: 70% prestazioni: 75% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: The Verge

If this laptop didn’t have the problems it has, it would be a great laptop. That is, of course, something you can say about every single laptop that’s ever been reviewed. But the Zenbook 17 Fold OLED really is a step toward something excellent. It’s a very nice-looking device. Its compactible form factor makes it a dream to carry around. And it’s two sizes of laptop in one — which is something I, personally, would find quite useful in my daily process. It’s far from a workstation and not something you’d want to use for more than a general office workload. If that’s understood, though, the experience is generally smooth and not nearly as error-ridden as the ThinkPad X1 Fold’s was a year and a half ago. About 95 percent of the time, using the Zenbook 17 Fold was like using any other OLED laptop.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/31/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60%
Sorgente: Jarrod'sTech

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/31/2022
Sorgente: The Tech Chap

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/31/2022
Sorgente: Trusted Reviews

The Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED is an extraordinary foldable device, offering the advantages of both a clamshell laptop and giant 17-inch tablet. But with plenty of rough edges, including a lacklustre battery life, it’s difficult to justify spending so much money unless you’re a wealthy tech enthusiast.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 08/31/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60%
Sorgente: PC Mag

The Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED mostly accomplishes what it sets out to do, resulting in an impressive folding tablet that can function as a real laptop. There are some caveats, however: The price seems frankly exorbitant, especially considering the performance you can get from a mobile workstation or gaming laptop for the same cost (or even an ultraportable for a lower cost). The Fold falls well short of an Editors' Choice recommendation, though its innovation earns it an extra half star above the 3-star rating we'd otherwise give it. But viewed as a proof of concept for future, hopefully more affordable and accessible devices, the Zenbook Fold is undeniably cool. We're glad it exists.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/31/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70%
Sorgente: Tom's Guide

The Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED is one of the coolest laptop concepts I've seen in years. Now that I've spent some time using it at home and on the go, I feel confident saying it's also a decent laptop, one that you can reasonably expect to work or play on without fear it will suddenly flop closed or snap in half if you type too hard. But if you know you want a foldable laptop, the Asus Zenbook 17 Fold OLED is the best I've yet tested. It's admittedlyh also the only model I've yet tested, but we're just now seeing the beginning of a whole new category of foldable laptops. The Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold helped launch the category last year, and a follow-up is due in 2022 that could give the Fold some serious competition.
Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/31/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60%
Sorgente: 15 Zoll Notebooks Test

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 01/20/2023

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 10/05/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 90%
Sorgente: Nextpit Germany

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/09/2022
Sorgente: WinFuture

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/02/2022
Sorgente: WinFuture

Pratico, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 01/07/2022
Sorgente: Xataka

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 02/02/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 85% mobilità: 83% qualità di lavorazione: 93% ergonomia: 75%
Sorgente: El chapuzas Informatico

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/26/2023
Sorgente: Geeknetic

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/18/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 100%
Sorgente: Noticias 3D

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/13/2023
Sorgente: Profesional Review

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 12/19/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 92% prezzo: 83% prestazioni: 82% schermo: 100% qualità di lavorazione: 100%
Sorgente: PC Guia

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Cortissimo, Data: 11/27/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Tweakers

Recensione degli utenti, disponibile online, Cortissimo, Data: 01/07/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 40%
Sorgente: Tweakers

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 12/22/2022
Sorgente: Charles Tech

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 05/03/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 83% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 80% mobilità: 90% ergonomia: 90%
Sorgente: Presse Citron

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 12/24/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 75% prezzo: 60% prestazioni: 80% schermo: 90% mobilità: 75% qualità di lavorazione: 70%
Sorgente: Clubic

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 09/28/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60% prestazioni: 70% schermo: 80% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 60%
Sorgente: Phonandroid

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 09/26/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Sorgente: Les Numeriques

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 09/23/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60% prestazioni: 60% schermo: 80% mobilità: 80% qualità di lavorazione: 80%
Sorgente: Frandroid

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 09/17/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60% prestazioni: 70% schermo: 80% mobilità: 70% qualità di lavorazione: 70%
Sorgente: CNet France

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/15/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 70%
Sorgente: Nextpit France

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 09/01/2022
Sorgente: Frandroid

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 08/31/2022
Sorgente: Tabletowo

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/01/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 05/12/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 60%

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 08/31/2022

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 02/22/2023

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 01/19/2023
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 84% prestazioni: 88% caratteristiche: 84% schermo: 91% mobilità: 73% qualità di lavorazione: 89%
Sorgente: Cell Phones

Pratico, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 11/30/2022
Sorgente: The Gioididong

Pratico, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 11/30/2022
Sorgente: Zing

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Medio, Data: 11/30/2022
Sorgente: Nghenhin Vietnam

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Corto, Data: 11/30/2022
Sorgente: Jagat Review

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lunghissimo, Data: 12/16/2022

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 11/16/2022

Singola recensione, disponibile online, Lungo, Data: 10/13/2022
Valutazione: Punteggio totale: 80%
Intel Iris Xe G7 80EUs:
Scheda grafica integrata nei SoC Intel Tiger Lake G7 basati sulla nuova architettura Gen. 12 con 80 EU (Execution Units / Shader Cluster). La frequenza di clock dipende dal modello di processore. I chip Tiger Lake sono prodotti nel moderno processo 10nm+ di Intel.
Ridurre la distanza delle Schede Grafiche per gli utenti che vogliono utilizzare il videogiochi. I nuovi giochi dovrebbero funzionare su queste schede, ma con riduzione dei dettagli e risoluzione mediocre.
>> Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nel nostroConfronto delle schede grafiche e nella nostra Lista dei Benchmark.
i7-1250U: Su una CPU mobile basata su Alder-Lake con 2 core ad alte prestazioni e 8 core efficienti. I core ad alte prestazioni offrono l'hyper threading, che porta a 12 thread che possono essere elaborati. Il clock della CPU va da 0,8 a 4,7 GHz. Il TDP è specificato a 15 Watt.
>>Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nel nostroConfronto dei processori per portatili.
Questa dimensione è usata per portatili che sono principalmente usati da postazione fissa.
I display con dimensioni maggiori consentono risoluzioni più elevate. Quindi, i dettagli come le lettere sono più grandi. D'altro canto, il consumo energetico è inferiore negli schermi con diagonali piccole e su dispositivi più piccoli, più leggeri ed economici.
>> Per scoprire come è la risoluzione del vostro schermo, andate a vedere la nostraLista DPI.
1.826 kg:
Di solito subnotebooks, ultrabooks e portatili leggeri con diagonale del display da 12-16” pesando di più.
Asus: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. è un importante produttore taiwanese di hardware per computer con sede a Taipei, fondato nel 1989. Con il marchio Asus, l'azienda produce un'ampia gamma di prodotti, tra cui laptop, desktop, schede madri, schede grafiche, monitor, smartphone e apparecchiature di rete , sistemi completi e componenti PC per utenti finali.
Con il marchio ROG (Republic of Gamers), ASUS produce laptop da gioco conosciuti dai giocatori per le loro potenti specifiche, schede grafiche dedicate, display ad alta frequenza di aggiornamento e sistemi di raffreddamento avanzati.
Oltre ai giochi, viene offerta un'ampia gamma di notebook per esigenze e budget diversi, dagli ultrabook ultrasottili e leggeri ai versatili convertibili 2 in 1 e alle opzioni economiche. Nel 2023, Asus deteneva una quota di mercato globale del 7% del mercato dei PC.
La soddisfazione del cliente per i notebook ASUS riguarda le prestazioni, le caratteristiche e il buon rapporto prezzo-prestazioni dei notebook ASUS. Tuttavia, come con qualsiasi marca, ci sono segnalazioni occasionali di problemi come surriscaldamento, compatibilità dei driver o problemi di qualità costruttiva.
74.24%: Questo punteggio è negativo. La maggior parte dei portatili hanno fatto di meglio. Se ne sconsiglia l'acquisto.
>> Ulteriori informazioni le potete trovare nella nostra Guida all'acquisto di un portatile.